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 How can I make my teeth more yellow? Are there strips that can help me do that?
Ive tried to make my teeth white but after not brushing my teeth for 9 years it seems that I cant.

I figured the best thing to do is to have dark yellow teeth. What is the best way to do ...

 What is the best method to whiten teeth without having to pay stupid money?
ive heard somoe peoples teeth are naturally yellow. mine are fine i wanna whiten em up a ...

 I have a really bad tootth ache and i cant see my dentist until wed what can i do for pain? no oral pain meds.

 Does everyone have to get braces on the bottom?
Because my bottom teeth is already straight. Are you do need them because they are gonna shift your jaw in the right spot right..???
But it would look kinda silly without bottom braces lol

 Does getting teeth pulled hurt?
I am slow at getting my teeth to come out, and I still have 2 left and I need to get them pulled. I am terrified of the thought of things going in my mouth and I even thought it hurt when I got my ...

 No offence, but why do so many British people have bad (buck) teeth?

 Best cure for a sore throat?
It's so sore :(...

 One of the front teeth is just a bit broken, will it grow back?

 Does getting a filling hurt?
I think I need to get a filling in one of my teeth, but I’ve never had one before and I’m a bit worried about it. I don’t want to ask any of my mates about it because they’ll take the mickey ...

 Do you brush your teeth....?
with cold or warm water?...

 What does NHS stands for?

 Do you brush your teeth in the shower?

Additional Details
In the morning I brush my teeth over the sink but at night I shower just before bed, so I brush my teeth in the ...

 I am getting braces in august is it true that when the orthodontist tightens them it can cause u to pass out?
i am only 14 and scared to death cause 1 of my front teeth ore fake will that effect anything with my braces and wil i have to use alot of care for that one specific ...

 Which is most unattractive - crooked teeth or yellow & stained teeth?
Heya, just wondering which do you dislike more - teeth that are crooked/crowded or teeth which are yellowy or stained. And I don't just mean in a potential partner, just people in general. P...

 A dentist farts in your face--what do you say?
I was at the dentist today and he turned around and bent down to get something for my fillings out of a cabinet and farted in my face. What should I have said?...

 Braces HELP!!?
Does it hurt when they put braces on???
And what can you not eat when you have braces on??
Can you eat Fast food?
I am getting braces~...

 Omfg braces =[?
yea well today i found out i need braces. Thats no shock at all since my teeth are a mess. I am totally freaked out. So can people give me adivce on anything and also if i have to get teeth pulled ...

 Anyone got any tips on getting my 8 yr old to brush his teeth...?

 Beside toothpaste name something sold in a tube?

 I don't think this is particularly odd, do you?
Every morning I clean my teeth in the shower, it's the last thing I do before getting out.

It makes perfect sense to me as you can rinse off all traces of the paste properly, and you ...

marisa o
Please anser: how much does it hurt to get a tooth pulled?(see details)?
As in a not loose tooth, getting numbing shots injected in your gums, pulling it out and stitching it up? (no tooth growing in under it) awake but numb... please! any pain comparisons?

its not that bad i got 4 pulled and there was only a little bit of pain because they made it numb.

it doesnt hurt when you get it pulled, but the shots hurt a little and it KILLS later.. when the anesthtic wears off....sorry to make it sound bad. =]

Plethera of Ideas
Well, when I had it my wisdom teeth pulled out, it didn't hurt at all during the operation, but after it hurt kind of bad.
On a scale, the afterwards pain was like shoulder to the jaw.

It doesn't hurt as bad as keeping a bad tooth.

it doesn't hurt its just very uncomfortable! you can feel the pressure.

they dont stitch it up

shots are un confort.

but you cant feel the pull at all

it doesnt hurt ...and you dont get it stitched up...as far as i know...the shots are a little pinch but they arent anything to lose sleep over...and the actual pull you dont feel at all!...so dont be scared...trust me i know i have gotten shots in my mouth every 2-3 months for the last 2 years of my life...LOL its really not that bad...

Miss F
The needles are like little pinches in your gums that last a second then you get all numb. The pain after is kind of uncomfortable but they usually give you Tylenol 3s or some other kind of pain killer to deal with it.

Then you can eat ice cream and hang out on the couch till you feel better :D

Jesse J
All i felt was vibration, it didn't hurt at all.

nic nac
Had one drilled out in February. The next 2 days I felt like I'd been kicked in the face by a horse. Then it was ok.

sean m
ask for partial numbing before needle
thats the biggest pain the needle

joe p
It hurts less than the tooth ache which is probably causing you to want to get it pulled in the first place.

Deb W
I didn't feel anything, as I was novocained up - numb - just felt a tugging. Everyone is different of course, but I felt nothing but the novocaine shots.

more pressure than pain over before you know it

Steve H
I am 23 and have never had a tooth fall out. All of my baby teeth have been pulled. Stuborn I guess. It really doesn't hurt. The only painful thing is a small shot. Then when the meds wear off it will ache for acouple of days

You won't feel anything except the needles, which actually made my husband cry because it was so painful, but other than that, you won't feel them pull the tooth out, but afterwards you will feel pain until you take pain meds. Could you suggest that they make you fall asleep for the surgery? I would! lol.

Dang it.I have to get my tooth removed.I have a adult tooth, and the baby tooth was still hanging on, and so it never came off, and the adult tooth grew on top of it.:[And they were the canine teeth too.:[

nope. i got 4 teeth pulled wen i was like 5. and i was afraid of the needles, still am, and that hurt a little bit cuz theyr never painless. but once that was over the teeth being pulled out was easy. its just weird thinking about them pulling it out but no pain. i didnt grow some of those teeth for like another 5 years.

Amanda D
the needle kinda hurts the rest you don't feel

i got FIVE teeth pulled when i was 10 years old!
the first shot or novacaine hurt less then a flu shot...and then after that i didn't feel anything!I feel asleep ....during half the prcedure and i didnt get gased or anything i just had novacaine! and while they pull you teeth out you will only feel it as if someone is just poking your tooth with a stick (bad comparison but true!)

don't worry and relax just think about the ice cream you wanna eat once you get feeling back in your mouth!!

I had to have two adult teeth pulled in a similar situation when I was getting braces (10 years ago). Once they numb your mouth you won't feel the pain of the tooth being pulled, but you might feel some pressure. The hardest part is the mental aspect and hearing the tooth breaking away from the jaw. Hope that helps.

I love JB!!!
I think A lOt!

iwas asleep

Not too bad...You will feel a very weird sensation in your jaw...
One of my teeth was so stubborn, I could see and feel the dentist pulling and twisting his pliers with all of his strenghth, he had to stop and get his breath a few times, and almost even had to use his foot on the dental chair for leverage, but the pain wasn't too bad.

After the freezing wore off, My jaw was sore, as you can probably imagine.

I have also had other teeth pulled, so quickly that I didn't even realize he was finished.

Stitched up?? I don't think so...they will probably just pack the hole with guaze, and tell you to rinse with salt water.

Kaila Hearts
First of all it depends on what tooth is getting extracted.
If it is the Wisdom teeth, then you will not feel the pain since they will put you to sleep to make it easy.

If it is the regular teeth then they will give you anesthesia /shots before extracting the tooth, so you will not feel any pain.. only pressure on the area.

As for the space, they will not leave it empty for long, because you will get bone loss and your teeth will shift.. so the doctor will recomend you to replace it with a bridge / crown.

As long as the dentist numbs you up good, all that you should feel is some pressure when he pulls it. Unless the roots are curved really bad, then they may have to cut a little. See if you can take some Tylenol or something similar before the numbness wears off. I have had several back teeth pulled and have not had any problems. If your dentist and assistant are good they will talk to you while the procedure is going on. It should take your mind off of what is going on and make you feel better about it.


Yoko K
It doesn't hurt that much, just don't think about it.

The shots are a little sting. If the dentist is a good one, he will rub your gums with a numbing agent and you won't feel any pain at all. Your gum will be sore until it heals, just chew on the other side. It's not a big deal and is soon forgotten. My question to you is why are you letting anyone pull a tooth out of your mouth. There are so many ways to save it which include pulling the nerve out and capping it so that you don't have a big hole in your mouth and you will have a chewing service forever. You never want to have a tooth pulled out of your mouth. Whatever it costs to keep that hole plugged with a tooth is worth it. Once your tooth is out, your gums wear away and your other teeth try to close the hole and you end up with a mess for a mouth. A good dentist never hurts. If they do, walk right out, tell them you will not pay for such treatment and find a good dentist. (and that includes getting your teeth cleaned too). Start taking better care of your teeth. While your at the dentist have him instruct you on good oral hygiene so that you can keep all your teeth. You'll thank me when you're older and not trying to paste teeth in your mouth.

Everyone's pain threshold is different. Your gums are numbed up a bit with an anesthetic on a Q-tip before the actual injection, but sticking the needle in your nerves still "pinches" a little. You shouldn't actually feel anything after that. It takes about 10-15 minutes for the anesthetic to take effect, and your face and jaw will be numb. The dentist will probably push the tooth back and forth pretty hard to break up the natural dental cement that holds it in your jaw, and then should be able to just lift the tooth out. Most extractions don't require any stitches, just a wad of gauze to bite on for an hour or so to stop the bleeding.

Mediocre Deity
It really isn't bad at all. I've had a few teeth pulled and ALL of my wisdom teeth surgically removed. The pain shot is just a little sting and you don't feel the rest. I wouldn't worry about it. It's more scary to think about than anything.

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