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 Need Answers !!?
I'm really close to this teacher in my school, I could trust her wth anything. She's helping me quit self harming, but I'm worried that it's putting her job at risk cause I know ...

 What do you do to help relieve stress?
im always stress.. so can u guys give me an idea how u relieve it?...

 How to not be gay???
Please help! And please don't just tell me to accept myself because ive tried,i cant and i wont,i cant be this way and need as much advice as possible. And if this is any help,im 14 and i dont ...

 What do you do to help with stress?

 Is this Normal thinking for a teen?
I know how dramatic this sounds but I feel as though no one understands me. I mean..for a teenager I'm very emotional and think about things in depth so much more then others and no one seems to ...

 I am dying.?
I just hyperventilated and felt like i was dying...i could see the light....I'm dying inside and no one cares. Is this normal?
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I just feel like giving up and ...

 I dont want to grow up :(?
i feel like i haven thad a childhood and i was stripped opf my innocence at a very young age. now that i'm 19 and found someone who is like the mom i always wanted - just someone who would love ...

 Can i get SSI checks for mental issues?
I'm 17 years old and I'm in Austin,Texas. I live with my 19 year old cousin, I was kicked out the house shortly after my 17th birthday, so I moved from Mississippi to Texas. I have a few ...

I'm a 17 years old girl. I really don't know what to do anymore, I can't seem to do anything right. I have a few friends, I also have horrible grades. I'm failing almost all of ...

 I hate myself?
What should I do?...

 How to be able to forgive yourself, especially when others won't? PSYCHOLOGICAL ONLY, NO RELIGION PLEASE!!!!!
I have some friends who came from abusive households, and had to endure abuse throughout their growing up years and carried it out throughout, social and work life, unfortunately such people are not ...

I had been to see a Psychologist and had therapy for 2 years and it ended last Christmas. I wanted to go back to see her as I was having problems again but Mental Team said No. Once you have had your time, you can't go back to see the same Psychologist again. I also email the Mental Team and everytime I email them, no one contacts me to help me. Then I found out this Psychologist's direct email address and emailed her. I know she has read it as I had a read receipt. Plus I probs have crossed a boundary there but I was driven to it. I wish she would reply. What Do i do now?

Gay F
Seek out a different therapist. You will receive a different perspective on your issues. Ask about IMR and a local group for DBT. Those two groups really help!

Jasmine A
What's Mental Team?

What a terrible policy!!!!

But I am not surprised. You may have to seek treatment else where. It seems like they put a time limit on your healing process or to "cure" you and are ignoring the fact that you have had a setback. Doesn't seem like this team has your best interest in mind.
Go somewhere else. And file a complaint with your state.

Deb S (SFCU)
You might want to consider going to see a pastor of a christian church. Many of them are counselors or have counselors on staff.

Perhaps if you opened your email access you could get some appropriate responses.

be careful this could cause problems such as stalking. Start looking around and asking others friends, family, etc about possible psychologist. Good Luck

I seriously dont think she CAN answer, there will be codes of practice in this sort of work to ensure that people cant use you to get through everyday problems and so that you arent harrassed or stalked. What you really need to do, instead of constantly badgering the Team which will only serve to permanently ensure that you arent seen by that team again, is go through the proper channels of seeing your gp and asking for referral first to the surgery counsellor and then if she/he thinks you need further psychological help THEY make the appropriate referral. Please dont hassle the Team, they have guidelines they have to follow, and if we ALL kept jumping in at them they would never get to treat other patients. I too have used a psychologist, and last year had a REAL need to contact them again, but i went through my gp and within 6 weeks i had received acknowledgement that i would see a new psychologist as soon as my place on the list was reached. I would delete the Team and psychologists direct email from your address book as they will have no other option but to refuse to take on your case again, or they may even have to report you and take further action. None of use can just jump the queue, its not fair on the rest of us who need help. Your gp may refer you to another Team if he/she finds that you do need further help. You could always go private and pay for your own if you are really stuck.

I have had the same problem. The initial therapy I had lasted a short time and merely highlighted my issues without sorting them out and I was very distressed. Anyway, I think you have crossed a boundary, but do not knock yourself over the head as you are desperate. She may reply and may not. Probably best to assume she won't and try to find help elsewhere. I actually got very expensive private therapy and lived in poverty. There may be a means-tested counselling service near you. Good luck.

First as a Counsellor myself, if she did nothing in all that time, it's unlikely she ever will. You do realise you have to do the HARD work yeah?

That said there are many free clinics. orgs. who can help you. Also support groups dealing with issues specific to your problems are in yellow pages, newspapers. Luck

Use yellowpages to look up another local psychologist.

Have you tried your GP? Maybe they could help re refer you?

try mind and dont give up or have you got a cpn

It sounds like you have become Co-Dependant on your therapist. So have. I too find myself in a similar situation with mine!
I am gay and I found myself falling big time too. But I know deep down that this is because she is the one person in my life that has rally listened and understood me. this only highlights how isolated and insecure I am. It really isnt about her but about my own low self esteem.I am working on this

At those times when lonliness for an answer in the only option that confronts you, I always go back to the basic routines in my life to find an answer. These routines mainly about me listening to music, and, myself asking of what do or should I belive in today, or.....I think you'll find your own jist.

Is that how the doctors treated you. If so, did you find a jist, or are we searching through peoples answers for a belief. Remember these pages of answers are here for the insane, just a pity there wasn't a specialist to bring to a point for you.

I wasn't sure what you meant by the term 'Mental Health Team' until I looked it up. Assuming you are from the UK, there are several avenues you can go with this.

1. Talk with your General Practitioner since he/she can start the recommendation process over again.

2. Contact your Key Worker (IE Social Worker or Nurse) and ask about the Psychologist.

3. If you have an advocate, get that person involved.

4. File a complaint with the proper authorities.

If health care works in the UK like it does in the US, the psychologist might not contact you because he/she feels that it would be inappropriate to do so now that your treatment has ended. You may need to find another psychologist. The sources below may help. Good luck.

Is there another place you can try? I think you can only wait to see if this person gets back to you and if they don't to look for help elsewhere?

i think you shouldn't go at all, you had two years of therapy and that's more than enough, even though you are having problems try and solve them without seeking any help, better to get engaged in some kind of activity like outdoor sports (good for mental health) even joining a gym would help you to socialise more and have some relief, bottom line is, try to avoid getting help from anybody unless and until its really unbearable.

The medical profession can be such a pain but im sure they are just doing their job!...
The first thing you should do is let go of your last psychologist!...
They are no longer "allowed" to help you, probably due to the fact that the dont like to form relationships etc!...
I would say you should go to your GP and get them to give you a number or some form of contact to another team of professionals...
That way you are getting the hlpe you need...i wouldnt suffer alone getting yourself worked up about the fact that they dont contact you...They have a lot of people to see and having had seen them for two years is a very long time...they normally only do a contact of 6 sessions so just think they must have cared to keep seeing you for such a long while!...
I hope this helps...feel free to email me if you would like to talk...
Take care and saty strong!...

I suggest finding a life coach. They will assist you by identifying your issues and put you in touch with a compatible professional who can help.

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