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 How Tall Do You Think I'll Be??
Im 14 And 5'9
My Mums 5'7 And Dad's 6'2
My great-Granmother on my mum side was 6'2 and every female on my dad side is 5'7 and up
how tall do you think ...

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Thanks for the help!...

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 How do I become a vegetarian?
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 Am i fat??? PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, im almost 15, im 5'11 and im 83.6lbs. I am a female if that helps. I am pretty mucular and i just need a way to lose weight. I currently work for a modeling agency and i always feel fat ...

 Is this ok to lose some weight?
ok for breakfast i am going to have a cup of dry honey bunches of oats with some water. then later i am going to have a egg white sandwich on wheat bread wheat and for dinner chicken sanwich on wheat ...

 Guess how much I weigh! (Closest=10 points!)?
I'm 4"11 and wear size 0. ^_^...

 Suggest me some tips for growing tall?
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 Im 5"4" I weigh 97 lbs. is that over weight???

 What are your views on Overweight people?
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 Do I look fat?
This is an old pic I don't dress like that anymore I know Iam slighty over weight but am I really fat?
http://i179.photobucket. D...

 What do you think of my weight?
108 lbs, 14 years old. 5'4.

too fat? not thin enough?

should i loose weight? i feel huge......

 I am 115 pounds how do i lose 15 pounds?
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i just want to look lik nicole richie:(...

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 Am i fat???????
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 I am a girl,im 13 years old,and i weigh 130lbs,i am also 5'8 am i over weight?

 Would you rather be anorexic or obese?
P.S you can die either way....

 Why is nutrition such an important issue globally?
Diseases either directly or indirectly linked with nutrition.
What is considered to be THE most important issue concerning nutrition.
Why and how does the nutrition of different countries ...

FAT people, should the be forced to loose weight before NHS treatment?

Additional Details
cant believe the response from all you fatties making excuses. i tried to think of a question to c how many responses - so far so good - thanks

Come on that is out of order..We should be allowed to be the size we want for God's sake

i think its their personal choice if they want help or not no one has right to forced someone to do something which they don't want to do
and what makes u think u r perfect u cheap thinking person

I really believe that there a lot more NHS spongers than "Fat" people. Half the friggin doctors, nurses, and fat cats are overweight, so think that would be be slightly hypercritical of them to refuse. Lets 1st address, jobless bums who are able to work, but just dont want to and all immigrants that swan over hear just for our health care when they haven't paid a single penny into it!
Overweight people pay their taxes, along with other hard working people in this country! it's a totally pathetic idea!

No - because not everybody chooses to be overweight. The only way I would only agree to this is if anorexics and bulimics were forced to put on weight, smokers were forced to quit smoking, and regular drinkers of alcohol were forced to stop. Maybe then it would seem more fair... but not until then. :-)

Should obnoxious people be refused treatment when they walk into A&E with a broken nose?

If we did that surely you much agree to...

people with liver damage should not get treatment if they have ever been drunk, people with lung cancer should not be treated if they smoked...or what the hell.. if they ever were putting themselves in the position of inhaling passive smoke. people in car accidents shouldn't be treated because they should have been more careful. People with cancer shouldn't be treated if they ever sprayed an aerosol into the o-zone layer, people with heart failure shouldn't be treated if they have ever ate anything high colestrol.....no??

could we not blame all individuals for their conditions and just not treat anyone?

I think not, we are all only human and sometimes we need help...who has the right to say who deserves it more than others....if someone close to you was overweight and suffering badly i'm sure you wouldn't just stand there and tell them they don't deserve it!

Sometimes people who are overweight are asked to loose weight before operations and such....but hey, none of us have the righ to decide anyone elses treatment.

Paul W

Craig H
im an over weight person i may be a bit biased
but im happy the way i am i havn't used any nhs sevices since i was young and skinny so to answer your question NO

p.s i find your question offensive

Ms Dee
There are lots of people with serious problems who the NHS should be treating. Besides you are a bit obnoxious. Why force people to do something?? If people need help that is up to them..not you.

I`m termed as clinically obese, yet i can out run and out pace many of my slim friends!, If you want to impose a health ban on fat people you will need to do it for people who drive cars - loads of crashes, sports people,smokers, drinkers, drug takers, the list is endless you can`t say no to one group of people and not the others
so in short get a life you pillock

If that is the case then the nhs would have to also bear this in mind.
Smokers should give up smoking before they are treated in hospital for lung/breathing and heart problems.
Sportsmen should give up dangerous sports such as rugby, mountaineering, apsailing, formula 1 etc etc etc.
Trans gender operations shouldnt be performed, they should be paid for by the patient.
Women shouldnt have babies, in case they need further treatment post delivery.
People should give up dangerous jobs, such as window cleaners on high ladders, sewer workers, grasscutters, etc etc etc
It aint gonna happen, and you cant distinguish between fat, thin, gender, race, or anything. The world is full of different shapes and sizes, and thats what makes humanity interesting.

Mel K
If you call the entire population of the world together, and ask them 'who here admits they are fat?', I guarantee you, I will be the first to get up and say I'm fat. but I'm not fat by choice. I've had tests done. I have the so called 'fat gene'. But that has not stopped me. though I am grossly overweight, and at serious risk to my health, I refuse to ask the NHS for help because I don't want to be bundled away with the rest of the population that does.
Having read all the comments made on this question so far, I am honestly appalled at many of your responces. We are supposed to be living in a modern society. If in this day and age we cannot accept that there are other reasons for being overweight that excessive eating, then I refuse to understand how we can call ourselves any better than any other country in the world.
it has been proven that there are many medical causes for obesity. Many people are fat due to serious diseases. Many glandular disorders cause excessive weight gain, often confining people to wheelchairs.
I don't even know why I'm bothering to write this up. Most of the closed minded people who read this won't be swayed even if they were tied up and beaten until the cows come home.
I have more important things to do with my life. so I shall leave you thick, moronic characters to your own accord. Good Bye.

p.s. Feel free to send a few angry-worded e-mails my way. it's always a laugh to read 'oi you fat ****.' followed by a personalised barrage of abuse.
Good night, one and all.

p.p.s. A big, sincere thank you to all who stood up and tried to get a word through the thick skulls. I really do appreciate the sentiment. and it's thanks to you that I do still have hope for this world.

what is with this site and the obsession with obesity today. YOu may not be aware but there is very little help available on the NHS and most people ARE told to lose some weight on theri own before they are given help to prove that they are serious about losing weight. Until you have walked in someone else's shoes who the F are you to judge others? If we're doing this for over weight people, what about smokers, drinkers, drug users??? Are they not as responsible for their own health?


Did George Best give up drinking to get a new liver.... Think not!

On what have you based that judgement/question on?

Until YOU are clinically obese do NOT judge other people.

IDIOTS should they learn to spell before posting a question?

that goes for smokers too I would say

tracy w
The point is that a lot of medical procedures / operations are much safer and will be much more effective if a person is not overweight. I think therefore it is not unreasonable for doctors, surgeons etc to request that a person loses weight if their particular illness / treament requires it.
However if someone has paid their NI contributions, they should never be denied treatment just because they are overweight, nor should they be FORCED to lose weight.
That would be like saying no smokers should be allowed treatment for lung cancer, or a horse rider shouldn't be allowed treatment for a broken leg because they knew the risk of injury to start with.

I believe the word you're looking for would be either larger, overweight or obese? "Fat" is only really used to insult others... Do you have a grudge against larger people?

Yes I do believe that people with weight problems should address them, but it does depend on the case in question. It's not always down to overeating. How would you feel if your own mother was denied access to a heart bypass or something like that because she was overweight and she died because of this? You'd blame the NHS for not helping her.

Becky B
I think it is a sore subject. I have a lot of friends and relatives who are overweight- some of which are ill because of it (mainly heart problems). It's frustrating. I don't think this method would work. I think it would be better to up the tax on unhealthy food and drop all tax on healthy food to make it more accessible. It's a big problem which is making people unnecessarily ill, causing a lot of pain for them and their families and also putting a big strain on the NHS.

Why exactly?
We still pay our national insurance every month.

You could say the same for smokers, alcoholics & drug users but at the end of the day as long as they have made there contribution of national insurance, they deserve the same treatment as everyone else.

I know from experience that being fat can be caused by underlying medical problems such as poor mental health and thyroid problems so you can not judge every fat person on others.

Also, being slim does not mean you are healthy and fit. There are many fit, overweight people out there.

sexy legs
Oh dear you are small minded aren`t you ..

andrew m
smokers have to stop before they get treatment, and more often than not they will be refused treatment outright.

a pack of ciggs costs around 25 pence the other 5 pounds is tax, smokers have payed for their deaths.

As far as i am aware the tax on pies is fairly small

Anchor Cranker
A lot of fat people are fat due to other problems, both mental and physical. Very easy to judge some one by their looks and not scratching a little further below to find the cause of the problem.

Depends what sort of treatment that is required.

I dont see why they should be made to lose weight to get treatment if they've paid all their NI contributions, they're entitled to it.

What about the skinny people that dont work, therefore have never contributed to NHS funding - should they be allowed to have any NHS treatment at all?

Pat R
I suppose your perfect eh?

Not fat,dont smoke,dont drink,never took an illegal drug,never done a sport where you might injure yourself?

If you do an of these things do you think YOU should be treated on the NHS?

Pompous prat !!

Realist 2006
I have been reading the replies to what I thought was a reasonable question , I am truly amazed at a lot of the replies , one would think that stephen was a convicted child killer and serial chain saw murderer !!
The answerer's who spewed forth the venom very obviously have a very poor grasp of English !!
Did any of you see the curly mark that followed the word treatment ! well that is a question mark ! That means that he asking for your opinion and NOT I repeat NOT making a statement .
For those of you who were offended by being given the opportunity to voice your opinion well I can tell you that I myself am clinically obese , I have diabetes type 2 , I have had triple by pass surgery done twice followed by an aortic aneurysm .
Now I know where my fat comes from ! not genes , not being force fed or even junk food , it is simply from eating too many calories while not exercising.
Here is a thought for you ! . How many fat people did you see come out out of the German prison camps at th end WW2 ?. If that is too long ago how many fatties have you spotted in Somalia or Ethiopia ???
And stop knocking the guys spelling , perhaps question his typing skills. Neither have any bearing on the subject content as you all seemed put your own interpretation on what the question was or meant. Cheers Pete

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