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Carry Someone Who's Bigger Than You

It's remarkably easy if you use the right body mechanics. I learned this doing martial arts.

  1. Take the person's arm and pull it over your shoulder.
  2. Position yourself directly in front of the other person.
  3. Thrust up with your legs and hips. Never lean forward without thrusting your hips or you will injure your back.
  4. Now, keeping your legs bent, you can walk around.

  • To avoid injuries, try it on small people or children first. As you get the feel for it, try heavier people. Be careful, though. If you lift someone very light, they just might fly over your head!

  • If you injure yourself, do not try it again until you are completely healed.
  • If you have had previous injuries or have back problems, consult a professional first.

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