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 My son and his asthma???
how many asthma attacks are too many that i would need to take him to the Emergency Room he is 19 mths ??...

 What is Ulcerative Colitis ØŸ!ØŸ!?
please help me !!
what is Ulcerative Colitis ØŸ!ØŸ!...

 How to get rid of cough ??
I have a lot of cough in my throats & lungs. It keeps on increasing & decreasing but remains in all seasons. I want to completely get rid of it because it makes my voice unclear & ...

 Is smoking a hookah bad for u?
a hookah is an arabic pipe ...it has a fliter to it..if u kno wat i mean...but it is bad like smoking cigrites..and is it ...

 What could cause a person to cough day and night?
I have taken her to several doctors but they can't find the problem. They all recommend she see an ENT specialist....

 What relieves snoring if the breathe right strips don't work?

 If u have asthma?
if u have asthma? is it a sickness in the lungs?...

 Can smoking(cigarettes)cause excessive sweating?

 Is it safe to inhale vodka through a hookah?
Theres this new thing college students are trying. you put dry ice and vodka together and then inhale the "smoke" that occurs when the 2 things combine. Is this thing safe?...

 What is the difference (if any) between Asthma and Emphysema?

 How can i give myself laryngitis besides screaming or faking it?
the singing concert is coming up and i really dont wanna do it cuz i have stage fright and my teacher said that the only way we wouldnt have to do it is if we loose our voice...weird right? but plz ...

 I have inhaled door oil it is called knotting i was wondering can it kill you or damage you in anyway ?

 How do you treat a sinus infection at home...?
That's what I think it is anyways, sinuses have been clogged, headache, fever, pain in my eyes, and what come out taste like it's rotting (I know, disgusting), and I have a slight cough. <...

 Could swollen tonsils cause nose bleeding and snoring?

 Where is pleural fluid located?

My friend is 13 years old and she has pneumonia..Im really worried about her, Do most 13 year old die when they have pneumonia

Help me.. im worrying to much!...

 My lungs keep hurting...should I be worried?
Ok, well, I am only 13. Starting about the beginning of the summer, I felt this sharp pain in my heart. However, it is developing on both sides. So, I am thinking it is my lungs, and not my heart. I ...

 Bad cough and fever?
I have this really deep cough. It sometimes brings up that yellowish/white goopy stuff (i forget what its called). I have a fever of 100.2 and I've been like this for a about a week and it seems ...

 Are you cold?
Im freeeezzzzziiinng!! I think i may turn into an ice lolly at some point this morning.

I hate this bloodyy English weather!

I cant sleep because of it! :O...

 I cant breathe good...?
i cant breathe well...i believe i should go to the hospital but i do not have insurance... i also have a heart murmour and i dont know if that has to do with anything but this is a horrible feeling......

Cough question?
Okay so about a week ago I had the flu. runny nose, core thorat, the works. So now my nose is still stuffy and I seem to only cough like crazy at night. During th day i dont cough nearly as much but at night i cant sleep because of my coughing, any ideas why?

You might have an STD. You need to go to the doc ASAP. I had them same symtoms

frank j
If you have allergies, sometimes they work together and team up against you, but check out www.webmd.com

Well if you did'nt go to the doctor yet thats the best idea. But you have to elevate yourself when you are sleeping. I as well have a cold that seems like the flu right now and it's going to be gone tomorrow. The point is that if you cant sleep and you are not planning to go anywhere the next day stay up a little later to feel better. i'm sure you will feel better!

because thats when you body breathes the hardest when your asleep go get a night time medicine and take it right before you go to bed hopefully it will help

Michelle M
its wearin off

ong s
last time i also have a some cough like you . here are the tip
take a ginger cut into slide and then boiling a little water (cup of water) for 3 minutes .remember drink before you sleep;but a little bit spicy cos the ginger.....
you will feel better try it 2-3 time daily before you sleep

Not sure, but look up Vicks vapor rub and feet. For some reason many people swear that if you rub it on your feet at night and put socks on, it will quiet your cough. Might be worth a try. I have used it on both of my kids and it does seem to help a lot.

ur sick dude! ride it out unfortunately is the only fix : /, like others said, tea, sitting up, etc. get better!

Rachel W
My suggestion to you is since its been going on this long is call your doctor office and schedule a appointment just becuase its safe and to make shore it don't worse over the weekend nor you might have another bug

I used to have that problem. Prop yourself up while you sleep. I think its because of the way you breathe when you lay down. I used a triangular pillow propped up. Nice and comfy.

sleep with lots of pillows...almost sitting up. take cough medicne...drink tea

it is probably because you re laying down. try propping your head up with two pillows! or Nyquil if all else fails!

you now have a chest cold, my suggestion is to buy some cough syrup prop yourself up in a recline position and during the day put a hot towel over your face so you can breath in some moisture.

all it is. is clearin up..
all ur sickness is clearin up..

your sinuses drain at night and cause you to cough, usually. Sometimes, I won't cough all day, then wake up in the night with a coughing fit!
Try a sinus pill before going to bed..

you might have a sinus infection and post nasal drip which will cause you to cough more at night becuase you are lying down. During the day you are mostly upright. If the stuffy nose persists try a humidifier and go back to your doctor to see if you have a sinus infection.

First of all that is totally normal, a cough is often the last "step" of a cold.

As for sleeping better at night, have you tried taking cough medicine like Robitussin? It's so gross but it works (believe me). Also, sitting up a little more, like adding a few more pillows to where your head is helps a little bit.

Those core throats are killers, ouch. Just kidding that happens to me and I'm not sure exactly why it happens at night. I am interested in knowing as well.

OOO! I know! I know!
An over the counter nighttime cold and cough med helped me.

Roger G
You tend to cough more at night and other flu symptoms become more pronounced due to a number of factors.
1) As simple as it sounds, your body is more tired at the end of the day.
2) You are less active at night and your body 'cools' down, and this increases the effect of the flu symptoms. (eg sit down and relax even duing the middle of the day in a cool airconditioned room and after a while the coughing and blocked nose will startup.)
3) It's generally cooler at night, the air is thinner and drier. Similar to the airconditioning example above. The cooler air causes breathing airways to constrict a little, and irritations in the airways increase. You cough and cough like there's something there to be removed but after all the coughing it still remains.
4) This is all further exacerbated when you are lying horizontal on your bed. Flu symptoms start up - coughing, and stuffy nose as phlem and muccous build in the back of the throat and nose.

There's a number of ways to ease these symptoms and get some relief.

Short term - you need some drugs.
Paracetemol for general pain relief, a nasal decongestant to clear your breathing, and something suitable for your cough.
Ask your pharmacist about these.

See your doctor if symptoms persist.

You could also try steam breathing to help relieve symptoms.
Basically this is sitting over a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head and the bowl, and breathe in the steam.
This will have the opposite effect of the airconditioning situation mentioned above. The good part of this is that it's very cheap and easy to do.

Another assisting remedy to try is a warm drink of cider vinegar and honey.

Try 1/2 cup warm water, couple of tablespoons of cider vinegar and good teaspoon of honey to cut the sourness of the vinegar. Helps ease the coughing, break up the phlem and help you get to sleep.

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