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Rescue Someone from a Burning Car

Rescuing someone yourself is something you shouldn't do unless the car is on fire, or smoking and leaking gasoline. You should always call 911 first, and try to divert traffic away from the wreckage so there isn't anymore crashes. Use your car and park it behind the wrecked car, at least 100 ft away, and turn on your hazard lights.

  1. Know that a car WILL NOT explode until the gas tank is empty of gasoline. Liquids are not explosive, VAPOR from a flammable substance is.
  2. Call 911...always the first thing to do
  3. Check the car to see if it is going to blow up. Smoke and leaking a gas tank, or just fire are sure signs.
  4. Look for signs.If the signs are there, it means the car will explode in about 5 minutes. This should be enough time.
  5. Look and see how close it is to its last minute. If the car is going to blow, RUSH to the driver's seat and see how many passengers there are. If they are conscious tell them the car is going to blow up, and the need to get out. Tell them to unbuckle themselves.
  6. Rescue kids first, then older people.
  7. Get in safely. If the doors are smashed in, try to take them out through the windows. If the windows are not completely smashed out, take your shirt off and wrap your fist in it. Punch through the glass and rip large shards off so the person can get out, don't take a lot of time doing this, cuts are not as life threatening as an explosion.
  8. Ignore all pain. After smashing the glass try to pull the occupant out of the car, ignore cries of pain, because the person might die if you don't get them out. Don't try to be to careful with them, it's their life we are talking about.
  9. Unbuckle first. If they are unconscious you must stick your body in the window and unbuckle them, then try to pull them out.
  10. Carry your victims away. When the victim is out of the car, carry / drag them hastily away from the dangerous car, at least a good 100 feet, try putting them behind your car.
  11. Do this for as many people as you can.

  • Remember, as soon as the paramedics get there, BACK OFF. They are professionals, let them handle it.
  • If you know CPR, do it if necessary.
  • If the occupant is impaled by something, leave them alone, because removing the item (Pole, wooden branch, metal something) may cause more bleeding and possibly death. Don't touch that person.

  • This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, only do it if you think it needs to be done.
  • DON'T try to be a hero, try to do what you think is right.

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