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 Constant feeling of dusty particles in the throat....?
Hi this is a health related question. My mom has been suffering with this for the past 10 months. She gets a feeling of something in her throat (she feels like dust particles in her throat) and hence ...

 What is wheezing? and how do we know if we are wheezing?

 Why do I always get a cough after a cold?

 Just curious - how many RT's monitor this?

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RT = Respiratory T...

 What are the side effects of digoxin?

 How much damage does 1 cigarette a day do?
i smoke 1-2 a day...am i really doing much damage?...

 Asbestos, does anyone know the real harm, and does anybody know who to go to if the find it????
do you know what it looks like????????? and what type it is????...

 Can 7% Hydrogen peroxide be used as a mold killer.?
I am starting a mold removal project in an old home and was told that 7% Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best products to use. Does anyone know if this is true....

 What can I do to get my husband to stop snoring?

 Can u give me some good home remedies for cough and an irritated throat?

 Another name for productive stress?

 What are the effects of smoking after, 4 years?
Does anyone know the effects after 4 years of smoking if you know please respond below. 1 pack a ...

 TB help please!!?
i just got got tested and the little red dot is 8cm
and just a tad bit raised they said i might be + so they did
a 2ed test it's been about 8 hoursand their's just a little mark<...

 How to cure asthma??

 How long does sinus pain last following sinitus?
I recently suffered with sinitus which lasted about 5 days. After that although most of the symptoms cleared I still find the pain /pressure in my sinus's wont completey subside. Has anyone else ...

 What should I do to stop my coughing I need a cure for it.?
Medicine, cures,...

 Pranayama with nasal problem?
Can I practise pranayama even if I have a nasal problem due to which I cannot breathe though both nostrils equally? My right nostril is often blocked a bit. Will doing pranayama be okey for me since ...

 Hello, i am currently weening myself off of acohol, i am finding very hard to sleep at night (approx 3 hours)?
i have got some temaepam tablets but i am quite worried to take because some docs say yes and others say no, please can somebody give me some advice because im finding it very difficult to sleep, i ...

 I have a frog in my throat. How do I get it out?

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And um....how exactly is she going to kiss it if it's in my throat Luu?...

 I had a cold and now I can't hear out of my ear?
I had a cold this weekend, and today I had a horrible cough and runny nose. Then this afternoon my ears started feeling plugged up. Now one of them is so plugged I can barely hear out of it. It feels ...

What are some remedies I can use to help me get over bronchitis quicker?
The cough is driving me nuts, and it seems like I just blow and blow my nose. What can I do to alliviate these symptoms? How long is this crap going to last?

there are some homeopathic remedies. they are in liquid form and you put them under your tongue. you can find these at the health food store or co-op. they work really great for me. but, bronchitis usually takes some kind of professional aid, like antibiotics. you may need to see a doctor if it persists.

coldeeze losenges work well they have zinc in them or you can get collodial silver i had to buy some when i had a bad cough that would not go away it is a natural antibiotic or you can take garlic pills

Mad Roy
Bromelain, guaifenesin, and NAC, for the mucus
Astragalus, olive leaf extract, vitamin C, echinacea with golden seal, garlic, vitamin A, cold-eeze lozenges, Esberitox, and Thymulin to help fight the infection.

vitamin C could help. for the long term, i'd recommend yoga - specifically the breathing routines called pranayama

mike L
onion soup but you need the doc for antibiotics. and about 3 weeks

One of the most effective home remedies for bronchitis is the use of turmeric powder. Half a teaspoon of this powder should be administered with half a glass of milk, two or three times daily. It acts best when taken on an empty stomach.
Onions have been used as a remedy for bronchitis for centuries. They are said to possess expectorant properties. They liquefy phlegm and prevent its further formation. One teaspoon of raw onion juice, first thing in the morning, is very beneficial in such cases.

Bronchitis treatment using Spinach
Fifty grams of fresh leaves of spinach, and 250 ml of water should be mixed with a pinch of ammonium chloride and one teaspoonful of honey. This infusion is an effective expectorant in the treatment of bronchitis.

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