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 I am suppose to have a Mastectomy?
If the Dr. removes the nipple, what are my options? I have heard of tattoos and making a nipple. I am over 50, but I still have a hard time thinking of nothing there....

 How do you know if you have breast cancer?
I found tiny lumps in my left breast. I also have the sores on my nipple. Plus to top it all off breast cancer runs in both sides of my family. I'm scared to death!! Please tell me the signs of ...

 Have you ever had a Friend or a Family member with Cancer?
May i ask who it was? And what kind of cancer it was? We found out my Mom had kidney cancer after she passed away. We didn't know when she was alive she had cancer. And is your family member or ...

 Link between seatbelts and breast cancer?
I'm wondering if this has ever been looked at. Specifically the material the seatbelt is made of (nylon), the materials' exposure to other auto-making materials (chemicals, plastics, metals)...

 Can a mammogram see an abnormality that an ultrasound can miss?

 Is there any proof that people with end stage cancer and in a coma can hear?
A family member passed away last week, she had cancer. While in her last hours we all took turns telling her we loved her and that she was free to go in peace. Is there any evidence that supports the ...

 After taking chemotherapy,when the body regain its health?
I mean hair,strength of blood................

 Please read...?
okayy my mom had her mammogram on monday and she got a call on wenesday that they saw smething. they want her to come back on friday. they sad theres endless things it could be so dont jump to the ...

 Cancer question?
My grandpa was diagonsed with lung cancer 5 1/2 years ago, and he is still alive. Is this unusal for someone with lung caner?...

 Can putting plastic plates and bowls in the microwave give cancer?
they say when you put it in the microwave,waves go in through the plate into the food.Is this true?...

 What can Using Tobacco cause???

 My husbands kidney cancer is now in his leg bone and a lesion in his brain. How long?

 Do you ever get scared that cell phones and WiFi signals are giving you cancer/causing harm?

 Is it possible for a genre of music to be so annoying it could cause a form of cancer?
My coworker blasts obnoxious rap music during work. It annoys me to no end, and sometimes i can feel the beat of the song in my skull, not in a pleasant way either. Can this kind of stress cause ...

 Is it possible to survive 2b cervical cancer.?

 Could smoking marajuana make high grade precancerous cells in the cervix turn to cancer?

 Would someone who was really sick with cancer...?
...stay in bed or be in the hospital?
Additional Details
assume the person was 70 years in age/...

 Swollen lymph glands?
ive had severel swollen glands under my left armpit at first there was only one big one and i was 16 at the time, now im 25 and theres still the big one but lots of little ones clustered around it, ...

 How do i break it to a friend that i have cancer?

 Is there a cure for lymphoma-cancer?

Does fake sugar such as Splenda, Equal, Etc. reall cause cancer?

It caused cancer in rats.
So; yes I believe it could cause cancer. But; as we see with cigarettes; no one cares if something causes cancer so they will continue to sell it.

There is no documented scientific evidence that anyone has ever gotten cancer from splenda, equal or any other type of artificial sugar. All this guessing and speculation comes about because no one really knows why one person will get cancer while another will not. Furthermore . . cancer is an ancient disease (breast tumors in Egyptian mummies; fossilized remains of ancient humans with bone cancer) that existed long before the introduction of artificial sweetners.

No, and if you think about it for a moment, if they DID, they would have a big label on them (like cigarettes do) that said "This product is known to cause cancer".

Splenda is made of sucralose (basically chlorinated sugar)

Equal is made of aspartame, dextrose and maltodextrin

Scott L
Years ago, the artificial sweetener Sucaryl was taken off the market because of a cancer scare. Experimenters had fed enormous amounts to many lab rats and some of them got cancer. But a later study showed that the same number of rats would have gotten cancer anyway.
Unfortunately, Sucaryl has never come back.

There is no medical evidence supporting such a claim.

no, the media hype about that was just hype. Some of the sweetners were fed to rats in enormous amounts, and some of the rats developed cancers, not all, only some of them....for humans to get the same effect one would have to consume several hundred pounds of the stuff daily for life.

As far as Splenda, nobody knows because there have not been any long term studies done on humans.

I like to say sucralose, not Splenda, because that is what Splenda is. And it is in a lot of stuff. The package doesn't have to say Splenda to have sucralose in it. You have to read labels.

A lot of people, including myself, are getting sick from it.

Sucralose is poison. It ruined five years of my life. I had a laundry list of medical problems while taking it. I went to several doctors. I had a dozen different tests. I was told that I had a number of different problems. I was on different medication for many years.

The slogan, "Made from sugar..." is very misleading. Splenda might be made from sugar, but it is far from sugar. The resulting chemical is simply chlorinated sugar; a chlorocarbon.

carbon monoxide - made from oxygen so its like a breath of fresh air.

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