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Energize Friends Stuck on the Computer

Janie always shooting for virtual goals? Betsy always wanting to groom her online horse? And Jon always racing for the highest score? All this while the sun shines outside, muscles atrophy and you get more bored by the second? Here are some ways to wean your computer-addicted friends and get them to go and do something else.

  1. Tell them in no uncertain terms that they are becoming unattractive playing so much. Point out the hunched back, the tight shoulders, the mean look on their face and the lack of sunshine on their skin. Explain to them that being on the computer all the time is harming their bodies and will cause them to look really wan, sickly and generally unattractive.
  2. Offer great alternatives. Mention all the things that you are going out to do and how you want them to join. Going to the movies, playing baseball in the park, chasing squirrels, joining a football team, surfing at the shore, discovering bird's nests, whatever.
  3. Ask them to really think about what they are doing. Point out how they are not talking properly to you anymore, how everyone is noticing all they do is sit on the computer all day and show them how they are missing out on really fun things that have nothing to do with computers.
  4. Post a photo of them on the screen. One where they are all hunched up and pained-looking. You know that look - the desperate "I just have to finish this last game" look. Mirroring how they really look when in "action" on the computer will scare them.
  5. Hide the computer cord. Switch the power off at the mains. These are drastic but effective measures that compel your addicted computer-using friend to try something else with you. Goodness, they may even enjoy themselves... If you feel too gutless to do this, go and visit them during a blackout and start from there!

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