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 Can't stop coughing after cold?
I just had a cold for about 3 days, and it's really starting to clear up, but the only problem is that I can't stop coughing and cough medicine/drops do not help at all. It feels dry when I ...

 If i have asthma can i go bungee jumping, or will i lose my breath?

 My 4 year old cant breath propley!?
when she was born her right side of her nose was squashed and still is if its quiet you can her her its really loud and at night she dont like going to sleep and when she does she wakes up early ...

 When you cough up phlegm is it ok to swallow it?
I mean it feels as though you are just putting it back where it came from but really it came from lungs right and if swallowed it will go into your stomach... right?...

 What sickness do I have?
Well, I have sore throat, sometimes burning ears, a low fever, stuffed up nose, some coughing but no mucus just coughing from throat, and sleepiness. Any ideas? I just wanna know to be safe.

 I am taking a meds to fight a bacterial infection. How can i replace the good bacteria being destroyed?

 Could it be pneumonia??
ok well.. i am almost 13 years old and recently had a cold... ((im a girl)) and i have noticed that i have been caughing alot and wheezing..... and this gross stuff has come up =p.... i have had ...

 Persistant cough???
about 2 weeks ago i came down with a bad cold..congestion, soar throat, cough, chills, fever, headache...whole nine yards. after about i week i was feeling better..took some cold and sinus meds. but ...

 Do anybody know anybody that has COPD (emphysema)?
My uncle, who was always the dad I never had, was just diagnosed with COPD and after reading a fact sheet, I'm still now sure how serious it really is. If anybody has any information on whether ...

 Coughing blood, sore throat, head throbbing, nose bleed?
so last night i started to get sick & just assumed it was a cold/sore throat. i took nyquil before going to bed, & this morning after brushing my teeth, i coughed up blood. it was kind of a ...

 Why do young people start smoking when they know that smoking cigarettes kills?
I work in a Nursing Home and we have many residents who are suffering because of cigarettes. It is so sad! We had this sweet little lady, Stella, who was on oxygen, I had never know her to smoke but ...

 My doctor told me i had asthma what are the symptoms , but im pretty sure i dont have any allergies?
i also smoke ya i should quit easier said then done. what exactly is an asthma attack. i was also told 90% of people with asthma have allergies. i wont take inhalers because of all the side affects ...

 Someone help? Mom hurting from the chest? O_O ALL the time! ?
My mom has been having these attacks very so often now. Her chest starts to hurt and she cant breathe. I think there called anxiety attacks but i want to know how to treat them shes very stubborn and ...

 Just how addicted are you to Cigarettes?? For women smokers only please?

 What is the best way to stop smoking concidering my smoking addition?
I grave ciggiretts all day long. I get up and need one, I even wake up in middle of the night to smoke. Sometimes I will smoke two packs in two hours. There will even be times when I am caughing my ...

 Can you catch pneumonia off other people?
i'm 25weeks pregnant and my husband got admitted into hospital with pneumonia.
I have had a chest infection and severe asthma for the past 2.5 weeks, but seem to be getting better now... <...

 What is the desiese called that killed Bernie Mac?
I know its like a type of pnemonia? That starts with a S. but I dunno what it is called. and is it like where bumps are on your lungs? or cells?...

 Other method for asthma???
Does anyone know a way i can help control my asthma instead of taking my inhaler all the time and i dont wnat to keep using it.
Any suggestions would help.
Thank ...

 Nicotine withdrawal seems to be very troublesome...is there any solution?
I have quit smoking since 15th august 2007. although I
am feeling very fine that i have successfully quit
smoking, Nicotine withdrawal seems to be very
troublesome. I am facing too ...

 Is asthma hereditary?
I arguied with someone. I've told him that a father can transmited to his daughter, and a mother to her son. plaese i'm really confused i need help. thank............

My friend is 13 years old and she has pneumonia..Im really worried about her, Do most 13 year old die when they have pneumonia

Help me.. im worrying to much!

No most young people make a full recovery. It really is only dangerous when you are older, like 50 and up.

Ben M
I wouldn't say most people die from it at all, as long as she is under care of a doctor she should be fine. She will need to keep hydrated, and be on medicine for a while but she will recover.

The people most at risk for dying from this would be the very young (ages 0-3) and the elderly (ages 65+), the reason for that is their anti-bodies are not at full strength, in small childeran they have not developed, and in the elderly it is wearing down. A healthy 13yo girl will recover from this illness.

Its only dangerous in the elderly and small children. your friend will be fine

No, I just got over having it and I am fine, not a killer disease, just bad bad cold, usually.

it all depends on how bad you have it...if its really bad you have a more chance of dying.

Is your friend ok now?

Pneumonia is a lung infection that can make it hard for you to breathe. Pneumonia usually starts when you breathe infected air particles into your lungs. You may be more likely to develop the condition after a cold or influenza (flu) which has made it difficult for your lungs to fight the infection.

Most young people won't die of these conditions so easily unlike elderly people. Because of their age and immunity level. But this statement also depends on what type of pneumonia one has and how bad is it? Pneumonia can also be caused by chicken pox. But that happens rarely.

If she is hospitalized, then the chances of getting more infections and staying longer in the hospital is more. But if she is not, i hope she is on medications(antibiotics) and she is compliant to taking them on time. And if she is asthmatic, it can take much longer to recover. Hoping that she is at home, all she can do or you can advice her to do is: to rest and taking care of her cough. If she's got phlegm, remove it immediately. If her cough is bad, get some cough syrup. When you know you got a cold, take care of yourself, and treat it asap.

Phlegm can cause pneumonia to be an sit in guest. For a long time till it becomes chronic. She's young, so are you, So take care of your friend.

Oreo Schmoreo
Her is some great info regarding pneumonia in children:

Pneumonia in Children


What is pneumonia? Pneumonia (noo-MOH-nyah) is an infection in one or both lungs. Often, pneumonia begins after an infection of the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat). This causes fluid to collect in the lungs, making it hard to breathe. Children of any age can develop pneumonia. Pneumonia is most common in fall, winter and early spring.

What causes pneumonia? Pneumonia can be caused by different types of germs, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Viruses are usually the cause of pneumonia in children. Children with a viral pneumonia can also develop bacterial pneumonia. Pneumonia can also be caused by foreign material such as food or stomach acid. If these materials are aspirated (inhaled) into the lungs, pneumonia can develop.

What may put your child at a higher risk of developing pneumonia?

Being born premature (weeks or months early).

Breathing second-hand smoke, such as from parents who smoke.

Having asthma, or having certain genetic disorders such as sickle-cell disease.

Having heart defects, such as ventricular septal defect (VSD), atrial septal defect (ASD), or patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).

Being malnourished (having poor nutrition).

Having a weak immune system (body defense system).

Staying in a crowded place such as a daycare center.

What are the signs and symptoms of pneumonia? The signs and symptoms of pneumonia may be different from one child to another. This will depend on what caused the pneumonia and the age of the child. The signs and symptoms of pneumonia caused by bacteria usually come on more quickly than a viral infection. Your child may have one or more of the following:

Cough, usually with yellowish or greenish phlegm.

Crying more than usual, or more irritable or fussy than normal.

Loose bowel movements (diarrhea).


Pale or bluish color of lips, fingernails, or toenails.

Poor appetite or feeding.

Trouble breathing.

How do I know if my child is having trouble breathing?

Their nostrils (openings of the nose) open wider when breathing in.

They may have retractions (pulling in of the skin between the ribs and around the neck with each breath).

They may be wheezing (high-pitch noise heard when breathing out).

They may be breathing fast:

More than 60 breaths in one minute for newborn babies up to two months of age.

More than 50 breaths in one minute for two months to 12 months old.

More than 40 breaths in one minute for a child older than one year of age.

How is pneumonia diagnosed? The following tests may help your child's caregiver check for signs of pneumonia:

Blood tests: You may need blood taken for tests. The blood can be taken from a blood vessel in your hand, arm, or the bend in your elbow. It is tested to see how your body is doing. It can give your caregivers more information about your health condition. You may need to have blood drawn more than once.

Chest x-ray: This is a picture of your child's lungs and heart. Caregivers may use this to look for signs of infection (such as pneumonia) or other problems.

Sputum culture: These tests are used to look for germs in your child's sputum.

How is pneumonia treated?

Many children can be treated without having to stay in the hospital. If the pneumonia is severe, a caregiver may want your child to stay in the hospital for treatment. Troubled breathing, dehydration, high fever, and the need for oxygen or medicines are reasons to stay in the hospital. Your child may need extra oxygen to help with troubled breathing.

If your child has a bacterial pneumonia, your child will usually need to take antibiotics. Antibiotics are not used to treat a viral pneumonia. Viral pneumonia will usually go away without medicine. Caregivers may have your child take antibiotics if the cause of the pneumonia is not known.

How can pneumonia be prevented?

Ask your child's caregiver if prophylactic (disease-preventing) antibiotics can be given. Your child may be offered these if he has been exposed to someone with certain types of pneumonia or has weak immune system.

Do not let anyone smoke around your child. Smoke can make your child's coughing or breathing worse.

Have your child vaccinated against infections by viruses or bacteria.

Keep your child away from people with a cold.

Wash your and your child's hands often with soap to prevent from spreading or getting the infection.

You or other family members and friends should not share eating or drinking utensils with your child.

How do I find support and more information? Accepting that your child has pneumonia may be hard. You, your child, and those close to you may feel scared, sad, or angry. These are normal feelings. Talk to your child's caregivers, family, or friends about your and your child's feelings. Contact the following for more information:

American Lung Association
61 Broadway, 6th floor
New York City, NY 10006
Phone: 1-800-586-4872
Web Address: http://www.lungusa.org


You have the right to help plan your child's care. To help with this plan, you must learn about your child's health condition and how it may be treated. You can then discuss treatment options with your child's caregivers. Work with them to decide what care may be used to treat your child.

Copyright (c) 2007 Thomson MICROMEDEX. All rights reserved. Information is for End User's use only and may not be sold, redistributed or otherwise used for commercial purposes. The information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Additionally, the manufacture and distribution of herbal substances are not regulated in the United States, and no quality standards currently exist. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you.

Creighton F
While it is very healthy and caring for you to be so concerned, many people, young and old, develop pneumonia. Some develop walking, some develop cases that require they be hospitalized. If she is home and resting, she will be fine. If she is in the hospital and awake and responding, there should be nothing to worry about.

Medicine has taken great stides to combat many internal conditions, lung infections being one of them.

So... to answer your question: Most 13 year olds do not die from pneumonia. Most, in fact, may have pneumonia without telling their parents how sick they feel or letting it effect their daily routine. In these cases, it takes longer to clear up, but the body is very good about making itself healthy.

If she has medicine, all the better. Consider talking to her on the phone if she is up for it, writing her a letter if she isn't: anything to cheer her up and not make her feel left out for being sick.

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