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 I weigh 340 pounds. I have been trying to lose weight for a while. Can someone give me tips on doing so?

 What are some natural laxatives?
School project/disguisting i know....

 How do you get fat?
hi i was just wondering exactly how you get fat. is it all about calories or other factors too? can i get some specific informations about how you get fat? and what does fat calorie do? and will diet ...

 Are you fat if youre 5'4 16 and 125 ibs?

 Plz i dont know if im fat or not?
im 13 5'1" and 129lbs

 Im trying to gain weight, any advice??

 Am I killing myself? Not enough calories, too much diet soda?
Hello. I have an eating disorder. I've been like this for years, I am seeking help. Lately I've been going down hill fast. I am eating 600 calories a day or less, and I drink TONS of diet ...

 Do you brush your teeth BEFORE or AFTER you breakfast?

 Whats a way to lose 50lb in 5 months?
whats a way that i can lose 50lb in 5 months
its really really important that i do so.
soo what are some ways that would help like what are some things you do to keep the weight off??

 Is 96 lbs fat for a 12 year old????

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im 5'1 yeaah i no, im shooooort!...

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 Is it possible to eat 100 cookies in 100 minutes?????
My friends have this contest going to see who can eat 100 cookies in 100 minutes. Does anyone know if a person could do this without having any medical problems??? I'm thinking about asking my ...

 If your bathroom scale could talk, what would it say?

 Am i over weight?
i am 28 inches around my waist

i weigh 140 pounds

i am 5 foot 10

how can i loose half a stone
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 Do I have a eating disorder?
Im 11.
I don't eat breakfast or lunch, and I eat dinner because my parents are around, but I don't eat a lot of it, and say I had a big lunch. I feel full at lunch, but at dinner im ...

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 Is 110 pounds at 5'1 3/4 at 15 years old a bit underweight?
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Juan V.
How can i lose 20 ponds in one week????????
im trying to inpress a girl i like at school..........

LOL, you can't.

You can lose 2 pounds max in a week.

HAHA!!! thats impossible! dont even try to do that!


be happy!
it's impossible to lose 20 pounds in a week. but if you really feel the need, eat bread and water once a day... you'll look great in no time : )

You will have to take a knife and cut it off yourself- there is no possible way to lose 20 lbs in a week! Try and do it over a 4 month period- setting a real goal of 5 lbs per week!

SillySarah, giggles.
well its not by sitting your lazy *** on y/a. is it? so get off your *** and do some jogging and crap now!!!

Three pounds a day would be tough. Even with diet and water pills. Then it wouldn't stay off anyway and you may get sick. Exercise and low carbs can do a pound a day pretty safely. But if you have to do something like this to impress a girl maybe she.......

I am Legend...I think
It ain't happening bud.

umm, dont eat?
healthy weight loss doesn't work that fast.
work out a lot and run/cardio, eat healthy.

figet alot when your sittin and walk fast evreywhere exercise often and eat healthy about ten pound of your wheight should be water have fun

you cant. Its unhealthy and impossible. If you think you need to lose 20 pounds to impress her than shes not worth it

Be Amazed at how simple it is to lose that excess weight you have .....

carmella s
It is impossible to lose 20pds in one week. a guy will loose more then a girl and the first week if a very strict diet of no more then 1000 calories and you drink min. 8 glasses of water a day you can loose 10-15 max. Most would be water weight for the first week anyway. and you must walk or do some other forms of exercise toooooo. 1000 calories dont mean whatever you want either. must be low fat food and low carbs.

strawberry smoothie

Start starving your self. The first day of starving yourself is very hard, but your stomach gets used to eating practically nothing after that one day. Drink a lot of water, and if you want to eat, make it something really small, like a apple or banana. Bread and water is the most important, so have them once a day. I suggest you only have 2 tiny meals a day(lunch and dinner). I lost 10 Lbs in 24 hours once, so yes it is possible. Good luck.

Don't do that. It is not healthy to lose that much weight in the span of a week. It will totally screw up your metabolism (how fast/efficiently your body uses calories) and you'll have a terrible time losing weight later in life. Just start getting more active and eating less junk/more fruits and veggies. There is no miracle if you want to do it the RIGHT way. No girl is worth starving yourself to death over.

Cassandra S

you all say shes not worth it but how do you know??? seriously the first thing people see is looks more so than anything else if physical attraction isnt their then passion isnt their....

if you spit everytime you have spit in your mouth, every day you can lose 1-2 lbs.

Margaret K
Drop dead. The loss of fluids might equal 20 pounds. I just mean to say that there is no healthy way to lose 20 pounds in a week.

Find another way to impress your girl right now, by showing a sincere interest in her without asking for anything in return, and start a healthy program now to lose 1-2 pounds a week.

Even on a negative calorie diet it wouldn't be possible, if she's that hung up about your size she aint worth it, trust me on this!

horseback rider<3
lool. cant

Javier S
20 pounds in a week? Mmmmm... You must get rid of an arm. LOL Dude, get serious; If you want to lose some pounds, you do not want to end up in a hospital. Take it easy.

Motivate yourself thinking about that girl, but show your commitment to yourself by eating rigth. Also it will help to get active. Do not look for miracle ways to get slim.

weasel bat
U can't. Eat sensibly, exercise and you could lose 2-3lbs a week.

J Swizzle
wow thats pretty much impossible... that would be so unhealthy also.. all for a girl? NOT WORTH IT

Sorry man, it just isn't possible.

option 1) have one of your legs amutated,

Option 2) reduce your standard to 2-5 pounds per week and maybe you'll hit 20 after a month.

20 in one week?

A) You're stupid and that can horribly hurt your body.
B) Dehydration is the quickest way (but it doesn't take care of fat).
C) If you need to be thin to impress her, she's dumb and you're dumb for trying.
D) Try impressing her some other way, like writing a song, being an independent thinker, helping others, making a difference in your community.
E) If those don't impress her, well, see the point made in C.

not possible sry dude

Vanessa M
no, maybe 2 in one week. unless you give birth, then you may lose 20. =) you don't need to impress a girl by losing weight. impress her with something you're good at like playing guitar or writing, or comedy.

I say this and that
You should NEVER EVER try and lose that much weight in one week ... and a girl should be impressed by the RESPECT you give to her

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