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 How would I make my teeth white?
How can I make my teeth look really white and clean?...

 How bad does it hurt to get Braces on?
Will it hurt bad? Also from your Experience what foods are best to stay away from? And what foods are easy to eat? The whole time i have braces on will it hurt to eat hard food?...

 I am getting braces soon... do they hurt?
i have spacer right now... do they hurt more than spacers??...

 How to prevent cavity?
what should i do ? i brush, floss ...but not that often, and i use listerine.but i kept getting cavities !!!! is there anyway to HEAL the cavities ? so those ugly filling wont show ? any advice on an ...

 Everyday I drink a tablespoon of vinegar with a cup of water, I was wondering if this could damage my enamel?
If so do you think swishing water in my mouth after each time is enough or should I brush my teeth?...

 Can you have silver fillings replaced with white?
I had a lot of cavities when I was young and they were all filled with silver fillings. Now that I am older I hate seeing them. Is it possible to have them replaced with white fillings and how much ...

 How do I stop chewing on the backs of pens.?
It's a gross habit I've had since middle school and never broken....

 I just got braces, and they gave me small pieces of wax, whats that for?
how do I use the wax?...

 How long does nitrous oxcide stay in your system?

 Im getting braces tomorro and i want to kno why the pointments are so long? does it hurt when you put them on?

 White filmy stuff on teeth and gums in the morning.?
I brush my teeth in the morning and brush and floss at night before I go to bed. What is this white/clear filmy stuff that is on my teeth and gums in the morning? It's gross....

 For the past week or so ive had this thing on my gum and i need help with it?
its happened before its this little "bubble" like a blister on the gum of my tooth and it hurts a little and i dont know if this is related or not but theres somthing even worse jsut below ...

 Why do I still have 2 of my baby teeth at the age of 21?
It's so wierd because they are in the exact same place on the opposite side of my lower mouth....

 My braces are really hurting after being tightened today, is there anyway I can ease thew pain?
It's like a strange sore itchy type feeling, if you've had braces you'll understand, please help!...

 Is there anyway i could fix my teeth i hate them.
Haha sorry for the obnoxious smile.
http://i262.photobucket. Details
sorry i didn't tell u what i didn't like ...

OK, Im off to my dentist when my mum can get me a appointment to get mesured for braces. what do they do, Ive heard they put clay in ur mouth then have to wait a bit to get braces made.. is this true<...

 The things you hate?
they things you hate having done at the denists, compile your top 5 ...

 How many times should you brush your teeth a day?

 Why do braces need rubberbands?
- My orthadontist said so the teeht could stay in place or something like ...

 Tooth Abscess?
Is it a disease? Tell me more about it please. Don't tell me to go to the doctor. I want to know what it is before I go. Can I die from it?, etc...

PS. I had a tooth abscess for 7...

Lauren A
The dentist un-registered my kids?
I've missed a few dentist apointments in the past with my kids, there's just so much going on I forgot about them, and I just realised today that they were supposed to go last week and I forgot again. So I phoned the dentist to get another apointment and the receptinist was a right snotty cow, said they'd been took off the list cos of missing too many apointments.

What am I suposed to do now then? None of the other dentists in the area are taking any NHS patients and I can't aford to go private cos I've got 5 kids aged between 3 and 11, I can barely aford to feed them on my wage! But they've all got bad teeth, they always need fillings and stuff, so what should I do now cos I can't find another dentist. Are they allowed to just kick you off the list cos you miss a few apointments? The kids are all going to end up with toothache now because of him.

You need to understand that the dentist is a business man and when someone appears to be irresponsible (busy, forgetful or just plain lazy) the slot that you keep (and anyone else for that matter)taking and not meeting cost him money by not having a paying customer in his chair.

Try writing these appointments on a calendar and carry it in your purse (be sure to check it daily) and then you can work in everything else around your already scheduled appointments.

Sounds like your in a government program and as bureaucrats they can be unfeeling- keep trying.

i am sorry for what happened to ya but its common place now to remove patients that miss so many appts. you don't realize how much time is wasted for a practice when this happens. you could plead your case and beg for forgiveness but i doubt it will help. try writing a letter to the dentist and saying how wonderful he is for your family and how you will never ever let it happen again - maybe he will give you one last chance

Almost every dentist/doctor I know will do this. You have to understand that they're a business too. If you make an appointment and don't show up, not only have they lost the money you were going to pay, since you didn't call ahead, they lost the money they could have gotten from someone else also. They don't have to accept anyone they don't want to. They can refuse treatment for any reason they deem necessary. And if they're losing money on you, then they're going to refuse treatment. The only other thing you can do is either try talking to them and see if they'll give you another chance. Or find another dentist. Get yourself a day planner that you keep on you at all times and look ahead over the next two weeks in it several times a day to keep your schedule straight. Also, you should keep a calendar on the wall somewhere in the house that is very visible so that you have to walk passed it several times a day.

You're actually really lucky they didn't charge you for the appointments you didn't go to. They can do that if you don't cancel at least 24 hours ahead of time.

Not because of him but because of you. Private dentists will charge for a missed appointment, which insurances will not pay. That usually helps people keep track of appointments. It is simply not important enough to you or you would remember. Of course, there are emergencies, which are excusable; but that would only happen once. Remember, that dentist had reserved a portion of his/her day for your child, on more than one occasion. The dentist does not want to take the chance of it happening anymore.

If you contact NHS Direct they will direct you to an emergency dentist who will be able to sort out emergencies for you, You can also ask them who the NHS dentists are in your area, You can then contact them to see if they are taking on any new patients.

With the new contracts in place, dentists are no longer allowed to charge people for missed appointments, so now instead they are taking people off the lists. I do understand how you feel but if you look at it from a dentists point of view the appointment you missed could have been given to someone who was in pain.
Try & contact the PCT or BDA and they can give you info on NHS dentists in your area.

Maxine S
Phone nhs direct. But why do your kids have bad teeth and need fillings all the time im 27 and only have one filling.

they are allowed to kick you off the list. What you should do is go into the dentists and ask if they have a list of all the dentists that are taking NHS patients in your area.

Failing that you could go to university and study to be a dentist yourself.

Join the majority were all in the same boat ,but what you can do is look up your nearest dental access center and enquire there regarding the kids especially if they have needed treatment in the past

Boba Phatt
I dont think you should be upset at them when you are the one that missed too many appointments. They have a business to run and missed appointments doesnt help that. Maybe you will be more careful and show up when you are supposed to from now on.

I am sorry for your situation and I don't doubt that you have a lot of stuff going on in your life. From a dental point of view there is nothing more frustrating then someone that consistently misses their dental appointments. We are here to help you and your children, but if you are not making your kids teeth a priority by keeping your appointments then how do you expect us to take you seriously. Is it our fault that you have missed a lot of appointments and now your child is in pain because they should have had that filling three appointments ago? Should we put aside all of the patients that show up for their appointments on time, so we can get you or your children in for an emergency? No your children are not going to end of with a toothache because of him, but because of you. Your lack of respect for the dental office that you go to by missing appointments is the reason that your children may suffer with a toothache. Because you have missed an appointment that was set aside for your children, some other child out there is suffering and has to wait because you said and agreed on an appointment time and then did not show up. You have to take your own actions into account and not blame the dentist but yourself. Everybody has bills to pay including the dentist, why should you get special treatment? It is comp. acceptable and legal at least here in the us to drop a patient if they have been a no-show for three appointments. They also sign a paper when they first are new patients that they will have to pay a fee if they do not cancel within 24 hours. Now we all understand that emergencies arise and things happen, but there are still those people that abuse their appointment times and show up or sometimes they don't. How would you feel if you went to work and everybody including your boss decided to skip work or forgot to come into work. Seeing as how nobody was there then that means that you can't work for the day and get your paycheck. Who would you blame? I don't mean to sound harsh but you need to wake up and be proactive in your children's dental health. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world I know I have two. But blaming everybody else is going to get you no where and the children are the ones that suffer in the end. Get organized, keep a calendar of appointments, and get those children to the dentist. Why do your children have bad teeth? If they have regular dental care then some of the problems may have been caught earlier rather then later and you would not be in this boat. Forgetting once or twice is forgivable, forgetting many times is an excuse.

The kids are all going to end up with toothache now because of HIM.?

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