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 Please help my shins hurt?
yesterday i walked about 2 miles on the road. and last night my shins started to ache really really bad and i can barley walk and still hurts. they are not swollen or red they just hurt really bad. i&...

 How long does it take for cuts on your knuckles to heal ?
i was drunk and stupid and punched a brick wall maybe about 10 times and my knuckles wouldnt stop bleeding..the cuts r pretty deeper then what they should be.it kills every time i wash my hands with ...

 Do you put heat or ice on a sore shoulder?
I didn't really hurt it seriously but its sore from repetition of using it (basketball) so its been sore for a couple days? Do I use ice or heat?...

 Read me please!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i got a bump on my lip for biting on it i can't eat without it hurting because the salt gets in it aND to top it off everyone thinks im a freaky chicwith a bump on her lip HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!1...

 How do you fix a broken knee?
I am a female in my mid 20's. I initially ruptured my ACL and tore both menisci 6 years ago playing basketball. Currently, after 3 knee surgeries to attempt to repair the various problems ...

 A PAINFULL story!!?
okay about 2years ago this was!!?? i was sleeping one night when out of the blue i felt this horrible pain in my side waist near my back and lower hip!! it would not go away i was crying my eyes out ...

 My hip hurts?
Yesterday at lunch this guy named chris was sitting in a chair and i was standing right next to him. Well he like hugged me really hard and it popped my hip or something in that area and it hurt ...

 I fell on my knee this morning, and twisted it too, now it hurts...?
I was trying to get to my phone but was showering and when my wet feet hit the hardwood floor, I scrambled like a cartoon character, but still went down at a very awkward angle on my knee. It didn�...

 I dont know if my finger is broken or just jammed?
I was playing football and my hand hit with a anouther guys hand now my left middle finger is swolen from the knuckle to the joint and it hurts to make a fist my joint also has a lil blue to it how ...

 Is drug testing mandatory when seeing a doctor about temporary state disability due to an injury?
Is testing positive for Marijuana reason to be turned down for temporary state disability benefits?...

 My hand hurts I have a 3rd degree burn how can i make it stop hurting?
help me im in severe pain i havent felt this much pain ever help ...

 Mild but bothersome knee pain, any advice?
Lately I have been having some mild knee pain on the outside of my right knee. It didn't seem to come on suddenly and has been bothering me for some time now. I have noticed there is a bump in ...

 I am very anxious around needles. Having a blood draw soon. scared please help me. Will it really hurt?
Are nurses used to treating nervous patients?

Will they be able to calm me down, and distract me?

Last time i had a blood test, was 4 years ago, the nurse was really horrid. And ...

Today at gymnastics I landed with my ankle turned to the side (as in my ankle was very near the floor when i landed) and I can barely move it now without it hurting and I cannot walk on it. My dad ...

 Have i broken my kneecap??
i fell down the stairs and hurt my knee. then i had to do sport and ran 3.2km. also i then slipped in the bathroom. my knee really kills and i have trouble moving it, but it is not swelled or ...

 Ok I have a Cut In My Arm And I Need It Gone By This Weekend!! Any Suggestions?
I haven't told anyone yet cause I really want it gone and FAST!!
Additional Details
It's not that deep well not really! I just have this thing this weekend and I can't ...

 Tell me what you think?
I think that if we made alcohol illegal and marijiana legal a lot more of us would be alive today, alcohol kills. That's just my opinion....

 I've cut my hair like a year and a half ago. Why hasn't it grown since then?
I've heard that fish oil pills can help the growth of my hair and nails!...

 How to fake a wrist injury or hurt it a little??
i really dont wanna go climbing on the 1 class trip and my teacher already said that it was madatory and im really terrified of heights and dont wanna embarress myself. im thinking about a wrist or ...

 My friend just fell off his bike and twisted his leg and it keeps on hurting?
So wat hapened was he fell off and and from his knee to his ankle it hurts cuase it twisted. We're trying ice, but when he moves it, it hurts alot. Any suggestions wat to do?
Additional D...

Can you break your butt?
ok i went to a school skating party with my BFF and im not good at skating then my neighbor fell and his skate hit mine and i fell REALLY REALLY hard and it reallyyyyy hurts to sit down! any advice on what to do?

you can bruise your sacrum

don't sit for a week

I think you bruise your sacrum. Just rest ur butt for a while. Just relax, and try not 2 sit on chairs that must, or it will REALLY hurt. HOpe I helped! :o)

Stand up or sit on a big fluffy pillow. But it is possible to break your butt

♥In love with love♥
you probably just hit ur tail bone...i dont it allllll the time(not on purpose)lol

TECHNICALLY no.. it's impossible to "break" your rear per-say... now.. the tail-bone and pelvis are another story.
Your rear end is pretty much a mass of muscle and body fat that is used to coushin your bones and other bodily parts in that area when you sit. So, I don't think it's possible to "Break" fat. Lol

But, it seems to me you probably bruised your tailbone or the tissue around your rear. Give it a week or two and you should be better.
You'd know if you broke something. Broken tail-bones will cause extreme pain when you try to bend or sit down. Same with a pelvis. So.. odds are you're just bruised.

Sorry to hear :( Hope it feels better.

edit: If you're having huge trouble sitting down, where it's too discomforting I would suggest looking into a donut. A round coushin with a hole in the middle. Women who are pregnant often use them, and those who break their tailbone as well.

the girl next door
just take some pain meds and rest. it happens to the best of us

yes u can lol

Jessica M
Yes you can break you tail bone. I did my freshman year of high school and it is a really painful thing. I would see your doctor just to make sure that it's not chipped of any major factor. I also carried around a pillow to sit on for awhile because I wasn't able to sit in class without it.

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