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 My thumb hurts...?
Playing volleyball today it liike got numb and hurt extrememly bad. its not as bad anymore but its hard to bend it and it hurts when u touch it. wat can i do besides ice. i hafta play again tomorrow.<...

 WEIRD INJURY! please help me out! =(?
So I play Rugby, therefore I get alot of bumps bruises etc. However today was out of the ordinary. I remember feeling a good amount of pain/pressure on the inside of my shin sometime during the ...

 Can you help me with my injury?
Ok, i`ll sum it up. I was bending down and this girl kicked me twice up my bum on both cheeks really hard as a joke. My bum is in real pain i have a huge bruise on both cheeks. What can i do to help ...

 I hurt my finger playing basketball and dont know what ive done to it?
the basketball hit the end of my finger and now the middle joint is swollen and has been since yesterday and i can move it but cant straighten it out properly as it hurts when i try ive strapped it ...

 Why do people see stars when they have a head injury. On average how many stars do people see.?
I only saw one star during a head injury....

 I knocked my head yesterday quite hard getting into a taxi. did not collapse. could something be wrong?
it was about 13.50pm on 20th. as mentioned b4 i didn`t collapse or anything. i spoke to nhs direct last night and they said it was quite minor. still feel giddy occasionally and head feels bit wobbly ...

 OK so I know this is kind of gross, but the fingernail that I locked in the truck door about 10 days ago is?
just kind of hanging there. The bottom part next to the cuticle is loose and part of the top is also. Only one small area is still hanging on. So what I want to know is should I just keep the ...

 What exercises can I do while avoiding putting pressure on an injured ankle?
My right ankle is puffy and swollen. I want to keep exercising but the ankle is proving to be a problem. Any suggestions?

Are there any cardio exercises that I can still do?...

 How to stop a cut fast!?
i was just opening some beans and the lid cut me it wont stop bleedin i wet a papper towel and put it on it it holding but I need to stop it from bleeding help!...

 I cut myself with a rusty palette knife today... what do i need to do?
my last tetanus shot was last year. is there anything i need to do to avoid infection or anything? i pretty much just cleaned up the blood and put on a ...

 Should I get a second mri done? *10 POINTS BEST ANSWER*?
I am having troubles with my shoulder (im only 13) and i have gotten a mri done (don't worry, ive seen doctors and doctors). im doing pt but it hasnt helped, and i havent gotten the results of ...

 Dude. am i okay im geting nervous?
um... i got into a bad car accident about a couple years back i basically was knocked out for a couple minutes i did nothing about it i was in and out the hospital i didnt say anything about my head ...

 Help please?
hi i caught bad sunburn on Sunday and its still going strong and causing alot of pain i cant even wear a t-shirt has anyone got any remedy's i can use please!!...

 Can you break your butt?
ok i went to a school skating party with my BFF and im not good at skating then my neighbor fell and his skate hit mine and i fell REALLY REALLY hard and it reallyyyyy hurts to sit down! any advice ...

 My son is not telling us about an injury.?
My sons plays soccer, they had a game yesterday. He plays midfield. When he was dribbling around a defender and the defender slide tackled my son by accident, and when he slide tackled my son, he hit ...

 OMG!!!!! has anyone ever read a question on here,,,,,,,then,,...........
then,,,,its happened to you? i was just relaxing ,,,reading about someone who had a spider stuck in there ear.reading all the replies i was feeling slightly smug and thought to myself"hahaha&...

 My legs been broken for 3months and it still turns purple, is that normal??
i had two breaks in my leg and had to get a metal rod and four nails, theres just a piece of bone floating in my leg, and not even alligned with the rest of my bone. my leg now turns purple when not ...

 I fell into a cactus how do i help the pain of the stickers?

 Stepping on rusting nails?
last night i stepped on a wire bar and it went pretty deep in my foot. um..... i was wondering you know how you get that dieses from stepping on a rusting nail, and you need your tetness shot, is ...

 Omg im screwed. is that what i get for geting pist off and going crazy? i cut my finger and hardly can feel it
i've never done this, it looks nasty like stuffs coming out of it. it felt like a huge paper cut. i broke a glass cup and cut my hand up but this finger really bothers me. everything above the ...

Mark Whitman
Ankle Brace = do I wear it during sleep as well?
I, 14 years old, sprained my ankle 8 days ago playing basketball, and today I went to see a doctor who was helpful in a nice way. I had been using R-I-C-E for a week, but my ankle was still very swollen and I could not put any pressure on it without hurting. Today, he recommended that I use an ankle brace while wearing socks, and put it inside my shoes. I now walk on it bearing a little bit of weight, using my two crutches and my severely sprained foot, and my other normal foot. My question is, do I wear it when I'm sleeping, or just during the day? I just took a shower, and now I don't know whether I should put it on and go to sleep, or leave it off and put it back on once I wake up. It's used for compression, as well as so my ankle stays put, I extrapolate. The doctor also says it's a severe ankle sprain, but does not include any broken bones after doing an x-ray. No surgery, either.

If you could help, it'd be very much appreciated!
Additional Details
By the way, it's an Aircast brace, Air Stirrup.

Negrea G
you should try to leave it on, because if your foot moves at night it will probably cause more irritation.
but i'm not completely sure. it won't hurt to try, tho.

It is a good idea not to wear in during sleep unless there is a rick of injuring it again. It is helpful to let the ankle "breathe" or try to gain back flexability. In the morning and at night try to rotate and point toes up and down. Only do this to the point where it feels like a stretch and you do not feel pain.

You should not wear it while you are asleep. Only during the day.

right, my doctor said to me, it was a sprain only, yet the orthepidic surgen, said that it was broken.

Any way, ware the brase only when walking around, and take it off when you go to bed. Good luck my friend. I have been through it.

Dale M
Yes you should wear it at night time also. Believe it or not when you are asleep and your muscles and tendons relax it makes your ankle relax too, which does no good for the support you need. I am an EMT, but also had the same type experience. Wearing it at night time may help more than wearing it during the day.. Yes! It will be uncomfortable, but just bare with it and your ankle will be better soon!!

I have sprained my ankles so many times and have countless aircasts at my house. I was advised to wear the aircast while sleeping every time i sprained my ankle/s. This helps to support it and keep it from swelling more. One thing I would recommend is to borrow a sock from dad or go buy a pair of high sports socks. I know that when I used them, if i wore my shorter socks, the plastic would irritate me. The higher socks helped with that, especially at night. You want to try to put as much pressure on your foot as you can. You dont want to lose your range of motion to your joint. Do it until you cant take it. Use the crutches as a support. This was especially important when I had my surgery on my ankle, right on my joint. The told me to move it as much as possible. I actually walked out of the surgery and used the crutches later as a support. Try to do as many things as normal. hang in there, it will get better soon.

don't wear it at night. too much compression of your foot at night might make it actually swell up even more.
just take it off at night, and elevate it by putting your foot up on a pillow while you sleep. keep the brace on a bedside table & just put it on when you get up in the morning.
good luck & feel better

You should probably wear it at night,but if you can't stand it,then don't.I've had countless sprained ankles,with Aircast braces,and my doctor told me that I only needed to wear it during the day while I would be walking around,but wearing it at night would give me more protection.In all honesty,I think it feels much better if you wear the brace pretty much all the time too.Do whatever is more comfortable for you.

If you have skin irritation,try wearing socks that are higher up...At least almost the same height as the brace.That will help a lot.

When walking with the crutches,don't put enough weight on your ankle that it hurts.First of all,pain doesn't feel good,and second of all,putting too much weight on your ankle can cause even more damage.

When you're just sitting around and watching TV,there is no need to have sneakers on.Really,you don't even need the brace on unless you're getting up.The reason they say wear sneakers with the brace is because that provides the maximum support while you're walking...However,in reality,you can wear any type of shoe that the brace will fit into and still be OK.

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