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 What are some songs about breast cancer?

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 How do you know if you have breast cancer?
I found tiny lumps in my left breast. I also have the sores on my nipple. Plus to top it all off breast cancer runs in both sides of my family. I'm scared to death!! Please tell me the signs of ...

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 Link between seatbelts and breast cancer?
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My sister thinks she has breast cancer?
I don't know anything about it, but she keeps asking everyone if she does. She says she has lumps in her breast and they are big and hurt to poke. She is ONLY 13. She is small, and many people say when they had small breast they had lumps in there to. so...Can someone help her. I am worried about her. I don't think teens get breast cancer though.
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Tell me desciptive signs, or tell me if there are lumps that are not breast cancer.

She will be fine I am sure. Fear of cancer is a type of cancer. Tell her to have faith in the Lord Jesus and she will always be in good health.

It probably isn't cancer but she needs to see a doctor to be sure and to know what is goingon.

You need to talk to your parents and they have to make a decision to take her immediately to the doctor

It is very rare for a teenager to have breast cancer. The fact that she has more than one lump makes her risk very small. Please have her watch a self breast exam video at www.komen.org/bse. Young women have dense breast tissue which can fill like little peas or marbles in the breast. Most common area is at the top which would be described as 12 0'clock where the breast have a lot of glandular tissue from when the breast were developing.

At her age, lumps tend to be fibrocystic changes. The lumps will likely come and go with her menstrual cycle. It is very rare for girls to get breast cancer at that age.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 31. I always thought that it would be impossible for me to know a cancer lump from a fibro lump.

No need to have worried-the cancer lump was a totally different species.

Anyway, it is good for her to be aware of her breasts at this age simply BECAUSE they already feel lumpy. That way, she will always have to be diligent and aware of any changes.

Symptoms and signs of breast cancer can be:
Lump that is palpable (means that you can feel it)
Puckering skin
Dimpled skin
Bloody discharge from the nipple

Yes, there can be pain with a cancerous lump, but that isn't until the disease has progressed.

Have her start going to a gynocologist now so that she can get herself in the habit of getting checked.

Good luck.

Dana A
She should see a doctor yesterday. Why hasn't she been to a doctor yet? Teens can get breast cancer.


It is extremely unusual for a teenager to get breast cancer; it is mainly a disease of ageing and 80% of people diagnosed are over 50

Even in adult women, most breast lumps are not cancerous; many women have naturally lumpy breasts and most cancerous breast lumps are not painful.

Her breasts are growing and developing and what she is going to notice changes, some of them uncomfortable

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