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 If i feel like i dont have enough breath sometimes when i breath even when in still and calm do i have asthma?
I feel short of breath alot even when im calm or relaxing and when its cold....

how do you know if your addictid to smoking?
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how about headaches?...

what is the purpose of a T...

 Wats the different between common cold and flu?

 Do cigarretes make you colder??

 Cold & Cough tips on getting better?
My cough is loose and phegmy. Does
anyone have any tips on getting rid of it?
My nose is also plugged up....

 What are some remedies I can use to help me get over bronchitis quicker?
The cough is driving me nuts, and it seems like I just blow and blow my nose. What can I do to alliviate these symptoms? How long is this crap going to last?...

 Sinnuss problems?
i started 2 years ago with feeling blocked up all the time been on that many nasel sprays but non of them helped 3 months ago had a sinnuss operation but feel worse now and i get the sinnuss pain in ...

 What is the best music for people who had difficulty in sleeping?

A couple days ago I was in terrible pain and could not breath right at all. It was hurting to much. The ambulance came and picked me up in the middle of the night. In the emergency room I was ...

 Does my child have some type of asthma?
My child is 11yrs. old and has several episodes of irregular breathing during the day. It's not sever, but it causes discomfort for him. What could possibly be his problem?...

 How does the pulse ox distinguish the difference between o2 and co2?

 Feeling under the weatther. any advice?
I've had cold after cold for the past month and it seems that just as i'm feeling somewhat better i get another one that lasts longer than before. I've never gotten sick in the summer ...

 What is emphysema?

 True or false?
most of todays smokers began in their teens____

most athletes dont smoke because the carbon monoxide in the smoke interferes with their intake of oxygen____

please ...

 Smokers, Serious replies only, I've seen what tobacco withdrawal will do, I'm 44 and more afraid of getting
sick (if I quit) than anything else. Why don't you want to quit?
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I think i'm gonna go with if your body has adapted to what you feed it then take it away, ...

 What is wrong with my lungs?
Last year I started experiencing a wheeze. I can feel the excess of mucus move in my lower left lobe of the lung. I got it checked out and my xray came out normal. i also had other tests showing ...

 Constant feeling of dusty particles in the throat....?
Hi this is a health related question. My mom has been suffering with this for the past 10 months. She gets a feeling of something in her throat (she feels like dust particles in her throat) and hence ...

 What is wheezing? and how do we know if we are wheezing?

 Why do I always get a cough after a cold?

Is TB completely cured now have they really found?
the cure.

No, I don't think so. Although if people are treated for it early enough, I think that they're chances of surviving are pretty high. I recently tested positive on my TB test, not that that has anything to do with this of course :)

No they haven't and many people are unknowingly carriers of it.

Dr Frank
Unfortunately there are some very resistant forms of TB, some associated with AIDS. It is possible to treat most TB but treatment is both difficult and prolonged.

Jay W
Tuberculosis (TB) had been pretty much eliminated in the US around 20 years ago. Then, due to emigration into the US from countries where TB is endemic (commonly occurring) as well as a reduced effort toward identifying and treating TB cases by US public health agencies, tuberculosis cases began to increase again. Currently, tuberculosis is referred to as a re-emerging infection in the US, meaning that although the disease was decreasing at one time, it is now on the rise. Globally, there are 2 billion cases of TB annually.

There are several antibiotics that can be used to treat TB, but none that is really able to "cure" it. There are four drug regimens that are usually taken over about 9 months to completely rid the body of TB. When people abandon the regimen before the TB is completely gone, the remaining bacteria can become resistant to the antibiotics that are being taken. This results in MDR (multi-drug resistant) and possibly XDR (extensively drug resistant) strains of TB. These strains are particularly hard to kill and present a major threat in the future.

BTW, there is no immunization for tuberculosis (BCG is not an effective TB vaccine)!!!!

Ian UK
I heard that it was making a huge comeback in the UK after having been brought in from abroad by the influx of immigration. I could however be wrong. Just something I heard.

Albert R
No. It is making a comeback due to antibiotic-resistant strains. Make sure your immunisation is up to date!

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