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 Can vegitarions eat fish and/or chicken?
my mother told me that you could or is she lying because she doesn't want me to be a vegitarion but i've been one for almost all of my ...

 I need to loose 2 lbs by friday morning for my physical? any serious suggestions?

 POLL: When did you last go to the Gym ?
Thank you....

 Am I overweight?
I am almost 16, 5'9 and 120 pounds. Am I overweight?...

 My doctor wants me to lose weight but she didn't really give me any suggestions. Where should I start?
I need to lose a significant amount of weight...my first goal is 30 lbs. I'm a busy mom of 2 and I just don't have a lot of extra time for meetings, hitting the gym, and counting carbs, ...

 Is diet soda still bad for you even though it has no sugar and no calories?
I recently started eating healthier. I already gave up red meat and Coke. My goal is to become vegan by the end of the year step by step. Can I still drink Coke Zero or is it still bad for you?...

 Am I to Skinny?
I'm 14 years old, 4'11 and weigh 75lbs am i to small?
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no im not a midget and im not on any ...

 How much weight do I need to loose to look really skinny?
Like olsen twin/nicole richie skinny?

Im 5ft 4 and 122 pounds

how much more do i need to loose?
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 Is my weight and height okay for my age?
I am 5 foot 2, almost 18 years old and weight 8 and a half stones
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I am NOT growing any more, i stopped growing at 12...

 How can I lose wieght without physical exercises?

 Ok, I'm not overweight, but do you think i'm fat?
My BMI is 23.0, but i just want to know if a look fat.


 How unhealthy is chinese food?

 Whats the best way to help tone up tummy muscles to get a firmer tum?

 Whats the best way to lose 2 in./ 10 lbs in 5 weeks?
-about 123 lbs
-14 yrs ...

 How do I force myself to go to the gym more?
I need to work out more and I joined an expensive gym and am always making lazy excuses not to go....

 My biceps are sore should i still workout today?

 What do you call it when a fat woman has a belly that hangs low between her legs?
You know....... the part that they tuck in to their knickers. What's that part called?...

 I'm fat, short and ugly. help me?
well firstly im 18, live in houston with my grandparents (parents dead). i blame god for everything that has ever happened to me in life. i have no education, no job i just sit at home eating and ...

 Is it ok for me too run 1 hour a day im only 14?
i love ...

 Could I die?
I went to my doctor and she told me I am anorexic. My family had already said I was but I didnt beleive them. I used to be 5'1 and 111 lbs and now I am 104lbs. I keep losing more and more weight....

the sexy side of me!
Does anyone out there really wear a size zero?
i hear about size zero and it makes me feel very fat. (i wear a size 12.) am i the only one that thinks this?

i wish i was

A friend of mine does, she is just built very small.

Veronica Alicia
Are you talking US or UK measurements?
I'm a UK size 14 which I've been ever since I was a teenager, but my waist has increased over the years, so it seems have the manufacturers idea of size 14 waist sizes. Still the same weight I was when I got married in 1959!

I turn 20 on April 9th!!
i think that to. these people either have an eating disorder, are naturally thin, have good self control with food or they exercise too much lol but dont worry about it! im a size 12 to. and it is very hard to be that small let me tell ya lol

Courtney M
i used to wear a size zero.. about a year ago, now i wear a size five. being skinny is so over rated these days, i started to work at mcdonalds in june and i gained about 20 pounds. i only weigh 130 now and i know thats not alot but its alot more then i used to be

Yes, but remember only about 2% of women can wear a size 0. It is not realistic.

Ms. Chocolate Duchess
I wear a size 0 on occassion. Now a 1 or 2

Hun, be happy with yourself. Don't worry if one girl wears 0 and you wear 12. Everyone is diffrent and I am sure you are beautiful just how you are. Plus guys don't want a really skinny girl. Be who you are and flaunt what you got!

smellyfoot â„¢
I wore a size zero when I was 17 - but I had no T&A! Now I'm an 8. I get alot more compliments from men (particularly ones who knew me as a 0) now that I have a few curves!

Questions and Answers
i wear size double zero

and i absolute hate it because one, when i say what size i am everyone looks at me with those - "do you need some food" kind of eyes - because im not even stick skinny ; i'm just increddddddibly short so i get double zero for the width and then i cut so muchh for length

i'ld rather be taller and "bigger" b/c in reality, that's so much more attractice =P

Yes, my co-worker. She is thin and has gotten thinner in the last year. She does not look good...

i wear double zero and zero its because i am short but i am not fat

♥ Embracing Optical Freedom ♥
I don't I'm a size 9. I don't think I ever wore zeros. I skipped from little kids to size five.

Dr.Phil with Boobs
When I was a teenager I wore size zero now that I have had a child and gotten older I am a size 5.

claire g
I wish i was a size 0, but naturally that size..i dont want to starve to death to get a size 0!

I know a girl who would love to wear tight jeans - but can't find a size small enough! She's tiny.....don't feel bad though I wear a 12 too and I love my curves =) It's an average size.

i wear a size 8 in Australian sizes so i'm not sure what this would be in American....
But size 12 isn't fat and don't let skinny people influence you!!! i'm sure you look great just the way you are!!!

♥ Joey ♥
I can wear a size zero but it is because i am petite.. i feel better and look better in a size 3 I feel more like a woman size 12 is far from fat

S to the t o r m y
size 2. I guess thats close enough. Size 12 isn't big. Your average.

Ms.Sexy Chocolate
yes I do

yes they do and its amazing

Stephen L
Size zero people are often on the shorter side. My sister is in 6th grade and she fits into a size zero.

From a guy's perspective, I think girls my age (high school) who can fit into a size zero have unattractive bodies. People assume these people are anorectic. Don't feel bad about not being able to squeeze into this tiny size.

Yes, there are some that do. I am very small 5'2 and hover around 100 and am a size 0, have been my whole adult life (I am 29). I don't have any kind of eating disorder, just born really scrawny (my mom is too). But also I run marathons and am very active in Yoga, so I am an athletic size 0. Not all women who wear size 0 starve themselves, many of us are just petite.

Angie L
I'm a size 12 as well!!! I recently just mustered up the courage to throw all my size 5 jeans away from highschool. I was holding on to them with the "hopes" and the "maybe's" of being that size again. But you know what? i'm comfortable with me and my fiance is as well. i don't plan to gain any more weight and have been very careful to keep it this way. Anything over a size 16 is when you have to be careful, maintaining your health is very important. And as long as YOU are happy with you, it will reflect the way you carry yourself and the way others perceive you. It will literally change your life. Just be happy with you and as for the size zero jeans you hold up to your one thigh? don't sweat it, we're healthier and beautiful just the way we are!!! :)

Yes people really do wear a size zero mostly it is petite women though.

size zero a really unhealthy size. size 12 is fine. though this depends on where you live. i live in england so this is how i know this info. it might be different in other coutries though. u shouldn't be ashamed of your body size though.
work with what u got!!

Yes , some people really do wear size 0 , me.. I am 5'3 and 97 pounds , and just had a baby last week , but it's not all it's cracked up to be . I am a naturally small person , and every where I go , I get looks , and alot of people talk . For some reason people assume that all small people try to be small , and that is just not true . I would never look at a person bigger than I , and tease that they were to big . That is also a misconception that alot of people get about small framed people ..

Uhm yes there are people out there who wear size 0 & they are NOT all anorexic that's bull. . . It's all about body type, life style & genetics. As long as your healthy it doesn't matter your size! :o)

No, you are NOT.
I am about your size, maybe a 10/12 and whenever I look at a size 0.. I think, "OMG. She makes me look fat!"
I think that is totally normal. They are so skinny! I think curvier women are much healthier. Unless, you can't help it, then that is alright. Some people are just born petite.

tattooed goddess
you are not fat =P
yes, my sister wears a size zero and i wear a size 2.
its not about ur clothing tag anyways hun..u know that

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