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 Will you loose weight with exercise alone?
I have started using my Eliptical 30 minutes a day everyday. I have not chaged my diet. Will I still loose weight? and if so at what rate?
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Are you suppose to stretch before, or after a workout?

my gym teacher told me that u are supposed to stretch before and after a workout. unless tyou want to be experiencing cramps.

Mom to Three Babies
From what I understand from my personal trainer, you are supposed to stretch AFTER a workout, to release the LACTIC ACID buildup in the muscles. That's what you are feeling when you are sore the next day. If you stretch properly, and often, you will find that the soreness is eliminated.

YES...to prevent injury like tearing ligaments or tendons in your legs. It's good idea to do it to loosen your muscles up first.

I have wings
Stretching is something that should be done with great care. While stretching "before a workout" is usually recommended, be sure that you warm your muscles up first by doing something easy and low impact like walking to the gym or riding a bike (stationary or outdoor). Avoid stretching muscles too deeply at first, this can lead to injuries. Begin by stretching just until you feel light resistance, and slowly increase the stretch. Don't use force, use feel. Also, more important even than stretching is a proper cool down. If you have worked your muscles very hard, it's a great idea to do something afterwards that will keep your blood flowing and allow your muscles to recover.

Another tip, although you didn't ask... the first :30 after a workout is your muscles' prime recovery time. Drink extra water, and eat something (if only a snack), preferably containing some protein. Following these simple rules will help you achieve greater gains, whatever your goal, with less injuries and overall soreness.

yes of course cause if you don't you can pull a muscle and it ain't going to be pretty

♫My Name is Trouble♫
i take weight trainig at my school and we always stretch before working out, but it is also good to stretch afterwards.

i tHiNk itS BESt 2 D0 B0tH tHAtS WAt i D0..

Before and after, Don't you have a trainer at your Gym or are you working out at home? The reason for doing so is to warm up you re body muscles and to relax them if you finised your work out, if you don't you could either get cramps or strain your muscles.

Both.. first you warm up and afterwards you cool down

If you are low on time, it's much better to stretch afterwards. If you are going to stretch before, make sure your muscles are warmed up. For instance, don't just jump out of bed and do hamstring stretches - yikes! I hear ripping muscles! walking, 5 minutes on a stationary bike, etc. will get the blood flowing, keeping your muscles warm. If you don't stretch, you can't get it back. I work with PT clients who are middle aged and can't reach past their knees - and you can practice and practice but once you lose flexibility it never is what it used to be. Each time I stretch and exhale, I imagine the stretch going a little deeper -- it's a both a physical and spiritual way to calm down after exercise.

You should always stretch before and after exercise including a workout beacause it helps prevent injury to the muscles.

You want to stretch little before your work out because you can easy pull something. As you can stretch do after the work out to help lose back up.

Before, During and After for maximum benefits.

Stretching during workouts allows for the muscles to stay lithe for longer.

Both! you should always spend about 15 minutes stretching all your muscles and about 5-10 minutes stretching after a work out it will help with your body tightening up and you will see better results

You are suppose to stretch before and after a workout...

nancy o
both before and after

I stretch a little before and after my workout and I feel great!

Hi Chrissy I'm a fitness instrutor you stretch before and after a workout., You usually ride a bike or treadmill for a about 5-10 stretch legs and arms if you want but this will warm you up , do workout than another stretch 5-10 after also to cool down the muscles and lots of water so no cramps.

NO. you have to warm up and down first.

it's the rule of exercising.

before you stretch, you have to condition your muscle fibers by jogging or or punching to something first. doing it without the prescribe step might damage some of your muscle tissues.

same also after work out.


electa g

Both, it rids your body of the acid in your muscles (not as sore) and it prepares your muscles for a workout so you don't hurt yourself.

You warm up or stretch before & after.
Before to warm your muscles so you won't get cramps & After to cool them down.

t is best do do both. In the begining to warm up muslces and prevent an injury, and again at the end so your muscles do not cramp.

jo jo
my friend I BELIEVE IT'S BOTH BE FORE AND AFTER. this way your muscles get a heads up on whats about to happen and a reward or[ cool down ]period after the work out Basically its about blood flow to those muscles you wish to target in your work out. Good luck. Stay healthy. Be kind.

yes for before and after

Both before and after the workout. Think that they are part of the workout, not optional things.

Yes you are supposed to work up to a workout and wind down from one!

before and after.....

Both!!! Stretch before to avoid cramps and muscle pulls and after to keep muscles long and lean.

i love hot guys
Before a workout, it's best to stretch because you won't get cramps and your body will be more flexible.

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