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Get Away from the Computer

If you have a computer addiction, this is for you. Many of the computer addictions happen because of online games or chatrooms that are frequently used and are appealing to the eye.

  1. Find the source. Think to yourself, "Why am I on this computer?" If you're on a social networking site like Gaia Online, deviantART, Facebook, or MySpace, think about one thing: Why is this so addicting? In the grand scheme of things, it hardly matters. They really are just ways to eat away at time, and time is the most important thing anyone has.
  2. Diagnose yourself. Ask yourself if you use this program too much, or if you actually have a "problem". Deduce whether or not you can be doing something more useful with your time. You can't solve a problem if you are unaware of it, but we would hope that it simply doesn't exist.
  3. Stop all at once (cold turkey): This is one of the more willpower-intensive ways to quit. You might want to try this, but it is usually not the easiest or best way.
  4. Make a schedule: Schedule a time period. It may be once a day or every other day. Put an alarm on your computer to pop up when time is up (turn pop up blockers off for this). Usually if you do this for a month or so, you can stop.
  5. Find something else to do: Try reading or exercising. All that energy and time you were wasting can be put to good use. Discovering a hobby you enjoy can often be the key to quitting.
  6. Block the "problem" site: If all else fails, block the site. Use a filter to block the problem site. Or, with some filters, set a time that enables the website. This usually helps with making a schedule.

  • Quitting "cold turkey" is not the best way to stop. It requires much more willpower spread over a length of time than most can usually muster. This is one major problem why people who try to quit can't do so.
  • Lift the filters / blockers from the problem site as you start getting "farther away from the computer," if (and only if) you think you can handle it. Keep the blocks if you think you might go back to your primitive ways.

  • Too much computer time can be bad for your eyes and brain.
  • Quitting can help keep your eyesight at perfect condition.
  • It has been proven that electronics make you weaker. How is this possible? I don't know. But if you ask a friend over you can try a stimulation. Put your pointer finger on the opposite side of your nail. Then ask your friend to pull apart the lock while you resist. Now put your other hand on any electronic like a house phone and try again. Your finger lock should have pulled apart easier. If you don't believe me then time how long it took the first time and wait a few hours and try again with your other hand on the phone. Should still take less time.
  • Computer weakens the relationship with your family.
  • If you have a low relationship with you family, then the computer has promoted that. The way I quit was cold turkey. It's pretty effective.
  • Your brain will be brainwashed to tlk lk ths an u'l doo bad at sppling. Also it affects how you think of things. A LOT of youtube videos has a scary lady scream at end. It's usually as a prank so you watch it and get scared. It's bad for your spirit and it doesn't help you at all.
  • You will develop less than intelligent views and opinions just as the above individuals have.

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