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 What was your weirdest dream?
My dreams are the mix of everything I did or thought of during the day. In my dream, I came out of Costco with my family with a 50 pack of magical sausages for 1.99. If you threw one magical sausage ...

 Whats wrong with me?
I am 17 and have suffered from depression for years now. when i'm depressed and empty feeling i usually find myself eating without needing the food. I'm 5'8" and 150 lbs. idk if ...

 Anorexia or bulimia?
if you are going to say neither... dont bother to reply
this is serious and i just wanted to know what people thin is worse.. bulimia or anorexia. thankyou

also anyone know anyone in ...

 I really hate school!!!!!!!!! HELP?
Every morning I wake up with a stomachache ( really bad) and so I skip breakfast and I get to school and I feel like crap but I really have to go because if I don't I'll be really behind. M...

Has anyone overcome depression and how did you do it?...

 How can I stop myself spending money?
I just can't help myself - it's like I am addicted - to spending money and to owning things. Any ideas?...

 Why should'nt i do suicide ?
I really don't see any other option because i have a miserable life. Anyone who look at me wont find any reason why should i do that but i hv lot of reasons:
1.My father died 11 yrs. ago ...

 How do I stop myself from commiting suicide?

Im 16,I have depression,I self harm and Im suicidal.
I told my mom about the depression(not the self harm or being suicidal) a few weeks ago and she brought me to the doctor who ...

 Is it pathetic i still live at home at 27?
IM 27 and everyone i know is getting on and engaged has a life, good friends etc No im not saying their lives are perfect but yhey are content. I I have always cared about what people thought of me ...

 Stupid stupid Anger!?
earlier i threw my ipod because i just got angry for no reason i want to kno why i'm fine and then suddenly become realli angry for no reason at all
Additional Details

 Is it normal to count things?
when i am ina public place i will count how many letters in words, how many seats on the bus, how many women/men on a bus and more... I just have to do it....

 I Don't Know What's Wrong With me. Read This and Give Me an Opinion on What I should do?
I don't know if I would necessarily call it depression or laziness. I get in these "spurts" where I just don't care about myself or my home or belongings. I'll go for days ...

 Whats the quickest way to go to sleep without taking sleeping pills or anything ?
something natural ?...

 Has anybody else gone through what I'm going through?
My Mom died of stomach cancer after bravely fighting it for 4 months, nearly a month ago. At first everyone was great and supportive but now it's as if they're not bothered about me. I...

 Can useing drugs can kill you if you don't over does and its your first time?
please help i think my friend is using drugs and i don't if it can kill i worry i really care about him help me to help him =....(...

 I want help but I'm scared?
I cut myself. I'm depressed, but I want to change. I'm sick of trying to hide it all the time.

I really want to talk to someone in person about it, but someone professional. N...

 I absolutely cannot take it!?
i take xanax, lithium, and now back again on effexor. my mind is racing. i have feelings of terror inside. if i am by myself i have the worst panic attack and basically black out with out passing out....

 I really, really want to die?
nothing is right in my life. i have no family or friends. i have no money. i have been depressed for years. i was molested for almost a year when i was younger. how ironic is it that i have a degree ...

 How do you face depression?

 Im depressed....?
Im depressed about school. I just started thinking about it and started crying. Because my astronomy class is so hard and I dont think I can pass it theres 3 weeks left. And I failed ALL the test and ...

Whats wrong with me?
i cry every night.i cannot concentrate on stuff..i've stopped writing to my friends who i miss so much..i'm 15 and have moved to a place i dont like at all..i love playing the piano and writing..but somehow i dont feel like doing the things i like anymore..i don't think anything or anyone can help me...
please help if you can.

Something has happened in your life against your wish. You are metally depressed and you need counselling. Alternatively, consult a homoeopath who will treat you constitutionally.

smokey virginia
Sounds like you are depressed. Rather than take meds for it, why don't you try to make new friends in the place you don't like at all.

Did the ocean run dry? Did the sky fall? Maybe you feel that way but look around. You're going to feel this way for a bit but it's nothing to feel bad about. Feeling bad about feeling bad is the worst thing a person can do. So, just go with it, but just attempt to do those things you love even if you don't feel like it, you need it. You deserve it.
At least, you're thinking! Nothing can help you but yourself. So get to it! I tried.

dhairya p
i cry every night.i cannot concentrate on stuff..i've stopped writing to my friends who i miss so much.i'm 17.i love to writing. writing..but somehow i dont feel like doing the things i like anymore..i don't think anything or anyone can help me...
please help if you can.

It sounds like you may be depressed, talk to someone. There are times in everyone's life when we feel as though we have noone to turn to or talk to-this isn't true. Keep in touch with your friends and find something about the place in which you live now that makes you happy. You have got to find someone or something that gets you out of this rut, hon. Get new friends and new hobbies...we all have to adapt to things that aren't our favorite, it's just another part of life that isn't fair!
Good luck with you sweetie...anytime you need to talk, you're more than welcome to contact me.

I think it's just because you haven't adjusted to a new enviroment. What's wrong with you? Nothing's wrong and you're not going insane, it's pretty normal with you having a different environment. What's not good if you don't learn how to adjust and hey! you have to move on now. You should learn to accept that and look for friends they'll keep you company. And don't entertain thoughts of depression. Theres good and nice life out there and also friends... Good luck and I hope I gave you a good answer.

Hey fella, don't worry so much. You sound like a nice kid who is pretty intelligent also.

Please realize life takes time to unfold. I was in your same shoes when I was 9 years old and moved out of state. I met new people and went through some changes. As I look back, I was never into fads or major changes, I believe I was the same person at age 5 as when I was 15.

I always felt like I was extremely different than other people. I overthought things, or acted differently, etc. As time passed I learned to not look at myself so hard. Why, cause everyone is so quick to judge you, but guess what? They judge theirself quicker and harsher than anyone else could.

Ok, so whats my point? Sometimes I just ramble and ramble... I can tell just by the way you phrased your question that you are considerate and detailed. It kind of reminded me of myself.

If I could say one thing to help you out, it would be, THE EASY WAY IN LIFE IS FOR THE WEAKLINGS.

When I say weaklings, I mean.
The Drug Addicts.
The Mean People.
Ignorant People.

Anyone can choose the easy/weak way out. Your pretty smart and I know you can do life your way.

I think u should see a doctor. The doctor can help u

Christina M
Go to a mental health doctor and talk to them. They can help.

have you ever to listen the music of Trinh Cong Son, a greatest musican of Vietnam
His love songs will make you more comfortable and relax
when you want to go, you should listen a love song...soft song.....and you will feel relaxed to have a good dream

Joi J
aww its okayy
same thing happened to me
i miss my friends truly alot
they we everything to me..
but..as the months go by it seems as thought ive lost contact with them. yess i have myspace and msn..but even with those its hard to communicate because we dont live in same area and we cant talk about the same things and agreee and stuff...
but ive moved on...I HOPE YOU WILL TOO
i made friends..but ofcourse not as good....
but now the same thing is going to happen to me ONCE AGAIN..in a couple of days imma move to las vegas...sigh.....
but dont worrry you get through all this
i suggest you make good friends where your at..listen to music..music helps alot. just remember your not the only one going through this..

call and see a counsel schools have them.

its depression because of moveing to a diffrent place and all the changes. everyone goes through depression in there life, but it should go away in a cuple of days or weeks. try meeting new people friends keep your mind off depressing things.

stop being DEPRESSED and find new FRIENDS
dont give up so easily!

You're going through a bout of depression, which is normal when a traumatic event occurs in your life. You moved, so it may be that. Second, you're 15, which means you're going through physical changes which include a change in your hormones. You can help yourself by writing what you feel in a journal or diary. Examine how you feel as specifically as possible. Continue playing the piano, try some lively songs once in a while. Get involved with some organization which provides help to others--church group, hospital volunteer, reading to shut-ins, or even picking up trash around the neighborhood, scouts, day care volunteer, something. It will help you get your mind off some of the things you don't like that have happened, and you'll feel good about the good you're doing. If you're still feeling this way in a year, see a counselor because then it might be serious, but you'll have your written record and a better idea of what's bothering you. Good luck, and good living to you.

ur going thru DEPRESSION. Go and speak to someone close. Trust me u wll feel better. Go and visit a good doctor. Mild anti-depressants work wonders. Remember ! This is just a temporary phase, u will get out of it. Life is much more beautiful and lovely after this phase.

home sick and depression

suresh k
Hi there !
There is Nothing wrong with you...
Change of place..
change of environment.
absence of friends...
no pastimes...
yes..this is too much for a girl of 15 years !
It would have been "abnormal" if you had "not" cried...understood ?
Relaaaxxxx... and start getting involved in more creative activities....get some books, read.....listen to some music....
as the time passes, newer friends will come..okay ?
best wishes !

madhus u
try to spend time the place where you get more enjoyment, meet friends, meet that friends who make lots of jokes dont stay at home for much time listen to music, is best to reduce tension try to laugh laugh and laugh other thing is meditation ,yoga if dont it work consulat a dr.

maybe youre little depressed..
moving ranks pretty high on the list of stressful events..
you could use the time you are online to look up a writers group for teens in your area and other activities that you enjoy which may lead you to meet people...
you may have feelings that you lost everything you knew and enjoyed and so find it hard to talk to people you dont know when you may see and maybe feel distant from...
but you can get a webcam and chat with them or schedule for one of them to visit you...
15 is not too young to catch a plane with your parents consent of course during a school or summer break..

good luck sweetie

You are feeling depressed because of the move to the new place. Have you thought why this move came to your life? To bring out some hidden strengths and talents in you.

Wipe the tears, look around and find those treasures. Enrich your life and prepare yourself for the wonderful years ahead. Don't waste even a moment. Best of luck!

Its probably depression. I felt like you before. You just have to keep going. You have to try to do something that would make you feel happy. I know you have some problems and you just have to let it go.

Try to get out of this state of mind. You don't like the new place, you can only feel better by doing the things you like. Write to your friends, tell them how you feel. Also if possible try to make a new friend in the new place.

It's possible you have a mild form of depression. Try talking to your doctor or a school nurse or even your parents about your feelings.

You are depressed. You should talk to someone. Try going outside more too. I find that I get more depressed when I sit inside to long. I know what you're going through, and I'm sorry.

Chrissy A
It sounds like you are depressed which is a very common illeness and very treatable illness and no reason to get stressed out about.

Sounds like you're stressed and depressed about moving. That's pretty normal. Talk to a counsellor about it and you'll learn to cope.

People can help you; I know from my own experience. You will feel better in a while.

maybe the change of place is bothering much & you should be ok in few days .

If you just moved, relax and give it some time.
Don't get stress about feeling lonely. It's
natural when you move (done it many times).

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