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 What are the effects of smoking after, 4 years?
Does anyone know the effects after 4 years of smoking if you know please respond below. 1 pack a ...

 TB help please!!?
i just got got tested and the little red dot is 8cm
and just a tad bit raised they said i might be + so they did
a 2ed test it's been about 8 hoursand their's just a little mark<...

 How to cure asthma??

 How long does sinus pain last following sinitus?
I recently suffered with sinitus which lasted about 5 days. After that although most of the symptoms cleared I still find the pain /pressure in my sinus's wont completey subside. Has anyone else ...

 What should I do to stop my coughing I need a cure for it.?
Medicine, cures,...

 Pranayama with nasal problem?
Can I practise pranayama even if I have a nasal problem due to which I cannot breathe though both nostrils equally? My right nostril is often blocked a bit. Will doing pranayama be okey for me since ...

 Hello, i am currently weening myself off of acohol, i am finding very hard to sleep at night (approx 3 hours)?
i have got some temaepam tablets but i am quite worried to take because some docs say yes and others say no, please can somebody give me some advice because im finding it very difficult to sleep, i ...

 I have a frog in my throat. How do I get it out?

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And um....how exactly is she going to kiss it if it's in my throat Luu?...

 I had a cold and now I can't hear out of my ear?
I had a cold this weekend, and today I had a horrible cough and runny nose. Then this afternoon my ears started feeling plugged up. Now one of them is so plugged I can barely hear out of it. It feels ...

 Im 13 and i want to quit smoking?
i first started smoking when i was 12 and now i cant quit i have 3 cigarettes a night

i get them from my moms pack because shes hardly ever here

anyone know any ways?????...

 Slight breathing problems?
Well, toward the end of May, I started getting a bad cough/mucus, and the feeling that my throat had closed up slightly and was pretty dry, so i had slight breathing problems. It wasn't ...

 PLEASE has anyone else had this kind of shortness of breath?
Just recently a problem. The best I can describe is it's worst when I'm sitting and now a bit bad when I'm laying down. Feels like there is some pressure from my belly area that's ...

 I have flem stuck in my throat i have tried honey and lemon also expectorant what can i do help its been 1 wk?
i have flem stuck in my throat i have tried honey and lemon also expectorant what can i do help its been 1 wk

its hard for me to go to sleep sometimes and hard to swallow ...

 I stopped breathing in my sleep?
A really weird thing happened to me about three times. When I first fall asleep I fee my self stop breathing. Then something tells me to start breathing again. I feel like I am going to die in my ...

 What is the cause of pneumonia?
how do you get ...

 List four different chronic diseases.?

 What is a doctor who specializes in treating cystic fibrosis???

 I have chronic sinus! need a home remedy to avoid it.?
i am allergic to dust... been taking medicines since long. nothing really help. Help me ...

 I feel a little sore throat coming on!
My throat is starting to feel a little sore and I was wondering if any of you knew of any quick way to relive this with stuff found from around the house or common household medications I might be ...

 Does tobacco really make someone blind as l have cause to read in a government warning about smoking?
Quite often, l read ads about why one should stop smoking, and quite frankly too, my eyes find it difficult to sometimes read a simply line on a paper, unless l back it up further from my eyes, is ...

Constant feeling of dusty particles in the throat....?
Hi this is a health related question. My mom has been suffering with this for the past 10 months. She gets a feeling of something in her throat (she feels like dust particles in her throat) and hence she has to constantly cough in order to clear the throat. She has no flem or nothing comes out when she coughs. She says she just have this feeling and has to cough to clear the throat. If someone could help us on this we would greatly appreciate it.
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Hi this is a health related question. My mom has been suffering with this for the past 10 months. She gets a feeling of something in her throat (she feels like dust particles in her throat) and hence she has to constantly cough in order to clear the throat. This happens atleast three times in an hour period. She has no flem or nothing comes out when she coughs. She says she just have this feeling and has to cough to clear the throat. If someone could help us on this we would greatly appreciate it.

pat s
sorry to hear that, but i think she should see an ENT Doc as soon as possible.

ruth m
You don't say if your mother is a smoker or not?
Smoking can cause this because it is inhaled and will irritate the throat after a long period of time. If she doesn't smoke have her see an ear/nose/throat doctor to check for asthma or other throat conditions.
DO NOT leave this unchecked as it is NOT normal to have a recurring cough for any reason. SEE A DOCTOR Please.

Delores B
Have her checked for Asthma, I get that way sometimes when an asthma attack is coming on.

Suggest you look into her mouth and see if there are any brown streaks in the back of the throat. could possibly be post nasal drip. Would be an irritant and also would not produce any phlegm but, would possibly produce some bit of mucous, which is usually so minimal that it is swallowed after coughing.

I don't know what specific condition would cause such a feeling but your mom should be seen by an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist for consultation and testing.

It may be some sort of irritation from something such as acid reflux which, if not addressed, can severely damage her esophagus. Constantly coughing is going to irritate already sensitive tissues so that even if it is a minor condition causing the discomfort it's going to have a hard time healing.

She may also have some sort of sinus related condition that is causing the problem.

Urge your mom to see a doctor and if she won't listen to you enlist another relative or family friend to help you get her to go. There's no reason to continue dealing with the discomfort and annoyance any longer. If it does turn out to be something serious then the sooner she gets treatment the better.

She has chronic pharyngitis in which small particles form on the back of the throat, nothing serious. Usualy due to dust particles or a postnasal drip from a blocked nose and allergic conditions can cause it. All she needs is gargles witn antiseptics, and lozenges to clear her throat. Also the treatment is giving multivitamin supplements daily especially Vitamin C supplements and put on a towel ove rthe head take in steam once or twice daily from a kettle.called steam inhalations. Also an antihistamine over the counter take care it not sedating or it is unsafe for driving and stay from pollens grass weeds and wild pets. No antibiotics.

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