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 OMG!!!!! has anyone ever read a question on here,,,,,,,then,,...........
then,,,,its happened to you? i was just relaxing ,,,reading about someone who had a spider stuck in there ear.reading all the replies i was feeling slightly smug and thought to myself"hahaha&...

 My legs been broken for 3months and it still turns purple, is that normal??
i had two breaks in my leg and had to get a metal rod and four nails, theres just a piece of bone floating in my leg, and not even alligned with the rest of my bone. my leg now turns purple when not ...

 I fell into a cactus how do i help the pain of the stickers?

 Stepping on rusting nails?
last night i stepped on a wire bar and it went pretty deep in my foot. um..... i was wondering you know how you get that dieses from stepping on a rusting nail, and you need your tetness shot, is ...

 Omg im screwed. is that what i get for geting pist off and going crazy? i cut my finger and hardly can feel it
i've never done this, it looks nasty like stuffs coming out of it. it felt like a huge paper cut. i broke a glass cup and cut my hand up but this finger really bothers me. everything above the ...

 What are shin splints? I told someone my shins are really sensative & sore lately & someone told me it's from
walking? What exactly does it mean?
Additional Details
The pain is right in the front of my leg & when my daughter sits on my lap & her heals touch my shins....ouch!...

 Anyone know how to treat a suspected fractured rib and how long will it take to heal ?

 I got bit by a spider!! AM I GOING TO DIE?!?
I live in Texas, where I know there are some poisonous spiders. I think I got bitten by one three hours ago while I was playing with some pretty spiders I thought were house spiders.

Now ...

 My dad showed me he can remove his thumb! How does he do this without bleeding!?

 Please help my shins hurt?
yesterday i walked about 2 miles on the road. and last night my shins started to ache really really bad and i can barley walk and still hurts. they are not swollen or red they just hurt really bad. i&...

 How long does it take for cuts on your knuckles to heal ?
i was drunk and stupid and punched a brick wall maybe about 10 times and my knuckles wouldnt stop bleeding..the cuts r pretty deeper then what they should be.it kills every time i wash my hands with ...

 Do you put heat or ice on a sore shoulder?
I didn't really hurt it seriously but its sore from repetition of using it (basketball) so its been sore for a couple days? Do I use ice or heat?...

 Read me please!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i got a bump on my lip for biting on it i can't eat without it hurting because the salt gets in it aND to top it off everyone thinks im a freaky chicwith a bump on her lip HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!1...

 How do you fix a broken knee?
I am a female in my mid 20's. I initially ruptured my ACL and tore both menisci 6 years ago playing basketball. Currently, after 3 knee surgeries to attempt to repair the various problems ...

 A PAINFULL story!!?
okay about 2years ago this was!!?? i was sleeping one night when out of the blue i felt this horrible pain in my side waist near my back and lower hip!! it would not go away i was crying my eyes out ...

 My hip hurts?
Yesterday at lunch this guy named chris was sitting in a chair and i was standing right next to him. Well he like hugged me really hard and it popped my hip or something in that area and it hurt ...

 I fell on my knee this morning, and twisted it too, now it hurts...?
I was trying to get to my phone but was showering and when my wet feet hit the hardwood floor, I scrambled like a cartoon character, but still went down at a very awkward angle on my knee. It didn�...

 I dont know if my finger is broken or just jammed?
I was playing football and my hand hit with a anouther guys hand now my left middle finger is swolen from the knuckle to the joint and it hurts to make a fist my joint also has a lil blue to it how ...

 Is drug testing mandatory when seeing a doctor about temporary state disability due to an injury?
Is testing positive for Marijuana reason to be turned down for temporary state disability benefits?...

 My hand hurts I have a 3rd degree burn how can i make it stop hurting?
help me im in severe pain i havent felt this much pain ever help ...

dfdsdfd d
Why do people see stars when they have a head injury. On average how many stars do people see.?
I only saw one star during a head injury.

Goodness!! I guess you saw this happening in the cartoons and movies or something.. ^^

Its not stars you see. Its dots. Bright dots. And i have seen many ! but not from head injury, from dizziness and getting up quickly from a kneeling position.

something to do with the bang on the head. it's like a glitch on the brain that creates a flare-like light or a "star".

Get Over It

i see bright light instead of stars

Big Red
I don't think that I've ever seen 'stars' but I have seen little birdies flying around my head...sometimes bells.

I see chickens

Nice Q dude! Its just the illusion of mind which make you see the stars...lol

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