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 Why my teeths are yellow?
I brush daily but my tooth remain yellow in colour,what is the ...

 What is the best painkillers for toothache?

Howl ong does your Stride gum last
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how long not how l ...

 On a scale of 1-10 how bad does a filling hurt?
1 being less pain full and 10 being the most pain full

Is it true that put a shot in your mouth?

I haven't had a filling in forever and i was wondering how it felt...

 How can I make my teeth more yellow? Are there strips that can help me do that?
Ive tried to make my teeth white but after not brushing my teeth for 9 years it seems that I cant.

I figured the best thing to do is to have dark yellow teeth. What is the best way to do ...

 What is the best method to whiten teeth without having to pay stupid money?
ive heard somoe peoples teeth are naturally yellow. mine are fine i wanna whiten em up a ...

 I have a really bad tootth ache and i cant see my dentist until wed what can i do for pain? no oral pain meds.

 Does everyone have to get braces on the bottom?
Because my bottom teeth is already straight. Are you do need them because they are gonna shift your jaw in the right spot right..???
But it would look kinda silly without bottom braces lol

 Does getting teeth pulled hurt?
I am slow at getting my teeth to come out, and I still have 2 left and I need to get them pulled. I am terrified of the thought of things going in my mouth and I even thought it hurt when I got my ...

 No offence, but why do so many British people have bad (buck) teeth?

 Best cure for a sore throat?
It's so sore :(...

 One of the front teeth is just a bit broken, will it grow back?

 Does getting a filling hurt?
I think I need to get a filling in one of my teeth, but I’ve never had one before and I’m a bit worried about it. I don’t want to ask any of my mates about it because they’ll take the mickey ...

 Do you brush your teeth....?
with cold or warm water?...

 What does NHS stands for?

 Do you brush your teeth in the shower?

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In the morning I brush my teeth over the sink but at night I shower just before bed, so I brush my teeth in the ...

 I am getting braces in august is it true that when the orthodontist tightens them it can cause u to pass out?
i am only 14 and scared to death cause 1 of my front teeth ore fake will that effect anything with my braces and wil i have to use alot of care for that one specific ...

 Which is most unattractive - crooked teeth or yellow & stained teeth?
Heya, just wondering which do you dislike more - teeth that are crooked/crowded or teeth which are yellowy or stained. And I don't just mean in a potential partner, just people in general. P...

 A dentist farts in your face--what do you say?
I was at the dentist today and he turned around and bent down to get something for my fillings out of a cabinet and farted in my face. What should I have said?...

 Braces HELP!!?
Does it hurt when they put braces on???
And what can you not eat when you have braces on??
Can you eat Fast food?
I am getting braces~...

Daily Breakthrough!
Any advice on how I can STOP BITING MY NAILS??


soak your fingers in nail polish remover every few hours for at least a week and u will break the habit

whenever you ever notice your fingers in your mouth, bite them REALLY hard!!! it will deter your fingers from your mouth

try sitting on your hands if possible also

Ally C
Paint Ur nails with nail polish because you'll admire them instead of biting them and you won't want to ruin ur nails

I know how you feel.Bad habit Huh. I actually never used to bite my nails. I just started biting my nails, I want to say very end of 2006. I started from my friend, she would always do it. I would tell her to STOP but she wouldn't cause its a habit we do it all the time. So since i saw her do it i thought i would try it. I was Stupid!!! Anyway i started doing it more and it came a habit.
What i try is this is kind of stupid but i have more. Get a candy or something that you like. For every time you bite your nails take away 17 candies. Or lemon juice. NOT THE STOP THE BITE NAIL POLISH DON'T USE THAT!!!!!!! if you by mistake bite your nails that taste doesnt come out forever unless you eat something.

Erica W
Put Twinine on your nails!!! It works!!!

First you have to figure out what is triggering it, then you can eliminate the problem

Dip them in nail polish remover on a daily basis for a while :P

Thats what I did!

Imagine how BAD your nails will look like if you continue biting them!!
Just imagine! They'll surely look bad and others will notice.

Then try biting something else like... let's say a candy for example.

Good luck!

Nail polish... yuck that made me stop.

put chili sause on them,worked for my brother

the only time I ever have had great nails was when I had a baby and was changing diapers, suddenly the thought of biting up my nails really turned me off...LOL...

Try mentally picturing the millions of germs on your fingers and esp. under your nails....and take a good vitamin.

I'm exactly in the same situation as you are!
I've been biting my nails for the past 20 yrs now....am 30 yrs old.
This New Year however, I made a resolution. I said to myself that if I stop biting my nails, God would give me a beautiful child (we are trying to conceive).
You wont believe it! For the past 2 months, I havent bit the nails off my left hand. However, not doing that good with my right hand......will keep trying though.

Good luck!

put on clear or colored nail polish.

coat them in vinegar

Get some of that nail polish that makes your nails taste horrid!

Wear gloves or find another habbit

Great Question....need to know myself...there are some remedies like putting tabsco on your nails and stuff like that....you'll just bit right through it. It's not a rmembering thing for me...it's a compulsive thing.

eating healthy helps. Or put hot sauce on your finger nail because that works too.

jack f
prozac or zoloft

Put a nail polish on your nails. Well if you are a guy then put a clear nail polish. It helps me to stop bite my nails

soak your nails in vanilla extract it tastes so bad XP

i do the same thing and want to know too...i have tried a lot of things here are some ideas
bitter yuck spray
rubber band so you can snap yourself when you bite (does not work)
fake nails
nasty tasting nail polish
tobasco sause

martha jones
learn to knit

dip fingers in HOT HOT pepper

Well im assuming your a guy, my sister just got fake nails and she stopped.

put something disgusting on your nails- some things that taste really bad nailpolish remover so dip your fingers into a big of that.
im sure you can think of things to put on your hands that you dont want in your mouth lol.

Buy some nail polish that is especially for this. I'm not sure what it's called but you could look it up. My sister used to have the same problem so we bought this nail polish that is reallllyyyy spicy so when you start to chew on your nail you taste it and immediately stop biting becuase it tastes horrible... i tried it once on accident!
wish you the best.

dont wash your hands =)

This might help you.....................
Do you know that you have the same subtance in your nails(urea), thats also in your piss. xxx

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