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 How much weight should I lose.?
Ive always been a big person even though no one in my family really is. I am 6"0 and i weigh 219 pounds i have a good amount a muscle and im 15 years old. How much weight do I need to lose to be ...

 Is it possible to smoke and still get fit?
I have joined a football team and have been smoking for about a year....

 I am a 14 year old . I weigh 125 pounds. I am a size 3 in jeans, and a size 5 in dresses.... Am I fat?

 Diets for 12 yr old 5'6 150 pds?
i need to lose weight so i want to go on a diet. my goal is to lose 30 pds. I exercise every weekday for an hour. What r some good diets? also these are a list of foods i DO NOT like


 How much do you think i weigh ?
im 5ft 3 and btw the outfit was as a joke for a party , i wouldnt normally dress like that !

http://i22.photobucket.c Details

 What is an alternative to drinking water? If any.?
I need to drink plenty of water because of the amount of exercise I do. Also, it is good to drink several glasses a day. I can drink plenty of water when I'm thirsty (such as after the gym) but ...

 I feel so fat can someone help me?
i`m not a fat person.
i just have a fat stomache and my thighs are flabby.
i need to know of some exercise and/or food/pills to flatten my tummy and tone my thighs.tell me something that u ...

 Is it healthy to eat vegetables as a main meal,like dinner?
Iam trying to eat healthier and cut out red meats and lose weight.Iam not sure about eating all vegetables for a meal....

 How do i help my Mum lose weight?
I'm really worried about my mum, she has been overweight all my life and i really want to help her. i've asked her to find out tell me how much she weighs but she won't do that because ...

 Im 12 years old, 123 pounds, 5' 1", And FAT!!! what should i do?
IDK Im ...

 I am 5'7" and 98 lbs..... I feel fat in the mirror but then I see pics & I think I am skinny..do I have an ED?
I will feel normal sized or slightly big in the mirror.....but then I will see pictures of myself and think I am skinny.....does this mean I have an ED?...

 How often do you do it?
Eat meals...are you more of a 3 square meals a day, or 5 smaller meals?...

 How many pounds can you loose in 4 weeks by starving?
please no mess i really wanna know....

 Is it true that...?
If you suffer from bulimia, even if you're still at a healthy weight, your periods stop?

Don't worry, just curious!


 Did i eat to much today?? ?
i am battling anorexia and recently ovrcoming it.
I had
special k granola bar and banana for breakfast

1/2 a bagel & strawberry yogurt for lunch

i went to the ...

 What is my weight supposed to be? I am 5'9 and 13?

Additional Details
I am girl i am okayy in looking weight i don't really have a belly. i weigh right now 126...

 What [type of] foods keep you full longer than others (but ones that taste good ;] lol)?
im not obese or anything i just eat when im bored for some reason or when I just have nothing else to do..

its so annoying i dont wanna gain weight!

im thinking that maybe if i ...

 How many calories dose 100 calories burn?

 How do i resist food at a party?
im going to a party for track, and im guessing its pizza. I dont wanna eat it cuz im trying to loose 5 pounds. pizza will not help that!!

how do i resist it?...

 Where are triceps ?
are your triceps muscle just above your elbow?
Additional Details
is it like just above elbow or just a way up? thanks :)...

Is it true that diet coke makes you gain weight?

yes it does.
and it's unhealthy don't remember why


build muscle. it'll take your extra fat.(fat that didn't get burn)
i don't exactly remember how.

drink lots of water, eat nuts and raisins to increase metabolism
eat healthy.
eat slowly, because it takes awhile for food to digest, so
it takes awhile to be full after eating.

eating slowly will allow you to know when you're full to eat less.

don't sit in front of the tv while eating.
also allow your body to tell you when you're hungry, when it growls, eat.

do aerobic exercises

do 2 30min exercises then have a 20 min break you'll lose more wight than not taking breaks at all
play music that you enjoy, or music that makes you feel like dancing to you'll exercise more/longer

or you can run in one place for 15 min per day or more.
or run up and downstairs. or jog/run/walk around your block

starving will get you skinnier but at the end of it when you eat normally again your body will be saving it,
and you'll gain weight faster
like bears saving their food for the winter.

all these have been proven true

here are some healthy recipies sites


here's some friut recipies


hope these help.

No, but many suggest it could be PROMOTING weight gain because people think they can drink excessive amounts of it and since it has no calories, induldge in other high calorie foods, causing you to eat more than you would with regular soda...resulting in potential weight gain.

it doesn't make you gain weight, it makes people think they can eat more since they are not drinking any calories so they go ahead and order the dessert and fried food.

It says 0 calories, but if you read the ingrediants, there may be a difference they sweeten it with chemicals so either way it's bad for you, and i should stop drinking it xD, it rots your teeth makes you more hungry. because of the air bubble and burping and such it just makes you more hungry i think. So stay off the soda drink juices, and 8 cups of water a day. Good luck. ;]

Rob H
No it doesn't. It has no calories and calories are what causes weight gain. But that doesn't mean it's healthy for you. I'd avoid it in general.

gotta luv me!
No, diet coke does not make you gain weight. It's true that some people who drink diet drinks do gain weight, but that's do to an increase in eating. Sometimes people tend to think that just because they drink diet drink that they can then maybe eat more, or eat something less healthy. That's when the weight gain occurs, not because of the diet coke itself.

They are researching the possibility that the chemicals in diet drinks stimulate you to eat more. So, the diet coke itself does not but it is related to overeating. Drink plain or lightly flavored water.

What research has shown is diet soda's make one crave sweets. Therefore they might binge on sweets causing a weight grain.
It's been a while since I last seen the research stating it. However just a few minutes ago was reading Y news and low and behold link below.

Ghost Mutt
it isnt as bad as real coke, but it is still terribly unhealthy, and if you survive on it then of course you are going to gain weight

adam s
the fact that nothing happens is hard for me to believe. with all those chemicals god knows what it does to you. maybe its not calories, fat, carbs, or sugar, but if you think about it, more fat people drink diet soda than skinny people. I'm not saying drink regular, but don't treat it like a free food or abuse it. i would only have one soda a day...

Well.. bascically diet coke has the same effect as normal coke except diet coke are made out of fake sugars such as splenda and sweet and low. But diet coke is healthier than coke but i never said that soda is healthy in general. So if you consider normal coke makes you gain weight then think the same about diet coke. I prefer drinking lots of water.

no. diet coke is non caloric. you could drink 100 of them and not gain weight. your teeth will rot, but you wont gain weight. in fact, diet coke actually slows your digestive system and is a good appetite supressant.

A family dotor of mine swears that any carbonated beverage if consumed as little as once a day will cause your body to store more fat in the belly. A recent study showed that swiching to diet soft drinks made no difference in a persons weight. The only solution quit drinking soda.

Yes. It can also cause stabbing pains, that are actually diagnosed as "anxiety pains."

Yes and No

Diet soda's have little to no calories in them so in that aspect they will not cause you to gain weight. However the artificial sweeteners are not good for you, they cause you to crave sweets and they can slow your metabolism down which will cause you to gain weight. Having a soda, regular or diet (1 or 2 a day) will not usually cause any adverse effects. The key is moderation.

url myspace.com/axelman555
no......but theres a lot of chemicals in there so i wouldnt drink it i heard if u drink too much that over time it takes affect on ur liver

No, caloric intake over output makes you gain weight.
Although artificial sweeteners have little caloric value, they can still spike blood sugar levels in which case your insulin responds as if this was actually happening.

I think.

i like fried chicken
a fun thing to do is ask yourself the same question while reading the ingredients on a can of diet coke

Roohan Selvan
Yes cos the high sugar contain.

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