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Beat Drug Addiction

Here are some helpful tips for those who are trying to get clean and stop using drugs.

  1. Decide that you do really want to stop using drugs. Unless you have the desire to change you will never be able to.
  2. Be completely honest with yourself and others. Your chances of recovery are not good if you cannot face yourself and deal with confrontations from others.
  3. Be patient with yourself. It usually takes at least three months before significant improvement occurs, so don't give up if you don't get instant results.
  4. Remove influences that enable your drug use from your life.
  5. Avoid relying on someone to stop doing drugs with you, as he or she may not have the willingness to change. You must be willing to stop spending time with people who use drugs, and to avoid temptation. Learn to walk away from those that insist on using or talking about using in front of you. It may require you to be alone for a while or find a whole new set of friends to hang out with. It will shock you to find out how much healthier your friendships will be once you are not using drugs to smooth out the rough spots.
  6. Stock up on nutritious, easy-to-eat foods such as soup to keep your strength up while clucking (going through withdrawal). Be especially sure to focus on your protein intake. This will help keep your blood sugar level stable, which in turn helps keep your mood on an even keel.
  7. Find a group in your local area such as Narcotics Anonymous or SMART Recovery. It will help you deal with the issues that come up when stopping drugs. Narcotics Anonymous is not actually specific to narcotics - users of all kinds of drugs, including marijuana, attend Narcotics Anonymous. Although the name may be misleading, recovering users of all kinds are also welcome at Alcoholics Anonymous. SMART Recovery helps addicts learn to abstain from drugs, alcohol, and addictive behaviors using self-management techniques, and may be a good alternative for people who do not feel comfortable with 12-step groups.
  8. 'Get in touch with a reliable friend who does not take drugs, if you have one. Ask him or her to stay with you to help out while you go through the worst of your withdrawal.
  9. If you feel you cannot deal with withdrawal by yourself, then see a doctor or go to a hospital emergency room.
  10. Write down a list of things you enjoyed doing before you started using drugs or things you've been interested in doing that you haven't done yet. Drugs have been a big part of your life and it will be easier for you if you plan ahead to fill the void that their absence will create.
  11. Identify your triggers, which are people, places, things, events, activities, emotions, times, dates etc., that make you think of using; therefore placing you at a higher risk of using. After you identify your triggers, avoid them.
  12. Identify your relapse warning signs, which are changes in your behaviors and/or attitude that signal a chance that you are close to using.
  13. Educate yourself on the dangers to your mind and body.
  14. Find a support system.
  15. Develop a crisis plan.
  16. Develop and use positive self talk.
  17. Find health activities to replace using.
  18. Look for work that doesn't involve selling of drugs.
  19. Focus on your health and taking care of your family.

  • In mostly all cases, drugs are ILLEGAL
  • It is always easier to come off your drugs at a time when you don't have anything important to deal with. Of course, waiting for that time can kill you. So don't wait.
  • Although you may not feel like doing it, exercise will ease the pain of withdrawal.
  • Read Aleister Crowley's "Confessions Of A Drug Fiend" for some useful advice on stopping using drugs.
  • If you suffer from hot and cold sweats, wear layers of clothing that can be removed and put back on easily.
  • Take a few minutes to do some stretching, yoga or meditation to get out of the mental tape loop that may be pulling you down. Change the channel.
  • Boredom is the first step to relapse so always stay occupied somehow

  • If you see your doctor about drug abuse, the details can appear on some medical records. Disclosures, while illegal, may in rare instances happen, and might cause problems with future jobs and insurance. Of course, continued use of illicit drugs is going to hurt your chances even more. If you are the victim of an illegal disclosure, see a lawyer.
  • In the United States, you can get help through your city, county, or state Department of Social Services with coming off drugs. This can take some time, however, depending on where you live.
  • In the UK, it can take between 4 weeks and 9 months for Social Services Department to be able to give you any help.
  • Withdrawal can be dangerous, and even deadly. Please, consult a medical professional before detoxing.

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