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Howl ong does your Stride gum last
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Im getting my all 4 wisdom teeth took out next week. Im scared to death. Does it hurt? What can i eat?

They give you pain killers so you don't feel anything. You are a little sore after wards, but its not unbearable or anything. After I got mine out I loved pudding, the fridge was full with every flavor available.

i had my 4 impacted wisdom teeth taken out and the surgery itself isn't bad at all b/c you're knocked out. Unfortunately they gave me too much anesthesia and it made me sick for 4 days. I could not get out of bed and was puking. Aside from the anesthesia side effects, my cheeks were a little swollen and you just need to eat soft foods. You aren't supposed to smoke, sip through a straw or slurp real hard because then you can get air pockets where they made the incisions and those can be painful. You may feel sharp things working there way out of your gums for the few days after the surgery...those are just little pieces of your tooth that didn't come out during the surgery. You will start to notice a bad tasting/foul smelling odor coming from your mouth after a few days. It's pretty much blood sacks that are coming from the holes where your teeth were. Don't be worried if you experience this, it's normal. The rotting blood sacks will dislodge themselves and come out eventually and you won't taste the bad breath anymore. Don't mean to gross ya out, I just wanted to let ya know what happens. Over all it's really not that bad. I was terrified b/c I had never had a surgery or broken any bones so I was freaked out.... but it was all ok. They should give you pain medication too. Go buy plenty of soup, applesauce, sliced bread, pudding, etc.... Good Luck! =)

I got all four of my wisdom teeth taken out about three years ago. I had requested two days off from work Thurs & Fri. Plus I had the weekend to recover, just incase I needed it. I had heard pleanty of horror stories due to wisdom teeth.

Get the gas & IV. It will put you out and next thing you know your out of there, still wondering how you got into that room???

It didn't hurt, but I was scared to bite on anything. I was fine Friday morning. Bored at home I decided to pickup my vehicle from the mechanic.

I think my wisdom teeth were extracted they didn't have to cut into my gums a whole lot. Have your wisdom teeth broken through your gums??

My sister on the other hand had hers taken out two weeks before I did. She said it was painful. She had to return to get the cloves pushed into her gums. She is about 2 years older than I am. PLUS she is a WIMP.

Don't use a straw and make sure they give you that cleaning seringe before you leave. After you eat anything use the seringe fill it with water to push out any food that gets stuck back there. You will be fine. Get pleanty of rest, if you are afraid to eat anything, just drink lots of fluids!

Its horrible if your not put under. If you are then it will only hurt when the meds wear off, then your gums will ache.

Tea is good to drink and it keeps the swelling down. No rice or oatmeal or little stuff since it can get in the sockets.

Soup without little bits in it. Ice cream, yogurt that stuff is good.

yes it hurts bad especially if they haven't came in all the way and they have to be cut out. you can eat jello, chicken noodle soup, ice cream, things like that

I ♥ Colbert
I was awake when I had them removed, it was painless. Just hearing it was gross. I had chicken strips right after wards. It wasn't smart of me, but it didn't hurt.

You are supposed to stick to soft foods, like maybe some soup and ice cream.

if they put you under of course it don't hurt. take it easy for a day or so afterwards. they tell you not to eat things like steak and gum, or anything that will irritate stitches. you'll be queasy from the anesthetic so you probably won't want to eat for several hours to a day.

The worst part are the numbing shots. If memory serves you'll get 4 of them, two on your upper pallet and 2 on the bottom of your mouth. They aren't pleasant, but they're over with fairly quickly. Once that's done, you wont feel a thing. I remember it sounding really gross though. You'll do fine :)

yeah it hurts for a few days...

mostly you just want to eat soft stuff that doesn't require much if any chewing... and you don't want anything small like sesame seeds or it can get stuck in your incision.

Good luck

Jamie G
No I had all mine cut out and it didnt hurt and it healed really quick I was eating wendy's two days later...

It hurts. I got knocked out for mine, so I was still loopy when I left the oral surgeons office. They give you some really great pain killers though (I'm not a drug addict, btw). Take those during the recommened time slots, and it really helps with the pain. After a couple of days though, you should start to cut out the heavy pain killers and just take regular Tlyenol instead.

It also helps to switch between hot and cold compresses. Place a heat pack on your face for 10 minutes, then off for 10 minutes, ice pack for 10 minutes and off for 10 minutes. This also helps with swelling. Just to warn you, your cheeks will swell up but they will go down!!!

You probably won't feel like eating anything for the first day. Try some cold juice or water (not through a straw!) After that, I ate a lot of yoghurt, jello, pudding, and milkshakes (frozen yoghurt, Nesquick syrup, milk, and banana). Your jaw will be stiff, so getting a spoon into your mouth is kinda hard, but possible. When your mouth starts healing more (3-4 days) you can start to eat soft, warm food, like Mac n Cheese or soup. You want to try to get a balanced diet, even though it is limited. And you want to take the pain killers with food and drink a lot of water.

I got mine done on a Thursday, and I was back to school and eating a semi-normal lunch on Monday. My cheeks were still a little puffy, but in High School, its normal for people to get their wisdom teeth pulled, so no one cared.

I hope I didn't scare you! It's going to be fine. Relax and GOOD LUCK!!

There is nothing to be afraid of, you'll be back to your normal self in 2 weeks (100%) but most of it is over after one week. The doctor should go over with you what you can and can't eat right before the surgery, and he should talk to your mother too. Get the phone number of the doctor so that you can call him if you have any problems. I got my wisdom teeth out about 2 months ago, and I was tired from the sleeping gas. It wore off about 20 mins after, but the numbing stayed for a long time. Refrain from talking or eating ANYTHING for the first day. You are also not allowed to drink (I believe). If you talk or eat then you'll bite your tongue accidentally and that's bad. Also they didn't warn me so I got stains on my pillow, but put a towel over your pillow for the first two nights you sleep, so that any bleeding won't ruin your bed. Also get into a comfortable position before you go to sleep so you don't move around too much, and put blood everywhere. Brushing your teeth often (about 4 days after surgery) will help the healing process go faster, and keeping everything clean. A check up will occur about a week after surgery to make sure everything's going fine. Stitches fall out by themselves (mine fell out 4 days later). Basically you made a good choice taking them out, because an infection would've been 10 times worse. Don't eat anything too hot or too cold, because you will be very sensitive back where the surgery occurred and don't eat anything too hard. I suggest cheeses, filling drinks (fruit drinks or vegetable drinks) and cold soups (Borscht, and split pea soup is good). I wish you the best of luck on your surgery and don't worry too much.

P.S. if your oral surgeon said anything different from what I said, listen to him first. He's a professional and may have other plans than my oral surgeon but most of what I said should apply.

Rachel R
Didn't hurt me a bit. Make sure you keep your holes clean, check them every day. Do not use a straw, makes you swell. Sleep sitting up, it reduces swelling. Relax, you'll be fine!

ask me a
i had mine taken out one by one and i was awake, no big deal!.....i ate a few hours after each one whatever i wanted but if your getting all four at once......that could hurt.....stock up on soup and ask for alot of love!!!

alex j
I had a friend who had her wisdom teeth taken out not too long ago,she said it helped alot to eat soft and cold food,especialy things like ice cream, and yogurt,she also did mension that it hurt quite some bit,but it depends on how you handle the pain,and also if the freez you're jaw so don't worry bout it to much.

i had it done ( all 4 at the same time) and it didnt really hurt they gave me enough meds to hold me over and i just ate soup for like a day maybe 2 cuz food would get stuck in the holes.... but pain nah not really....

Jennifer D
I'm not gonna lie, it does hurt a lot after the numbness goes away. The painkillers didn't do anything for me except make me nauseus. But they pain is only really bad the first day or two. After that it's just sore when you touch it. You could have an easier time than I did though. I have friends who were fine the next day, just kinda swolllen. Also, are your teeth still under your gums? If not, the dentist won't have to cut you open, so it might not be as bad.

When the pain was bad for me, I put ice packs on my cheeks and that helped a lot.

As for food, you probably won't be able to eat anything solid for a couple days. I ate apple sauce, yougurt, ice cream, mashed potatoes, etc.

Chelsea B
No you will be fine, they will give you some good pain medacine. Get lot's of rest and eat soups or ice cream or a popsicle! Enjoy your time! You won't have to do anything for a couple of days!!! Good luck!

Tee Dub
doesnt hurt but mine bled for like 2 or 3 hous after ( not like gushing) and i had to have cotton balls in there while they bled. then it feels wierd because you always want to rub where your teeth used to be with your tongue

It doesn't hurt at all. They put you under. I had all 4 of mine taken out as well. They have you on some pretty kickin' pain meds. As for food, just as when any other tooth is taken out, soft food for the next few days. You definately don't want to eat taco's or taquito's!!

Daniel C
It'll be pretty sore once the novacaine wears off but you'll be given candy for that. You'll also be given instructions on keeping the area clean; you won't be able to hit it with a toothbrush, ya know?

No foods that crumble into hard pieces (like nuts). Preferably soft stuff. Tough meat will be a problem in that it will be painful to exert much jaw pressure.

Don't worry about it; I had mine out when I was 15 and it really wasn't that big a deal.

Here's what I'd recommend to make the process go by smoothly..take your iPod and be prepared to load at least 50-100 of the most relaxing songs with you so that you can drown out any sound of your wisdom teeth being uprooted.
Ask them if they've got any "funny gas" to calm your nerves a bit... make sure you wear the most comfortable outfit possible, and take a hoodie or a sweater incase its a little cold. These doctor's offices can get cold after a while, and the procedure takes a while. The first day, you will be sent home on a "liquid diet" but will be allowed to eat pudding, and very light foods. The pain isn't excruciating afterward, but if they ask if you want a prescription say yes anyway! Most likely they will prescribe something like Vicodin. Enjoy the vicodin while it lasts!! That's when you'll really be on cloud nine.

I had 3 of mine taken out at one time, 2 of which had to be surgically extracted. And, honestly, I don't remember a damn thing. lol They gave me some pain killers to take before my appointment, and then when I got in, I was already half-dazed and I told them to give me the gas because I did NOT wish to remember the experience at ALL. (Which I don't). The aftermath of it is a little irritating and a little sore... and you can only eat liquidized and pureed meals for a while..... but, even after you are healed enough to eat solids, be very very careful because everyone has a tendency to want to chew w/ the back teeth... and it's also a good idea to rinse your mouth out after eating, smoking, or anything else that might make your mouth dirty...
Hope all goes well. Blessed be!

Anticipation Hurts the worst.
Get busy and stop worrying.

Yes, you will have pain but you will also have pain pills.
Do not worry about eating. Drink lots of fluids - follow up with water to rinse the sugars out of your mouth. Eat soups, yogurts, soft stuff for about a week. And rinse each time you eat.
Cold compresses on the jaws will feel good too.
You will be back to yourself in no time.

Good Luck

It is not that bad. Put ice packs on your jaws after you get home. Rest. The doctor will tell you what not to eat. Stay with soft food for the first couple of days.

É?dɾ soÉ?ɥɔ Ç?nlqblue chaos jpa
It hurts,but not bad. Hurts less than getting braces. I ate mashed potatoes,soup and pb&j sandwiches. Ibuprofen helps alot.

You should be affraid. A nurse will sit on your chest and hold you down while a dentistry student is made to remove your wisdoms with a fork, a spoon, a string, and a 50lbs weight. You will be given 1 shot of tequilla and a bucket of ice cold water every time you look like you might pass out. Haha!

Just kiddin. In all likelihood, they will give you a relaxer (for your anxiety), which will make you completely careless. Then, they'll give you an anasthetic which will hit you so fast and so hard that you won't realize it happened until you wake up after the surgery with a mouth full of gauze and a slight hangover. Your mouth will be a bit soar but nothing you can't deal with. It really isn't that bad of an experience. Enjoy the attention you get.

Have fun, it only happens once in your life.

I had it done under general anesthesia. You do not feel anything during the procedure. Absolutely nothing.
It does hurt for a day of two after that, but not really bad (and they'll give you a prescription for some strong pain killer.)
You can eat only soft and COLD food. No hot food for several days (it may cause bleeding.)
It's not much fun, but it's not as bad as you think. You'll be fine.

It actually depends on how impacted your teeth are and the configuration of your roots. In most cases, you will be sore for a few days, but your Dentist or Oral surgeon should give you meds for the pain. They give you specific instructions on what to eat and how to eat it, like do not use a straw because you can effect the healing process. Stick w/ soft foods, at first and you will gradually return to normal in perhaps a week. Hopefully you are not conscious for the procedure.

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