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 Is pneumonia a virus or bacteria if so is ther ea cue for it?

 Asthma Inhaler Assistance??
I am a 35 yr old and I've had asthma all my life. Lately, my asthma has been waking me up out of my sleep, my chest gets tight and I CANNOT breathe!, the wheezing starts, and my lungs hurt. Long ...

 How to quiet smoking?
okay im 15 and i've been smoking for 8 years you do the math...........well how do i quiet smoking my parents don't no so i cant get gum and ****...so any ...

 Can the winter make u feel like its hard to breath first thing in the morning and late at night?

 How can i stop smoking when i want a baby?
i tried and tried to stop smoking so that i can have a baby but its really hard.....

 Is it really true that you can pass asthma to a chihuahuas?
I'm 21 years old and I have chronicle asthma and I have heard that Chihuahuas help you get rid of your asthma by passing it on them and when this happens theydie from it?...

i've got to perform in a school play in about a month and have got the worst throat infection, blocked nose and painful ears. is there anything that i can do in order to make my thraot better ...

 Chest pain?
I sometimes get a wierd pain in my chest, it feels like someone is crushing my chest, I went to the docotr and they couldent find anything wrong, help??...

 Bronchitis, want more opinions?
I have had a cough sometimes with wheezing and a cold for almost 2 weeks. Does this sound like bronchitis?
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I don't smoke and I don't have a fever. I went to ...

 My mum has had a chest x-ray and it has shown she has a thickening on one side of her lung what does this mean
We are really worried but she is not to see the consultant to discuss these findings for 2 weeks
Additional Details
She is a non-...

 Is hooka addicting?
Need to know. because if it is.. im not going to do it!...

 Do I have asthma?
I haven't been able to breath deeply. If I yawn it makes me feel better.
When I run around for about a min and I stop I can't seem to find air and I sound like a dog because I get so ...

 How was asbestos made, how is it carcinogenic?
My old farmhouse still has white asbestos siding/shingles. My grandfather put them up around the 1950's. He died of lung cancer in 1969/1970. I was wondering where it came from, and what makes ...

 Could cigarette smoke trigger my sinus infections and a previous bronchitis?
I was just piecing things together.. and wondering..

In december, while I had a cold, I was exposed to a room FULL of cigarette smoke for about 4 hours. Later that week, I developed "...

 Is TB completely cured now have they really found?
the cure....

 Is smoking very hareful? Does it mak u feel bad?

 Why should you breathe into a bag when you are hyperventilating?

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Breathing into a paper bag works by making you rebreathe the carbon dioxide that you are exhaling. This causes the blood levels of C02 to rise, and slows your ...

 Asthma Test?
Did everyone on here get a test done to see if
u had asthma???

What test???

Did they give u medince to inhale to make u have
an asthma attack during the test???

 What will happen?
I've been coughing for like 2 years.. and recently my throat starts hurting a lot. It happens with just regular talking.
will something bad happen if i keep coughing any longer? like lose ...

 What is the best remedy for thick mucous at the nasal base that could not be expelled.?

Maria D
Shortness of breath ETC?
okay, for a long time ive felt short of breath and my head is always tingling and my jaw muscles have become really tight...also my neck muscles are tight too....ive been to the doctor and ive done all the tests possbile for my lungs and my heart and they say everything is okay...DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT NEUROLOGICALLY COULD BE WRONG THAT IS CAUSING ME TO FEEL SHORT OF BREATH WHEN REALLY IM NOT SHORT OF BREATH? im sick and tired of hearing that its ANXIETY AHhhhhh

go to the doctor

You could have TMJ, look it up. You may have it to the point where it is causing shortness of breath.

Faerie loue
Do you also sometimes suddenly feel tight chested, then your hands start to sweat, maybe your lip tingles or feels numb, or fingers go numb? Sometimes get a pain in the chest that goes away at the same time? Have this feeling you need to open the window or get outside,like something is wrong but you don't know what? Or if your in the store suddenly you feel agitated and conspicuous, and you NEED to get home away from what feels so crowded? If you are experiencing these feelings, it is an anxiety attack! And they are not fun and they are very real and mimic a heart attack even. If you pride yourself on your "togetherness" and feel it is sign of "weakness" to have this disorder, your way wrong! It happens to people who have put up with pressure and stress without venting or complaining for so long, it's the person who is always "happy" and has a "smile" for everyone else, they are going 1000 miles and hour under that facade trying to balance a world of problems and somethings got to give, so the mind says "I'll shut this body down, because it's to dumb to know when to sloooowwww down" So relax----go see the Doctor he will help you with techniques that will help you to control the anxiety;medications are sometimes good for a short term as well. Good luck!

i undestand your sick of hearing anxiety, this is because lots of people who suffer from it, genuinly cannot believe that the symptoms of anxiety can be so debilitating, its time you admitted this to yourself, get medication for it if its that bad and interfering with your life, and just move on, the more ytou focus on it, the worse it will get. good luck x

To be honest I would see a doctor, rather than post that sort of question on hear-you may get the wrong answer, and take what you have read, then find a major problem a few weeks later, take my advise-(OK it may mean taking time of work for a few hours) BUT BEST TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY...

I had the exact same thing! Shortness of breath, tight muscles, tingling feeling. A full blown panic attack, with many visits to the hospitals er. Then it just all stopped for 2 years. I got really sick, the sickness left me a gift, allergies and asthma! For 3 years, until i did something about it! Do not think about it too much, that really helps! Good luck & Do your homework!

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