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 People smoke next door and it's affecting my breathing?
i live in an apartment complex that isn't non-smoking, but the person next door, i can smell the smoke in my kitchen, and this crap is bothering my breathing to the point where its affecting my ...

 Snorers, how do you put up with them?
I mean, how do you sleep or cope with them at night with those who sleep in the same room as you, snoring really badly..!!...

 14 hour car ride with to smokers!!?!?!?
i have major athsma and allergic to ...

 Cough question?
Okay so about a week ago I had the flu. runny nose, core thorat, the works. So now my nose is still stuffy and I seem to only cough like crazy at night. During th day i dont cough nearly as much but ...

 Why won't this cough go away?
had a cough for a while now and starting to get worried about it symptoms are i'm coughing up greeny/white phlegm in the morning,but during the day i am fine no coughing then at night it seems ...

 I have chronic asthma. My co-worker loves to wear perfume & scented lotions. How do I ask her to stop?
She knows this agravates my asthma & seems concerned when I have my attacks (which are getting progressively worse) but doesn't understand perfumed air fresheners are the same as perfumes. H...

 What r some ways to stop smoking?

 Waking up with dry/sore throat and stuffy nose?
so it really only seems to happen during the winter or cooler months.

but every morning i wake up with this dryish-sore throat, and my nose is stuffy, and it feels like i have something ...

 How do i stop my partner from snoring?

 Why cant you smoke in a hospital?
can you not smoke in a hospital because youll blow something up or just because they say you cant for the other patients?
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 I'm having an asthma attack and all I need is an albuteral inhaler and I'll be fine but no stores are open...
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 Waht is a TB test?
i had a shot in school today. and it is still red. will it be still red for a while?...

 Why do symptoms of the common cold seem to get worse at night?

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This question may go to vote because i have a lot of very good

 Wat are the symptoms of anxiety attacks?

 My son and his asthma???
how many asthma attacks are too many that i would need to take him to the Emergency Room he is 19 mths ??...

 What is Ulcerative Colitis ØŸ!ØŸ!?
please help me !!
what is Ulcerative Colitis ØŸ!ØŸ!...

 How to get rid of cough ??
I have a lot of cough in my throats & lungs. It keeps on increasing & decreasing but remains in all seasons. I want to completely get rid of it because it makes my voice unclear & ...

 Is smoking a hookah bad for u?
a hookah is an arabic pipe ...it has a fliter to it..if u kno wat i mean...but it is bad like smoking cigrites..and is it ...

 What could cause a person to cough day and night?
I have taken her to several doctors but they can't find the problem. They all recommend she see an ENT specialist....

 What relieves snoring if the breathe right strips don't work?

d b
Smoking Pot?
Hi im 16 and i had a bad experience about 3 years ago smoking pot. I freaked out and thought i was going to die when i was high for the firdst time. i havent smoked since. do you think i should try smoking again?

kimberly M
Ummmmmm no. As a former pot smoker I can tell you its not worth it! Why would you even ask a question like that? I'm sure that you are intelligent enough to know the answer to that question without someone having to tell you!

Kevin R
I am sick of Naive people who havn't had enough of something to know it's not a bad thing. Smoke weed, it will make you Happy, relaxed and make things more fun. When used responsibly it gives you a chance to be creative and let your good side show. Otherwise its just an excuse for people to act retarded. Weed doesnt make you Retarded unless you are already retarded. Retards.

♥ Issy ♥
Mmm, well... most of my friends do it but personally I don't like it much.

I'm 16 too btw.

Anyway yeah, its illeagal, but if your mates go out and blaze why don't you just drink? Practically same effect.

Yeah, if pot doesn't agree with you don't do it I suppose, its not that good anywayss

xx Melissa xx


Paul W
I smoked for 5 years, everyday, all day, I was sneaking it at work in cigarettes, on the way to and from work and after. I wouldn't even work if I didnt have pot. It ruins every aspect of your mind, body and soul. I would've never said this while I was smoking but now that Im sober for 3 years life has never been better. Its addicting, takes control of your life and gets you absolutley nowhere, and it all starts with getting high here and there.

michelle b
NO, I dont think you should try it again... I did that with another drug when i was 16 and i have never touched it again. Never have regretted it...........

well dude from experience pot is a relaxation typa drug when u smoke u have to be calm and ****, dude i smoked some good weed once and i though i smoked crack i was on cloud nine dude, pot is cool smoking is up to you but now you know the affects so its not going to trip you like it did last time, i had a friend that came to skool and he went to the office b/c he started trippen and told everybody he was gonna die, it was funny as hell but now he diont have any problems like that cuz hes already experienced it

are you serious?

Dakotah Fayth will be here soon!
I don't recommend anyone doing drugs!

drugs are bad don't you know that. if you freaked once you probably will again

i read all these and if you try it again or smoke anything,these people don't know you could be allergic to marijuana,or it could have been laced with something else.if you want a good future don't ever smoke anything again it can kill you,or wouldn't be worse if it didnt and just left you to live a life full of disease,pain,depression,and lack of money for what you really want.find new friends while your young.the road your on leads straight to a life of hell,in poverty.good luck.and don't be ashamed of trying it.now you been there done that and it's not for you.

Jenni D
no you shouldn't if you had a bad experience that has scared you from smoking then you shouldn't do it again

You probably shouldn't. But I'm not saying that because I think you never should. 16 is just a little young. So here is my surprising answer. I wouldn't suggest smoking pot now, but do suggest trying when you are a bit older and mature.

I don't mean to sound like your parents or guidance counselor but you have a lot of growing up to do and bringing psychotropic substances into your life isn't the best idea when you have so many other things in your life changing and growing. Let those experiences take root by themselves. You'll be much better off.

II know it may seem like a long time now, but wait until college to try experimenting with pot. It will be much more enjoyable and you'll be more mature and able to handle it (and not risk freaking out like you did when you were younger).

No. Most people learn from their mistakes. If you poke a sharp stick in your eye, it hurts, and you don't do it again. Same goes for smoking pot, snorting coke, drinking alcohol, whatever - if you have a bad experience once, you're likely to have a bad experience again. (I know, all you potheads are going to pull the same old tired crap out about it being "natural, herbal, medicinal, harmless, etc, etc, etc. Get over it, pot is not for everyone)

You are not asking a stupid question, so for all those complete as*holes who SWEAR they are to good to only answer not make you feel stupid, tell them to shut the hell up and grow up. Don'ty smoke pot again, not becuase its stupid (although that IS a reason) don't smoke it becuase everyone is affectd by it differently. Meaning one person could nto be affected and anothe person will base their who life on it. Pot is a gateway drug. Don't try it again or use it again, unless its prescribed which unless you live in CA, its highly unlikely.

Your 16, with employers doing drug testing now days why even smoke? When I was 16-18, smoked daily, was great. Then smoked a joint, unknowing it was laced with PCP, messed me up. Felt like I was going to die, eyes rolled up, couldn't breath. For me, that was it. Haven't smoked dope in 20 years. Ive been there, don't do it. Stay clean

Silly Hippie
You could have had a bad trip (a bad trip is usually because of cheap weed) but I'm not gonna say whether or not you should try smoking again being as I don't want to be a bad influence... and doing drugs just isn't such a good idea
Also you might just not react well to being stoned, this is especially probable if you are on any kind of regular medications

gotta tell you alot of my friends smoked alot of pot, and though we do not exhibit any physical sighns of wear, we all have anxiety disorders now. I used to get that way toward the las toking up days, so i would have to advise you to stay away from the weed.

That probably wouldn't be the best idea.

16 is still a little young to be smoking. Wait till your out of High School at least cause half of people who do smoke do get dumber and everyone needs an education.

But I do recommend it over alcohol. Health reasons of course.

ER Doctor
Wow and i thought i had seen the worst question ever,but i this has to be the worst one yet.

Elizabeth E
Okay why? You answered your own question by saying that you tried it once and did not like it. Why do it again?

Tee Dub
no it will ruin your life

Jada J
not a good idea


alex m
Honestly, I don't think you should. I smoke weed occasionally and sometimes I like it, but sometimes I get really freaked out like you were saying. It's just not worth it, take good care of your lungs!


Ummm... no....
is this a serious question...

dude, get real, NO NO NO

No, you have passed the first step. Move on now, next do some shrooms, then of course naturally is cocaine, once you feel you have mastered that, heroin will blow you mind and of course finish up with a blast of crack. just make sure you do it all quickly so your parents don't have to watch you waste away over years, make their pain and misery short. You idiot.

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