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 List four different chronic diseases.?

 What is a doctor who specializes in treating cystic fibrosis???

 I have chronic sinus! need a home remedy to avoid it.?
i am allergic to dust... been taking medicines since long. nothing really help. Help me ...

 I feel a little sore throat coming on!
My throat is starting to feel a little sore and I was wondering if any of you knew of any quick way to relive this with stuff found from around the house or common household medications I might be ...

 Does tobacco really make someone blind as l have cause to read in a government warning about smoking?
Quite often, l read ads about why one should stop smoking, and quite frankly too, my eyes find it difficult to sometimes read a simply line on a paper, unless l back it up further from my eyes, is ...

 A sore throat that starts in the early evening into the night. have had for 2-3 months.?

 What are the side effects of smoking weed?

 I am having a panic attack what do i do?

 How can one improve your lung capacity when its at 17%?
My best friend's mom is really sick... according to the doctor she has 17% of her lung capacity left. Is there ANY way of improving this? She walks around with some oxygen...but I really wish ...

 Has Anyone been diagnosed with sleep apnea?

 What do you think about 'passive' smoking ?
I grew up in a small house with two smokers on 40 a day each. Everyone at school thought it was me that smoked because I smelled of it which was annoying. The house was totally impregnated with ...

 Sinus Infection. Please Read!?
Ok. I went to visit my mom for the weekend then I started to feel weird. My head would always feel light and I would feel tingly and ichy all over my head. My ears keep clogging up and every noise ...

 If left untreated does bronchitis turn into pnumonia?

 I have bronchitis?
I am 29 years old, i smoke socially (20 x per week) which I will never do again. My sister emailed me to say that people come down with bronchitis usually have other health problems. She is ...

 My friend has started smoking cigars?
my friend has started smoking cigars, where could he be getting them from he is way underage.. like 16.. and looks ...

 I have cough and no ins. what's the best method to get rid of this cough?
I can't sleep at night, I take Robitussium, Nyquill and they don't even work. It's been 1 month now....

 When I shout or laugh too hard, I always get some breathing problems afterwards. HELP!?
I always get the feeling that there is phlegm in my throat, at the windpipe area. Breathing becomes pretty difficult, cause I get the feeling that I can't fill up my lungs.

This ...

 Inhaled Food?
I was just eating some grapes and when I bit into one it sort of 'exploded' and the mushy inside slid back down my throat. For a second I couldn't breathe (I certainly didn't ...

ive just been the doctors and been diagnosed with asthma, he explained it all to me but i didnt catch it all (hes foreign) can anybody explain to me what astma is? and what causes it?...

 What's the best way to cure laryngitis?
I'm recovering from a terrible infection that caused me to totally lose my voice. I'm taking antibiotics and it's getting better, but I need my voice! I know that time is the best ...

What should I do to stop my coughing I need a cure for it.?
Medicine, cures,

you could just try drinking plenty of water to moisten your throat or to clear small specks from your throat. and call me in morning if pain persists

It could be whooping cough. I didn't think people still got it because we immunize kids and I thought I had been immunized, too. However, the immunization wears off as an adult without getting updated.

A lot of doctors no longer know how to diagnose it because a lot of the time people feel fine between the coughs and if you don't have a coughing fit in front of the doctor, they don't have a clue.

Check out the link. If this sounds like you, it may be what's going on. There was an outbreak of "pertussis" in Houston several months ago and I got it. It's very, very, unpleasant. Unfortunately, for the most part you just have to let it run its course. If it's not this, you may need to go to another doctor or an ear, nose and throat doc in case it's something more serious.

Apart from any medications, chew a piece of Cherubic myroban known as Haritaki in Ayurveda.

It may be a little bitter, hence use along with a little sugar candy/honey. Enjoy relief within 15 mins.

Your tendency to cough will go away if you take it every 2 hours until its healed. This also reduces sour eructations

Grace <3
ive had a cough for about 6 months now. i went to the doctor are three months and he told me that i need to use a nazal spray, he gave me one and i used it twice a day and it didnt help. i went back and then had do a peak flow for 10 days. i was then diagnosed with astma. i know take an astma pump twice a day and it is getting better. so maybe you should go see a doctor - youve probably got the same - if not they will know what to give you. hope this helps x

If you have a chronic cough, then that signals something serious going on. It could just be allergy problems. If this is the case, you would need to see an allergist so they can figure out what you are allergic too....most likely they will then give you allergy shots.

I am surprised for all the recommendations..... the best thing to do is to visit your primary physician or a ENT (ear-nose-throat specialist). The problem could be for a lot of things: allergies, medications, foreign body...etc). Good luck.

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