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 Am I fat?I am 180 pounds. Look at that picture.?

 Have you ever done weight watchers? How did it work for you?
I just joined weight watchers today in hopes of losing at least like 55 pounds. Any tips on dieting? Excericising that worked really well for you? Also with the weight watchers diet I am using the ...

 Is my height and weight regular for my age?
I am 13, going to be a freshman next year, 5'8, and 110 pounds. Is that normal?
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by the way, I eat alot. :-)...

 Am i fatt or average???
im 13, 148 lbs and 5'9''
i have a big boned body structure
some people sayy im too skinny and others dissagree
well, im not so confident but the doctor says if i loose ...

 Am I overweight?
I am 110 and 5,3...

 How can I stop getting blisters on my feet????
I walk about 4 miles a day and I come home with huge blisters! I have tried all kinds of shoes. I don't know what to do but it hurts!!!

Thank you.
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 I'm 13 and I don't get as much exercises as I should. Any advice?
I'm 13 and I don't get as much exercises as I should. Any tips on how to make excersize fun for me? PLEASE help!...

 How can i lose 20 ponds in one week????????
im trying to inpress a girl i like at school.............

 AM I A FAT PERSON?..if so what can i do about it?
i weight 116 and im 5'9"..i want to be 110...i exercise 2-5hrs daily..is that enought..this is what i ate today is this to much?

morning-miniwheats 1%milk
lunch- 2waffles ...

I have just started 8th grade. 13 years old. I want to order this exercise tape called Slim in 6. http://www.beachbody.com...

 How can a 13 year old girl loose 10lb. in 2 weeks?

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if i weigh alot more than im supposed to (170lb.)...

 Am i fat?
I weigh 100 pounds and i am 5'5 i think i need to loose 20 pounds i am the cheerleading squad captin and this summer we are going to an overweight childrens camp to pump them up and help them ...

 How can i lose twenty pounds in two days?

 Why are teens skinny despite eating tons of fast food and other junk?
Why are teens skinny despite eating tons of fast food and other junk?...

 Why am i always hungry after dinner?
i eat til i am like full then ten mins later im like hungry again, i am 13 years old.
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i dont eat alot of junk ...

 I am 5'10 135 lbs 34-28-39 measurements - good or bad?

 If a cookie contains 110 calories and you cut it in half do you consume HALF the calories??
or is it just bogus.? like no matter how big the piece is its still going to contain that many calories.?...

 If i eat about 600-800 calories a day..?
is it dangerous?.. i'm not fat! i just want to get toned and lose the stubborn little fat i have here and there before the summer, especially my little love handles.. besides my love handles i ...

 I weigh 340 pounds. I have been trying to lose weight for a while. Can someone give me tips on doing so?

 What are some natural laxatives?
School project/disguisting i know....

How can I lose wieght without physical exercises?

Food management

david n
OOH did you hear what people said about your diet plan????

You need the exercise if you really want to lose the weight. Your body will change little by little and the exercise will give you the energy and health that no pill can give you. I know it is going to be tough at the beginning, but if you plan to do it consistently for one month, the second month will be like a routine, and from there your body will really appreciate the change in your lifestyle. Try it, you wont regret it. Good Luck!

Mindy H
Since it takes 3500 calories to create one pound, you could dramatically decrease your calorie intake. But exercise is so beneficial in weight loss...for example, one hour of aerobics can burn up to 700 calories and one hour of circuit weight training can burn up to 900 calories. They call it Diet AND Exercise for a reason. Yes you can lose weight by eating less, but it will take you a really long time to see great results.

Zombie Jesus
Thats just lazy!

First off, I highly recommend exercise, because it offers so many great benefits--from quicker weight loss to better mood and self-esteem :)

However, if you wish to lose some weight with less energy expenditure, you must reduce your calorie/energy intake. That doesn't mean you have to starve yourself! Instead, cut down on unnecessary foods--especially foods which contain high amounts of fat or simple sugars. That means no fast food! Make sure you eat a well-balanced, healthy diet and you will surely see improvements in your weight. But, if you were to add exercise to the equation, it would greatly increase the amount of weight lost. The ideal, healthy amount of weight that should be lost per week should be between 1-2 lbs--anything more than that is unhealthy for you. If you lose weight too rapidly, you will just gain it all back.

Also, stay away from the so-called "miracle-working" weight-loss pills! They may result in unhealthy bodily functions by messing with your heart rhythm and metabolic rates. There have been a number of cases of people dying from heart attacks as a result of taking weight-loss pills. Not healthy at all and not worth the risk.

Jenny C
I understand your plight! I gained 10 pounds from November though January from eating all the goodies around during my B-day and the holidays. But I had a serious fall and did real damage to my foot and ankle and had to stay off my feet for months, yet I wanted to take the 10 pounds off. I had gone on Atkins years prior and lost 30 lbs in 4 months but was able to go walking for exercise. So I went on Atkins for first time since I had not gained weight in years. I stayed on Atkins Induction Phase until I lost the weight. After losing the weight it was still 6 months until I was off crutches yet I kept the weight off with low carb eating. I like Atkins cuz I was never hungry, no water retention, and not much thinking was involved to stay on it. Keep in mind that you can lose 2-4 times as much if you exercise, but I was grateful to get that 10 pounds off. Only problem I have with Atkins is the first few days are really hard while your body gets off of sugar. Hope this helps.

Note: My son now 25 does not like to exercise and used Atkins to lose 40 lbs and he has kept it off, but he had normal daily activities from work, etc. so was not stuck in bed like me.

it is impossible

well, first of all, if you want to lose weigh without physical exercises, do you include some strength moves cuz i just saw some strength moves that could help you lose weight. If you don't prefer that also, you might want to take a look at some diet pills, i personally like metabospeed. Your diet's very important too. What i do is eat with a very small amount of food each meal, but if you are not a person who can control yourself over eating too much, i advice you split your meal into samll portion, maybe that would help. Also, if you want fast progress, eating fruits instead of anything else for a week might help. I heard that watermelon is great. you might want to control your sleep time. Hope that helps!!

some people dont get this at all the best way to lose weight is to execise like hell run around, just do somerthing that burns calories. starving yourselfis the stupidest thing you can do.

To lose one pound per week you have to consume 500 less calories per day than you take in. First calculate your caloric needs. There are numerous calculators online which will do this. Factors to be taken into account are you weight, height, age and activity level randing from sedentary to Professional Athlete. To figure out your needs first you need to figure out your RMR or BMR http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_burn.php and then add in the amount of calories that you burn in activity each day http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_loss.php

Now say you figure out your needs without out exercise and they are 2000 calories per day. To lose one pound in a week you need to eat 500 less calories per day, so you would eat 1500 calories per day.

WARNING: Be sure to eat at least 1200 calories per day. If you eat less than this your body will think it is starving and will store fat and burn muscle insted, sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Also, be sure to lose weight more slowly in order to keep it off best. About 1-2 pounds is adequate unless you are very obese in which case 3 pounds should be your max after your lose your 'water weight' the first couple of weeks.

Here is a guide to show you just how you should be eating, it will tell you how many calories are most appropriate for you to be eating to slowly lower you to a more healthy weight and will also guide you to your nutritional needs http://www.mypyramid.gov/mypyramid/index.aspx

Good luck!

ashley t
diet pills i guess

Get a divorce, or shoot your dog.

Eat only fruits and vegtables and drink water.

Read this: My tips for you : Lose Weight without moving a muscle


TRY THIS: Chitosan: The 'super-fiber' that lets you eat fat without storing it.


I personally think working out is fun... Idk if its just me, but you can I guess... Uhh, don't eat as much fattening food, you can try to walk more.... Don't be lazy, you got to earn it.

slim fast, subwayy?

jenny craig?

weight watchers.


Cut out sodas and become a vegetarian. I lost close to 60 pounds in three months.

Well, if you are not looking to exercize, you are not going to lose much weight. if you want, try Ultra 90 at www.888ultra90.com, or try Weight Watchers. But really, you might wanna exercize.

Eat less.


There's no short-cut to losing weight because if there was, the US wouldn't be the world's fattest country. You need to get your heart rate up regularly so that you can bring up your metabolism and that will use up what you eat faster.

You can diet but without exercise, you won't tone. Everyone admires a well toned body.

like, dude, seriously?
you might find some miraculous way to lose wieght wothout physycal exersise, but i can GARUNTEE that you will just gain it right back if you dont have some sort of exersise program to keep it burt off.

exersising doesn't have to be hard, some of it's quite easy and painless.

I tried.
Being lazy

cut off your leg

uh... dont eat?
take pills?
stay in a sauna for three hours?(i dontknow if that works)
idunno, the best thing is to actually exercising

sniper x

Don't be lazy. If you lose weight without exercise you will gain it all back. If you REALLY want to lose weight you will put forth the effort.

dolo d
1. cut all the chips, sweets, and sugared beverages
2. drink water like it's going out of style
3. eat tons of salads without all the extra stuff.
4. eat a big breakfast, light snack, healthy lunch, light snack, and a SMALL dinner (very important)!

You really should consider physical exercise. It makes you feel so good about yourself.

Good luck!

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