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Provide First Aid for a Broken Bone

A broken bone, or fracture, is an injury that requires immediate medical attention. You can help to keep the victim comfortable, and prevent further injury until help arrives.

  1. Call for emergency help if the injury is severe:
    • A bone that is protruding through the skin is called a compound fracture.
    • The victim is unconscious or not breathing.
    • The injury is to the head, neck or back.
    • Severe bleeding.
    • The hurt limb or joint looks deformed or seems to be out of the usual position.
    • The victim is unable to move the hurt limb or joint.
  2. Stop any bleeding. Hold a clean, preferably sterile, absorbent material over the injury and apply gentle pressure.
  3. Immobilize the injured area in a neutral and natural position, if possible.
    • Splint an injured bone by tying it gently to a rigid object, such as a board or stick, or even a rolled up newspaper. Cushion the object with clothing or other soft padding if available. Fasten the splint with a bandage if available. Secure the splint on both sides of the injury, above and below the break.
    • Gently tie an injured arm to the body to immobilize it. Rope or even a belt can help to keep it from moving.
    • Tape a broken finger or toe to the next finger or toe with padding in between.
    • Tie an injured arm or shoulder in a sling to protect it until you can be seen by a physician.
  4. If a wrist, hand, or arm is injured, remove all watches, bracelets, and rings promptly. Swelling may make it harder to remove these items later.
  5. Ice the injured area to slow swelling. Do not apply ice directly to the skin; instead, wrap it in a cloth. A plastic bag, if you have one, will help to contain the melting ice.
  6. Take painkillers to alleviate the pain.
  7. Have the injury treated by a physician as soon as possible.

  • If the wound bleeds through the sterile gauze(or whatever you are using to stop the bleeding) never remove it just add more gauze on top.
  • Distinguish between strains, sprains, dislocations, and broken bones.

  • Do not give aspirin to anyone under the age of 20, or to someone who is bleeding heavily.
  • Do not put a sling on a baby.
  • Do not move a victim whose back, neck, or head are injured unless absolutely necessary. If you suspect a back or neck injury and must move the victim, keep the back, head, and neck in a straight line and support them to prevent them from twisting, using a stretcher if possible.

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