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 Snorers, how do you put up with them?
I mean, how do you sleep or cope with them at night with those who sleep in the same room as you, snoring really badly..!!...

 14 hour car ride with to smokers!!?!?!?
i have major athsma and allergic to ...

 Cough question?
Okay so about a week ago I had the flu. runny nose, core thorat, the works. So now my nose is still stuffy and I seem to only cough like crazy at night. During th day i dont cough nearly as much but ...

 Why won't this cough go away?
had a cough for a while now and starting to get worried about it symptoms are i'm coughing up greeny/white phlegm in the morning,but during the day i am fine no coughing then at night it seems ...

 I have chronic asthma. My co-worker loves to wear perfume & scented lotions. How do I ask her to stop?
She knows this agravates my asthma & seems concerned when I have my attacks (which are getting progressively worse) but doesn't understand perfumed air fresheners are the same as perfumes. H...

 What r some ways to stop smoking?

 Waking up with dry/sore throat and stuffy nose?
so it really only seems to happen during the winter or cooler months.

but every morning i wake up with this dryish-sore throat, and my nose is stuffy, and it feels like i have something ...

 How do i stop my partner from snoring?

 Why cant you smoke in a hospital?
can you not smoke in a hospital because youll blow something up or just because they say you cant for the other patients?
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 I'm having an asthma attack and all I need is an albuteral inhaler and I'll be fine but no stores are open...
Is it overly dramatic to go to the ER?...

 Waht is a TB test?
i had a shot in school today. and it is still red. will it be still red for a while?...

 Why do symptoms of the common cold seem to get worse at night?

Additional Details
This question may go to vote because i have a lot of very good

 Wat are the symptoms of anxiety attacks?

 My son and his asthma???
how many asthma attacks are too many that i would need to take him to the Emergency Room he is 19 mths ??...

 What is Ulcerative Colitis ؟!؟!?
please help me !!
what is Ulcerative Colitis ؟!؟!...

 How to get rid of cough ??
I have a lot of cough in my throats & lungs. It keeps on increasing & decreasing but remains in all seasons. I want to completely get rid of it because it makes my voice unclear & ...

 Is smoking a hookah bad for u?
a hookah is an arabic pipe ...it has a fliter to it..if u kno wat i mean...but it is bad like smoking cigrites..and is it ...

 What could cause a person to cough day and night?
I have taken her to several doctors but they can't find the problem. They all recommend she see an ENT specialist....

 What relieves snoring if the breathe right strips don't work?

 If u have asthma?
if u have asthma? is it a sickness in the lungs?...

Rebecca B
What does it mean when you use the bathroom and it burns when you pee and sometimes bleed?
burns and bleed when you pee

o, that happened to me once, but that was just because I fell when I was running across some rafters. I fell and my legs went to either side of one of the beams and the beam hit me in the crotch and it really hurt for days but i didn't want to tell anyone because everyone had been telling me not to run across the rafters.

Eric F
sounds like a urinary infection.. see your doctor, and/or drink cranberry juice regularly. I take cranberry pills, they work similar and almost as fast.

Joakim L

Could be a general urinary tract infection caused by GI bacteria or an STD. Should you be having a fever or pain on your side, it could be a kidney infection. Go to a doctor immediately to get antibiotics before it gets worse.

Missy T
If you are having your period, it MIGHT be OK, but you should check with a doctor, as it may be a urinary tract infection.

Yeah, you could have a urinary tract infection or some other infection like an STD or something. Go get checked out.

Shalom Yerushalayim ש×ו שלום ירושלם
You have one of the following: Urinary tract infection, Bladder infection or Kidney infection. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible. In the meantime, drink LOTS of cranberry juice and water.

infection.don't wait and go see a doctor.it is very easy to treat.

erm how old r u?

~*hey hey, its Ra*~
umm... perriod or something bad with ya, see a doctor

If you have already had your period then it means you have an infection and you really need to see a doctor!!

Could be a number of things, could be a kidney infection, kidney stones, or a urinary track infection, please go to the Dr. this nothing to mess around with.

it means you should make a visit to a urologist

Aaliyah's Mama
Oooh. Some terrible UTI. See you doctor.

It means that you have an infection. You need to go to the doctor to get anti-biiotics.

Sounds like UTI. My doc asked if It my pee burned. I said I never tried to set fire to it!

Go to the ER or Doctor now, it could be a urinary tract infection, an STD, a kidney or bladder infection, a calcium deposit coming out... kidney stones, or other serious infection which all of these need medication or possibly surgery ... please go now ..

Good Luck ... get it taken care of

Phil Good
See a Dr.

More then likely a UTI or urinary tract infection. Go to the doctor to get some medicine to clear it up and also drink cranberry juice that will help. Also change your panties a couple time a day if there moist, dry panties are a must to avoid any infection.

you need to go to see your doctor

urinary tract infection

You need to drink more water, you have a kidney or bladder infection. Drink water every night before going to bed do not eat anything with it. Keep drinking water in the middle of the night you will have to pee a lot but it is flushing your kidney's out. Then drink water first thing every morning before you eat anything. Never drink soda, coffee or milk again. Only fruit drinks and water.


It is probably a candida infection or urinary tract infection. Check with your Dr.

go see doc.

Rob Zombie
May be your periods are beginning.

It means you need to see a doctor.

Go see a doctor now!!! That sounds really serious.

Sounds like cystitis--a urinary tract infection. You need to make an appointment with the doctor. Start drinking cranberry juice, also.

sounds like a urinary tract infection, see a doctor

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