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Use a Braillenote Mpower

The BrailleNote MPower, from Humanware, is a powerful device for those who have a print disability. It uses Braille and speech as its main focus. However there's so much more to it, such as the ability to connect to the Internet, use active sync with a PC, and record lectures for an academic class. Read on to learn about how to use the BrailleNote's most basic features.

  1. Before you use a BrailleNote, you need one. They usually cost several thousands of dollars. It would be a wise idea to check with Humanware for pricing details or financial support if you need it.
  2. Once you receive your BrailleNote, take it out of the box. If you've never used one before, take a while to explore it and its layout.
  3. Once you're comfortable with its setup, take the BrailleNote and place it in front of you. You will know it is placed correctly in front of you if you feel (1) the flap of the BrailleNote case is away from your body and (2) you feel the refreshable Braille display is closest to you.
  4. Along the left side of the BrailleNote's case you will find a velcro flap. Open it, and you should quickly notice a rocker switch, along with a couple of buttons and a headphone jack that won't be discussed here.
  5. Move the switch toward you. Check the Braille display. Your BrailleNote should now be on. Main menu is displayed on the display. You are now ready to explore even further.
  6. To scroll through the menu, press the space bar, at the same time reading the display.
  7. The first item in the menu is the word processor. This is what allows you to type and create documents in a variety of formats, along with printing, embossing, and e-mailing them to family, friends, and colleagues.
  8. If you want to use the word processor, simply press enter, or dot 8 (the key furthest to the right).
  9. Keyword menu is displayed on the display now. The rest is pretty self-explanatory. Press space through the keyword menu until your desired task is displayed.
  10. If you would like to learn more about the BrailleNote, press o-chord for the options menu. Then type u for the user guide. Now press t (for table of contents) or i (for index).

  • A simple user guide is provided in the box with your BrailleNote.
  • To help you get started or learn about your whereabouts in keysoft (the name of which the BrailleNote runs on, like Windows), type h-chord (for help) at any time.

  • Don't become frustrated. It takes time and patience to figure things out, but after a while you'll be a BrailleNote expert.

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