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 Would someone who was really sick with cancer...?
...stay in bed or be in the hospital?
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assume the person was 70 years in age/...

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 Do cell phones cuz CANCER OMG?

 Is it true that allen carr (of easyway) has lung cancer?

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What is Cancer?...

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Is there any proof that people with end stage cancer and in a coma can hear?
A family member passed away last week, she had cancer. While in her last hours we all took turns telling her we loved her and that she was free to go in peace. Is there any evidence that supports the theory that she could hear us?

I don't know but I take comfort in it, my grandad had liver cancer and all of the family were staying at my grandparents house to be with him. I was late to come the night he died, I was with my sons and brother, he'd seen everybody else that day, and half an hour after we had come and sat with him he died, even though he was really ill I felt as though he just knew to stop the fight then, I just take comfort in that.

Jennifer L
The only proof we have is the testimonies from people who have been in comas, then come out. Most, if not all, state that they were aware, at some level, of what was going on.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

i lost my dad also too cancer two years ago. we had hospice in our home and they asked us to talk to him he would squeeze our hands and move his eyes while closed. they believe they can hear you. sorry for your loss.

Some people can, some people can't. They could have done a scan on her head to see but I guess not now obviously...

It really does depend on the level of damage to the body and brain.

Sorry for your loss, my prayers are with you

IMO, i think they CAN hear. i lost a friend many years ago, to breast cancer. we were told to come see her on a friday, and the next day she passed. while we were there, she was comatose, and we all talked to her & told stories about work. (we all worked together). she smiled & seemed to respond to certain things. i believe she heard us, and it made it easier when she passed.
i think maybe some people hang on, because they need "permission" to go. like they're worried about how life will be after they pass. we told hubby's gramma it was ok to go. she passed shortly after. same with my MIL. she passed the day after we saw her & said it was ok.

All I know that in nursing school, I was taught over and over that hearing is the very last sense to go while the patient is dying. That's why we are taught to explain to the dying patient what we are going to do before we do it to them...as well with the alert patient.

Take comfort in having been present and that you and your family members were able to come together and express their love for her. Grieving is the first part of the healing process and by comforting her with soft words and loving permission to leave this world in peace, whether or not she was aware, was most important for all. As the other writer above put it, some people who have come out of comas were able to recall the conversations around them.
To help guide a loved one to heaven's door, and telling them it is OK to go, and suffer no more, is a great last gift to give someone you love.

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