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 I fell into a cactus how do i help the pain of the stickers?

 Stepping on rusting nails?
last night i stepped on a wire bar and it went pretty deep in my foot. um..... i was wondering you know how you get that dieses from stepping on a rusting nail, and you need your tetness shot, is ...

 Omg im screwed. is that what i get for geting pist off and going crazy? i cut my finger and hardly can feel it
i've never done this, it looks nasty like stuffs coming out of it. it felt like a huge paper cut. i broke a glass cup and cut my hand up but this finger really bothers me. everything above the ...

 What are shin splints? I told someone my shins are really sensative & sore lately & someone told me it's from
walking? What exactly does it mean?
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The pain is right in the front of my leg & when my daughter sits on my lap & her heals touch my shins....ouch!...

 Anyone know how to treat a suspected fractured rib and how long will it take to heal ?

 I got bit by a spider!! AM I GOING TO DIE?!?
I live in Texas, where I know there are some poisonous spiders. I think I got bitten by one three hours ago while I was playing with some pretty spiders I thought were house spiders.

Now ...

 My dad showed me he can remove his thumb! How does he do this without bleeding!?

 Please help my shins hurt?
yesterday i walked about 2 miles on the road. and last night my shins started to ache really really bad and i can barley walk and still hurts. they are not swollen or red they just hurt really bad. i&...

 How long does it take for cuts on your knuckles to heal ?
i was drunk and stupid and punched a brick wall maybe about 10 times and my knuckles wouldnt stop bleeding..the cuts r pretty deeper then what they should be.it kills every time i wash my hands with ...

 Do you put heat or ice on a sore shoulder?
I didn't really hurt it seriously but its sore from repetition of using it (basketball) so its been sore for a couple days? Do I use ice or heat?...

 Read me please!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i got a bump on my lip for biting on it i can't eat without it hurting because the salt gets in it aND to top it off everyone thinks im a freaky chicwith a bump on her lip HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!1...

 How do you fix a broken knee?
I am a female in my mid 20's. I initially ruptured my ACL and tore both menisci 6 years ago playing basketball. Currently, after 3 knee surgeries to attempt to repair the various problems ...

 A PAINFULL story!!?
okay about 2years ago this was!!?? i was sleeping one night when out of the blue i felt this horrible pain in my side waist near my back and lower hip!! it would not go away i was crying my eyes out ...

 My hip hurts?
Yesterday at lunch this guy named chris was sitting in a chair and i was standing right next to him. Well he like hugged me really hard and it popped my hip or something in that area and it hurt ...

 I fell on my knee this morning, and twisted it too, now it hurts...?
I was trying to get to my phone but was showering and when my wet feet hit the hardwood floor, I scrambled like a cartoon character, but still went down at a very awkward angle on my knee. It didn�...

 I dont know if my finger is broken or just jammed?
I was playing football and my hand hit with a anouther guys hand now my left middle finger is swolen from the knuckle to the joint and it hurts to make a fist my joint also has a lil blue to it how ...

 Is drug testing mandatory when seeing a doctor about temporary state disability due to an injury?
Is testing positive for Marijuana reason to be turned down for temporary state disability benefits?...

 My hand hurts I have a 3rd degree burn how can i make it stop hurting?
help me im in severe pain i havent felt this much pain ever help ...

 Mild but bothersome knee pain, any advice?
Lately I have been having some mild knee pain on the outside of my right knee. It didn't seem to come on suddenly and has been bothering me for some time now. I have noticed there is a bump in ...

 I am very anxious around needles. Having a blood draw soon. scared please help me. Will it really hurt?
Are nurses used to treating nervous patients?

Will they be able to calm me down, and distract me?

Last time i had a blood test, was 4 years ago, the nurse was really horrid. And ...

OK so I know this is kind of gross, but the fingernail that I locked in the truck door about 10 days ago is?
just kind of hanging there. The bottom part next to the cuticle is loose and part of the top is also. Only one small area is still hanging on. So what I want to know is should I just keep the bandaid on and wait till it grows out or try to get it all off? It really hurts bad!!
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Or did I just waste another 5 points?

That sounds bad. Maybe u should go to the Doctor & get it checked out. I hope u get better soon.

That has been a while since it has happened. I would go to a doctor!

President NAN
You can try to wiggle it and it will probably come off. It's kind of like trying to pull a loose tooth, you are afraid to because it might hurt. But if it's just hanging by a spot you could get it off and then it will heal. It may hurt a second, but it will be over.
Try cutting it or twisting it, or pulling it off.

Miss Scarlett Hussein
I would put the band aid on, and let it grow itself off. You may need to trim the nail down to the attached part, but that may be very uncomfortable.,

Finger-nails will fall off if damaged...... Thats life, it maybe more benifical to take it completly off. It will heal faster this way; however, it will be very very tender on the open skin. Any amount of pressure added to the finger can and most likely will cause pain.

Elaine P
I would go back to the doctor to determine if there is any infection and get real medical advice. The fact that it still hurts indicates you need a doctor, not Y!A!!!

Warren D
You probably have an infection. What happens to the fingernail is fairly irrelevant, except a hanging remnant will get in the way and could further irritate an already injured area.

Use an antiseptic to treat the infection. See a doctor if things don't get better fairly quickly.

Reenie: Mom of Marine
Hi Nan, The attachment at the cuticle is what's crucial. If it's completely detatched from there you can remove it. In fact I think you SHOULD remove it, or take the risk of catching it on something and causing yourself further pain. keep the area very clean (I think you should let the air get at it) and if there is life left in a few weeks you should see a new, soft nail emerging from the nail bed. Best of luck to you!

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