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 My doctor wants me to lose weight but she didn't really give me any suggestions. Where should I start?
I need to lose a significant amount of weight...my first goal is 30 lbs. I'm a busy mom of 2 and I just don't have a lot of extra time for meetings, hitting the gym, and counting carbs, ...

 Is diet soda still bad for you even though it has no sugar and no calories?
I recently started eating healthier. I already gave up red meat and Coke. My goal is to become vegan by the end of the year step by step. Can I still drink Coke Zero or is it still bad for you?...

 Am I to Skinny?
I'm 14 years old, 4'11 and weigh 75lbs am i to small?
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no im not a midget and im not on any ...

 How much weight do I need to loose to look really skinny?
Like olsen twin/nicole richie skinny?

Im 5ft 4 and 122 pounds

how much more do i need to loose?
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 Is my weight and height okay for my age?
I am 5 foot 2, almost 18 years old and weight 8 and a half stones
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I am NOT growing any more, i stopped growing at 12...

 How can I lose wieght without physical exercises?

 Ok, I'm not overweight, but do you think i'm fat?
My BMI is 23.0, but i just want to know if a look fat.


 How unhealthy is chinese food?

 Whats the best way to help tone up tummy muscles to get a firmer tum?

 Whats the best way to lose 2 in./ 10 lbs in 5 weeks?
-about 123 lbs
-14 yrs ...

 How do I force myself to go to the gym more?
I need to work out more and I joined an expensive gym and am always making lazy excuses not to go....

 My biceps are sore should i still workout today?

 What do you call it when a fat woman has a belly that hangs low between her legs?
You know....... the part that they tuck in to their knickers. What's that part called?...

 I'm fat, short and ugly. help me?
well firstly im 18, live in houston with my grandparents (parents dead). i blame god for everything that has ever happened to me in life. i have no education, no job i just sit at home eating and ...

 Is it ok for me too run 1 hour a day im only 14?
i love ...

 Could I die?
I went to my doctor and she told me I am anorexic. My family had already said I was but I didnt beleive them. I used to be 5'1 and 111 lbs and now I am 104lbs. I keep losing more and more weight....

 Am I fat?I am 180 pounds. Look at that picture.?

 Have you ever done weight watchers? How did it work for you?
I just joined weight watchers today in hopes of losing at least like 55 pounds. Any tips on dieting? Excericising that worked really well for you? Also with the weight watchers diet I am using the ...

 Is my height and weight regular for my age?
I am 13, going to be a freshman next year, 5'8, and 110 pounds. Is that normal?
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by the way, I eat alot. :-)...

 Am i fatt or average???
im 13, 148 lbs and 5'9''
i have a big boned body structure
some people sayy im too skinny and others dissagree
well, im not so confident but the doctor says if i loose ...

If i only eat 3 times a day, no snacks, and drink just water will i lose weight?
also if i ride the bike for an hour every day can i lose 10 pounds in a month?

Depends on what you eat. If you eat 4000000 calories every meal, then no. But make sure you eat enough food.

computer doctor
That depends on what you're eating. If you eat all fats and sugars, you might have to stay on the bike for 10 hours. Avoid all fast food first. Eat healthy things like salads, vegetables and dairy products. Consume just enough to make you feel satisfied, not full. Stick to it and you can lose however much weight you want.

Depends on what and how much you eat.

watch your fat and calories in take women have 1,500 a day men have 2,500 a day

it depends on you body fat content
if your overweight it will be easier to lose weight but if your going for just a refinement it may take longer.
snacks are actually a good thing, healthy snacks that is. snacking healthly prevets overeating at a meal

It works better to eat about 5 smaller meals, it is what my mom i doing and it helps alot. It keeps you from getting too hungry or overeating.

you should be able to do about that. good luck and remember to be healthy and dont stress out =]

Raymond B
Yes just make sure they are light meals.

riding a stationary bike for 45 to an hour is good also.

Also you can try this out and loose more then 10 pounds in a month.

to get started no soda drink a gallon of water a day spring or distill no tap water!! or crystal light for your meals.

Breakfast eat 3 egg whites or oatmeal and a fruit.

Lunch eat a grilled chicken breast vegetables with light oil 1 teaspoon and a fruit.

Dinner eat a tuna or chicken salad / grilled or broil chicken breast with Mrs. Dash on it and a small cut of vegetables and a fruit.

no eating after 7pm !!

do 250 sit-ups in the morning and 250 sit-ups before bed.
Do leg squats against the wall 3 sets of 20 once every other day.
Walk for 30 minutes twice a day or jog in the house for 30 minutes if the weather is bad out.

Try this for 4 weeks and see the difference only if you really want to loose weight.

Good luck:

FROM THE STAFF OF BOEAFITNESS<a href="http://boeafitness.com/index.php?o...

jay k
Well that would depend on WHAT you ate those three times a day wouldn't it?

Eat Mcdonald's three times away and it will never happen. Have healthy food choices that's a different story.

Just eat 5 small balance meals a day. Get in your fruits,vege,fiber and protein. Stay low on carbs. Water is great but so is skim milk. It helps with weight loss plans. Don't entirely deprive yourself of a small snack. Exercise is very important. Get lots of cardio-bike,swim,walk fast. Burn up the calories. Also,lift weights to build muscle. It does weigh more than fat but it will also burn those cals fast!!!!

yes. fastly!

time and time again the answer is proven: eat healthy and do exercise. if you eat tiny amounts you won't have the energy for exercise.

You should probably try to do 6 small healthy meals a day and ride the bike for an hour...I don't know what your body weight is, but you need to make sure you are eating enough or your body will think it is starving and start holding on to food longer and you won't lose the weight.

To keep your metabolism buzzing you should eat healthy snacks as well. You should be eating something about every two hours. Make sure you eat your first meal within an hour of waking up. Remember it's not how often you eat, but what you are eating.
Check out this yahoo group called noexcuseworkout. It's great.

You may lose weight, but if your metabolism is slow you may not. Eating more often increases your metabolism and aids in weight loss. If you NEED to lose weight, I would suggest smaller, more frequent meals (like 5 or 6 small meals) during day to help boost your metabolism. I'd check with a professional to get all the facts though.

Well, not if those 3 times of day you are eating cheeseburgers, cakes, french fries, chicken patties and pizzas. In order to lose weight, no matter what, there are 2 things you need. Diet and exercise. Eat better and on a regular basis. Exercise more and on a regular basis. Do that and keep increasing the healthyness of your diet and your exercise and that iss the key to weight loss. Good Luck!

yes and very fast to

Carly Cullen
well, it depends on the meals.
and you actually should eat snacks it'll help you lose weight faster in the long run. so far i lost 4 pounds since january first.

check out the 3 hour diet by jorge cruise


Manny T
Depends on how much you eat on those 3 times, and if you want to lose wight exercising would be a good idea.

This is a trick question. If the asker is 5'3" and weighs 105 lbs now, the answer is probably NO! Maybe I've been on the math forum too long...

It really depends on what you are eating.

♫´`*♥ღHaute Couture ღ♥*´`♫
Yes! I'm trying the same thing as you!

depends on how many calories you take in every day. try 1/3 fewer than you eat now and you will lose weight

yes you should be able to

yeah definitely. just make sure you don't starve yourself. you can't eat anything really fatty either. you should talk to a dietician for a proper diet.

ღThE OnE
depends on what you eat those three times. You can gain weight even if u eat only once a day.
Try this.. I've lost over 70 pounds already..and you don't get hungry. ITs something you can do for the rest of your life and develope good eating habits..DIETS don't work if you want to keep off the weight in the long run you have to know what type of food to eat and not just follow some diet that tells u exactly what to eat.

breakfast: Main course under 200cal ..maybe a packet of oat meal or healthy cereal bar. Along with 1 fruit and 1protein or dairy product (things like one egg, string cheese, milk, low cal yogurt)
Lunch: Main course around 200cal. Salad (low cal salad dressing) 1 protein or dairy product
Snack: 1 fruit and 1 protein or dairy product
Dinner: Main course around 250-350 cal. Salad or Fruit. 2 servings of veggies
Desert: Something under 200 cal.

**make sure ur main meals have over 5g protein and some fiber..to keep ur from getting hungry. Hot cocoa is good they have 25 calorie hot cocoa at ralphs. Coffee is ok just not with real sugar and not too much creamer. **drink plenty of water **take vitamins to keep you energized

if you are biking..make sure you aren't going really slow. You should do speed intervals..and if your knees aren't bad then you should crank up the tension at times.

Real Estate Guy
They say that is BETTER to each 6 SMALL meals a day instead of 3. This way you are always full.

Plus walk.

Reverand F@ Boy
You won't just lose weight, you'll dissapear.

Absolutely!!! If you eat healthy meals during the day, excesize at least 3 times a week, i say that you'll lose weight even before spring. I promise. Good luck.

Cindy R
im going to tell you how i lost over like 20lb, and i was only twelve. i lost all that weight in a very healthy way, aand i didn't feel deprived - at all. now im thirteen.

i took out al the soda, chips, and ice cream from my diet.
i never told myself i couldnt have it though, i just excercised portion control and rarely had any of it. i let go of junk food pretty much though. i drank alot of water. all i drank was water and milk. i ha my three main meals - never once did i skip them. and they weren't like light meals, whatever my mom made from pasta and burgers to chicken salad or stew. and i had my pancakes and dessert. but i did excercise, three times a week for almost an hour, for a month. then i just did alot of situps and jumping jacks everyday. it never felt like i was depriving myself or losing weight on purpose. and i lost alot of weight, i started around december of last year, by feb-march...i was totally different. today i eat whatever i want, but i know not to overdo it and if i do then i don't make a big deal out of it. im at a healthy weight and proud. the doctor was surprised at my check-up, he thoguht i must have gone on a starving diet or something. i didn't, my mom knows, she helped me out. so yea, if you eat healthy i bet you can do it. but don't overdo it on the excercise.

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