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 Do you brush your teeth....?
with cold or warm water?...

 What does NHS stands for?

 Do you brush your teeth in the shower?

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In the morning I brush my teeth over the sink but at night I shower just before bed, so I brush my teeth in the ...

 I am getting braces in august is it true that when the orthodontist tightens them it can cause u to pass out?
i am only 14 and scared to death cause 1 of my front teeth ore fake will that effect anything with my braces and wil i have to use alot of care for that one specific ...

 Which is most unattractive - crooked teeth or yellow & stained teeth?
Heya, just wondering which do you dislike more - teeth that are crooked/crowded or teeth which are yellowy or stained. And I don't just mean in a potential partner, just people in general. P...

 A dentist farts in your face--what do you say?
I was at the dentist today and he turned around and bent down to get something for my fillings out of a cabinet and farted in my face. What should I have said?...

 Braces HELP!!?
Does it hurt when they put braces on???
And what can you not eat when you have braces on??
Can you eat Fast food?
I am getting braces~...

 Omfg braces =[?
yea well today i found out i need braces. Thats no shock at all since my teeth are a mess. I am totally freaked out. So can people give me adivce on anything and also if i have to get teeth pulled ...

 Anyone got any tips on getting my 8 yr old to brush his teeth...?

 Beside toothpaste name something sold in a tube?

 I don't think this is particularly odd, do you?
Every morning I clean my teeth in the shower, it's the last thing I do before getting out.

It makes perfect sense to me as you can rinse off all traces of the paste properly, and you ...

 How bad are braces ????
i am getting spreaders tommorow then after that i am getting braces how ba dit the pain for the spreaders??
and braces ????...

 You talking to me?
or are you chewing a ...

 I always have bad breath!?
I just brushed my teeth 2 hours ago and It already smells bad and I haven't ate yet. I have been to the dentist recently and they said nothing about any bad tooth. What could this be?...

 Honestly, do you floss daily?
I try to floss when I have the time but sometimes get lazy and think brushing and mouthwash are enough....

 Do u sound wierd while talking when u first get your braces on?

 Hi what color should I get !?
I am 14 and getting my braces on monday what colors should I get . I want some thing really girly like blue and light green or pink but I want something really cute so help ...

 Does everybody get wisdom teeth?
I heard some people only get 2 or instead of all 4 but I don't have any. I'm almost 20 years old, there's no sign of anything coming in, and there's not really a space for them in ...

 How many times a day u brush your teeth?

 Ive got a toothache,i cant get it seen to till monday,does anyone know anything i can do 2 ease it a bit?

Howl ong does your Stride gum last
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how long not how l ong

i have no idea

Jesus freak
about 5 seconds no joke

idk few hours

enough for them to make those stupid comercials on how long their gum last

TwinsFans* Matthew and Christina
It last long, hours and hours. Last longer than the other gums out there.

2 hours

Bubbles S
Never had it before. But Orbit lasts for a few hours. Their new flavor is the best! and the orange

It is great gum! It usually lasts me around 45 minutes to an hour and a half. How long does it last for you? I like the blue and green kind the best just incase you were wondering i guess.

It doesn't end ;).

Carisssa B
umm well i think mine last for a hour or two. Im a huge fan of it.
Y did u ask??? well unless u eat food it dosent taste good if u leave it on the side of ur plate whall u eat and chew it after, i tried it once, it was too dried out

Well I'm chewing some now.. It's been like 55 mins or something and usually it lasts for me about 1 hour to 1hour 3 mins. Strides does last long, but I've tried gum that lasts longer:) Why don't you test if for yourself? GO get some stride!!!!!!!!!!! lol

for me, it fades after an hour or a little less, but still has some flavor until like, 2 hours...

i don't usually chew it that much, i just like the taste and feeling of it in my mouth so that could affect how long mine lasts.

Red Sox are Life!
not long enough for it to last FOREVERRRRRRR

30 minutes...tops!

I'm a Fermata, Hold Me!! :)
a class or 2? (each class is 57 min)

not that long.

Emily W
Please don't laugh and call me stupid, or idiot, or dorky.

What is stride? I think it is a gum, yes?

Is it an American thing?

I've never seen it in our little corner shops, Sainsburys, ASDA, Morrisons or Tesco.

Please tell me what it is!!!

Skater Gall
Wat ?

not very,
i chew half, then add the other half about 20 mins later

I don' t care for the taste of Stride - I like Ice Breakers Ice Cubes!

They last a good long time!

for about 3 second, so i trow it out, and take another one that last 3 seconds, so i trow it out, and take another one that last 3 seconds, so i trow it out, and take another one that last 3 seconds......
that's how i finish a hole box of gum in 4 minutes.
dude, gum rules....

For me, the flavor lasts around 2 minutes....

adrian g
about 45 min, still has flavor but i throw it away by then

william x
well when i chew on a piece of gum and i feel no taste afterward i automatically throw it away since its pointless to keep chewing when you're basically chewing nothing. it usually takes 5-10 minutes honestly

k3Lli b3Lli
it can last like an hour if you chew it without the wrapper

I love that gum!!! I've never been able to chew it long enough to let the flavor run out. Probably about 3 hours....

Kelly V
Not that long I only chew for a breath freshener then spit it out !!!

Khrystal ♥
one hr.


Team Edward!
Usually around 45 minutes to an hour.

that stuff really does never run out of flavor! i chew mine a couple hours at least ...

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