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 How do I motivate myself to stay active and go to the gym?
I am in my twenties and in average shape, not overweight. How can I get myself to stop making excuses and start going to the gym that I already pay membership fees to? Some of my excuses are that I ...

 Am I fat? (PIC)?
I'm 17, 5'5, 137.1 lbs....
I have an hourglass figure.

 How many caffinated beverages should we drink a day?
Meaning: what is the limit?...

 How Tall Do You Think I'll Be??
Im 14 And 5'9
My Mums 5'7 And Dad's 6'2
My great-Granmother on my mum side was 6'2 and every female on my dad side is 5'7 and up
how tall do you think ...

 Does it matter if u eat alot, but then go excercise.?
Will anything happen, or do they just cancel each other out....

 Is cardio more effective earlier in the morning?
Thanks for the help!...

 What measures can I take to prevent shin splints? Vitamins? Stretching?

 How do I become a vegetarian?
Like I know the obvious answer is 'don't eat meat.' but that's kinda hard for me. How do I ween myself from it? I want to lose weight....

 Am i fat??? PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, im almost 15, im 5'11 and im 83.6lbs. I am a female if that helps. I am pretty mucular and i just need a way to lose weight. I currently work for a modeling agency and i always feel fat ...

 Is this ok to lose some weight?
ok for breakfast i am going to have a cup of dry honey bunches of oats with some water. then later i am going to have a egg white sandwich on wheat bread wheat and for dinner chicken sanwich on wheat ...

 Guess how much I weigh! (Closest=10 points!)?
I'm 4"11 and wear size 0. ^_^...

 Suggest me some tips for growing tall?
I am 17 years old....

 Im 5"4" I weigh 97 lbs. is that over weight???

 What are your views on Overweight people?
I'd just like to thank the great response i got from the anorexia subject. Now i'd like know people's views on being overweight. whether your a stone overweight or 20 stone overweight, ...

 Do I look fat?
This is an old pic I don't dress like that anymore I know Iam slighty over weight but am I really fat?
http://i179.photobucket. D...

 What do you think of my weight?
108 lbs, 14 years old. 5'4.

too fat? not thin enough?

should i loose weight? i feel huge......

 I am 115 pounds how do i lose 15 pounds?
i have been 115 for 2 years and when i starve my self i lose 4 pounds and i look fatter and when i eat something i look skinner.

i just want to look lik nicole richie:(...

 How can i do the aerobic part of my training without losing muscle?

 Am i fat???????
i am 136 puonds and about 5'4...

 Can We Take Fruits in breakfast? If so Which fruits are good to Have?

california girl
Do people really need 3 meals a day?
Most people think that 3 meals a day is what everyone needs. I for one, am only hungry for about 2. I don't starve myself, it's just that I'm not hungry. Does anyone agree with me that sometimes 3 meals is just too many?

yes we do need three meals a day.
Three meals is the minimum amount that we could have.We could have more meals every day, but that just would not be healthy.

Kelly M
Studies show it is acually better to eat 5 small meals. The 5 small meals keeps your bloodsugar at a contant good level and it gives you more energy through out the day.

Sofa King We Todd Did
Actually you should eat more than 3 times a DAY...cuz you know what...the more you eat the better your motabalism will be. I think eating small portions every 3 to 4 hours is good for you. Hope this helps. :)

its better to break those meals down to smaller and more a day. 6-7 meals in a day as long as you have a good exercise routine you will lose or stabilize yr weight depending if you have weight to lose.this article tell you more on this

I am attending a class about nutrition and that actually came up a few days ago. You need 3 meals and 2 snacks in order to maintain a healthy metabolism. Otherwise it slows down and you may actually start to gain weight. This doen't mean you should eat till you burst but you should take in about 2000 to 2500 calories a day.

Brenda L. T

Athena V
You should never skip meals because doing that it slows down your metabolism causing weight gain. Now the best way I think is if you don't like to eat alot or your not hungry alot. Instead of having a great big breakfast eat some fruit in the morning because it's loaded with good calories. Then for lunch eat like soup or a salad and Then for dinner eat something filling and you have your three meals. But never skip a meal and never snack plus when you eat don't eat until your full just eat enough and when you feel like you are starting to get full stop eating that can help you too.

Three square meal is essential for body to function properly. It's eating in between is harmful to all of us such as obesity, heart diseases. diabetes etc, etc. One should eat morning, mid-day and evening and drink plenty of natural water.

Patrick O
current diet theory is based on insulin response and the blood sugar curve and therefore up to five small meals a day are indicated to produce small and gradual increases in blood sugar levels and a correspondingly gradual increase in insuling response so they balance
there are other considerations such as gastric juices and maybe peristalsis but the body's inability to store sugar long term is hte key evolunationary based problem

experts suggest about 5 small meals throughout the day and not eating after about 7 or 8 at night.

it depends on the person i usually only eat about once a day, sometimes twice and sometimes i eat all day.

Gothic Girl
i only eat 2 meals a day lunch and dinner. amybe a snack i between but i don't eat breakfeast. alot of times when i eat breakfest i start not feeling well. once in aa while i'll just have dinner. no lunch no breakfest. it just depends on how hungrey you are. i heard that you should eat atleast 6 small meals a day. i can't really do that.

shaky shaky baby
Three meals or two meals is not the issue it is a matter of the quality of the food you eat.If you eat balanced diet 3 times or more daily it is much more better than two or one meal of carbon hydrate alone.if you want to eat therefore watch what you eat.


hey hun....that all depends on the person...i used to eat hot pockets, cookies, you know all the "good" junk lol and drunk cokes all the time....my body didn't need all those empty calories so it would set there a long time there fore making me feel full all the time....talk about a wake up call now that i have got active and changed some of my eatin' habits!....i went from eating and snacking a few times a day to having to eat every 3 hours to keep from over eating and my body also taught me that if you eat a lot of veggies your body will digest em' super fast cause they are mostly water making you feel hungry about an hour after you eat...it makes me mad when people ask a question on here about how to gain weight and people tell em' to eat donuts and stuff....now granted, you n me like sweets as well as tha next person but if that person has a high metabolism that junk is gonna be burnt of in 30min. and i ain't seen any one yet that got loads of vitamins outa twix and dough nuts....you have to eat good foods (veggies n fruits) whether your trying to loose weight or gain it...some people think hey im not eatin a salad cause im tryin to gain weight here....HELLO...salads have vitamins...vitamins make you grow so eat up....so if you are drinkin' a lot of cokes then that could very well be the problem and if it is try to go to diet coke and watch your apatite soar!...love daisy

i only eat once a day for weeks on end. Three is a little over the top, i guess it depends on what you eat.

I eat 3, but it is perfectly normal to eat 2

I can understand only being hungry for about 2. I am like that all the time. But because I am trying to lose weight I was told to try to eat 3 meals a day. I tried that for the last week and I think that I am going to go back to my old routine because it made me gain more weight. I think that if you only eat when you're hungry its better.

Too many?? You must be one of those new-age starvation types. I need at least 6 meals a day, plus breakfast...

Yah they kinda do!

Amber I
Actually it is better for your body, to keep your metabolism going, to eat lots of smaller meals throughout the day. You just don't eat as much, but you eat more often.

Short answer to your question is no, but the issue is more complex than simply needing a smaller amount of food per day implied in your feeling like you only need 2. It may not be that 3 is too many as much as they come "at the wrong time". Western society is built around 3 meals a day, breakfast, lunch and supper, which represent, respectively, the beginning of the workday, the middle of the workday and the end of the workday. There are at least 3 things wrong with this orientation. 1) It is actually better for your digestive system and your energy levels to "graze" - eat a little bit at several smaller meals over the course of the whole day. 2) Your typical breakfast (when you're gearing up to start your workday) is something small and light like cereal and toast or eggs and bacon or something similar, while your typical supper (at the end of the workday when you're shutting down and relaxing) is meat and potatoes and veggies and dessert or something similar. All of this is precisely backwards. There is an old adage that says you should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and supper like a pauper. 3) Consuming all your food groups at one sitting in one big "glom" is not actually sensible from a biochemical/biophysical standpoint. Your body uses different enzyymes to breakdown proteins than it uses for carbohydrates and it uses and stores them differently. Ideally, the two should be eaten separately, about a half-hour apart.

chris_w conga
Unless u got diabetes; you have to eat 6 times a day but it as to be as much as 3 meals a day for everyday.

no, some take 6 small meals. that's an old diet recommendation anyway, just like the old food pyramid. things have changed a lot, eat when you're hungry and you'll be fine

You can eat more than 3.

No problem! :))

The answer is yes and no. It depends on how active you are your sleeping state. I eat 5 small meals but i know people who only eat at noon

Like a Virgin

No. However in reality if you were to add up everything the normal person eat each day, it would equal more than three meals a day!

I dont care what anyone else says; i eat when i am hungry, and like you, that may be only once or twice a day, and sometimes, i may only eat once every couple of days. I listen to my body, not the hundreds of morons who are always trying to tell other people the best way to live. Listen to your own body, and do what is right for you.

You shouldn't wait until you are hungry to eat. The point is to prevent hunger. Three meals is actually two meals less than you should be eating. You should eat about five meals a day. Now, I am not talking about a full plate of spaghetti or something, but small meals every few hours. Doing this will keep your metablic rate up and you won't feel drained or crabby by the end of the day. PS Make it something wholesome and you won't gain weight. Doing this wil also help prevent diabetes when you are older...and make sure you eat breakfast!

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