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 I really hate school!!!!!!!!! HELP?
Every morning I wake up with a stomachache ( really bad) and so I skip breakfast and I get to school and I feel like crap but I really have to go because if I don't I'll be really behind. M...

Has anyone overcome depression and how did you do it?...

 How can I stop myself spending money?
I just can't help myself - it's like I am addicted - to spending money and to owning things. Any ideas?...

 Why should'nt i do suicide ?
I really don't see any other option because i have a miserable life. Anyone who look at me wont find any reason why should i do that but i hv lot of reasons:
1.My father died 11 yrs. ago ...

 How do I stop myself from commiting suicide?

Im 16,I have depression,I self harm and Im suicidal.
I told my mom about the depression(not the self harm or being suicidal) a few weeks ago and she brought me to the doctor who ...

 Is it pathetic i still live at home at 27?
IM 27 and everyone i know is getting on and engaged has a life, good friends etc No im not saying their lives are perfect but yhey are content. I I have always cared about what people thought of me ...

 Stupid stupid Anger!?
earlier i threw my ipod because i just got angry for no reason i want to kno why i'm fine and then suddenly become realli angry for no reason at all
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 Is it normal to count things?
when i am ina public place i will count how many letters in words, how many seats on the bus, how many women/men on a bus and more... I just have to do it....

 I Don't Know What's Wrong With me. Read This and Give Me an Opinion on What I should do?
I don't know if I would necessarily call it depression or laziness. I get in these "spurts" where I just don't care about myself or my home or belongings. I'll go for days ...

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something natural ?...

 Has anybody else gone through what I'm going through?
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 Can useing drugs can kill you if you don't over does and its your first time?
please help i think my friend is using drugs and i don't if it can kill i worry i really care about him help me to help him =....(...

 I want help but I'm scared?
I cut myself. I'm depressed, but I want to change. I'm sick of trying to hide it all the time.

I really want to talk to someone in person about it, but someone professional. N...

 I absolutely cannot take it!?
i take xanax, lithium, and now back again on effexor. my mind is racing. i have feelings of terror inside. if i am by myself i have the worst panic attack and basically black out with out passing out....

 I really, really want to die?
nothing is right in my life. i have no family or friends. i have no money. i have been depressed for years. i was molested for almost a year when i was younger. how ironic is it that i have a degree ...

 How do you face depression?

 Im depressed....?
Im depressed about school. I just started thinking about it and started crying. Because my astronomy class is so hard and I dont think I can pass it theres 3 weeks left. And I failed ALL the test and ...

 How do you relax when something is worrying you?

 Whinging people with depression, why don't the miserable buggers just snap out of it?

 Does smoking too much hash cause mood swings?
Im not the one smoking it !...

amazed !!!
I am very frightened ... is this some kind of an omen .....?
i was unable to sleep and so i looked at the time and it was 3:33 am anyway i tried to to sleep but couldn't so i just layed on bed and again i looked at the time and it was 4:44 am i was totally freaked out and shouted for help and then my mom came and put me to sleep ....
but could it have been ?
(i am 20 yrs old )
could it be that i have done anything wrong lately ?

take nyquil

Stacie p
i dont think its an omen. you just happend to look at the clock at funny times. i have done that. its interesting

I don't see how looking at the clock in an hour is a omen. Maybe if you could include some further detail as to why you feel it is I could help?

As for you doing something wrong, everyone does things wrong. It's just up to you to fix them.

Waffers Are Good
8 times out fo ten when i loook at the clock its 1:51 am or pm, or that jsut happens to be what page im on in a book, or somehow i always see that number...i noticed this about 2 years ago..still im not too worried, theres never been any weird signifigance

Nope. Coincidence. Think nothing of it. Our superstitions have always been wrong way back in the times of the Celts to New England's burning of witches.

idk, maybe a coincidence, kinda creepy though

nah its alright....everytime i look at the clock it always says 9:11....i haven't died yet :P.

nora r
You're fine, we all have nights where we have trouble sleeping. Just get up when that happens and watch tv or game or read until you feel tired.

You drink too much liquids with caffeine in it.

maybe you feel guilty about something. but it doenst mean anything!! ppl tend to look for patterns (especcially if they are feeling guilty). i wouldnt worry about it at all! maybe if you look at the clock and it says 6:66 then maybe worry because thats not even a normal time!!!!!!

Bill S
no offense but ever heard of a coincidence, dumb ***! (20, calling for mommy? man up!)

= ) ( =

Julius C
there are places you can go where people will help you with your terror of a very mundane coincidence, by talking to you and possibly prescribing something

Rachel M
no hun, that was just a coiencedence and it happens to me all the time.

I think it's just a coincedence.
I have almost the same thing happening to me all the time. Listen:
Everytime I look at the clock the minutes are always 11. (3:11, 5:11, 8:11..etc) Listen to all these creepy facts about the history of 11 in my family :
-I was born at 11:12
-My older sister was born on the 11th
-She died on the 12th
-She died at 12:11
-My younger sister was born on September 11th, 2002. Everytime. while my mom was pregnant with her, when we looked at the clock it would say 9:11....which we knew was her due date.

It was absolutely pure coincidence. This kind of thing happens all the time - it is just one of those things which you can then say to your friends - You'll never guess what, last night etc......and I bet one of them will say, Yeh, something like that happened to me.

I once was driving along in my mini (I'm English) I turned the corner and in front of me was another mini with exactly the same number plate as minde except one number on

like OWP 154 P (my car) and the other car said OWP 155 P
but I didn't think it was an omen, it was just a coincidence.

Naomi H
that would freak me out too!! Usually though, if your having trouble sleeping your body often wakes hour after hour and on time too. You never know, you could of looked a few seconds late as it could av been 4.43 don't worry its not an omen!! Try drinking a hot chocolate before you go to bed to help you sleep and move your clock!

No. It means you missed your chance to make a wish.

nic nac
Stop doing drugs.

♂•○Kissing Raindrops•○♂
It is insomnia I think..eat lettuce dipped in olive oil..should help you to sleep..it helped me when I was insomniatic....btw that whole time thing is coincidence

you don't need to TRY to sleep but you need to RELAX.close your eyes and think about nothing and keep still and repeate 'everything's ok everything's ok every...'

no, it's OK, just a coincidence! Good Luck!

Tony P
An old folk tale tells of a gypsy lady who had the same experiences. On each night the tiem she awakened progressed an hour, until one morning...
She overslept.

Katie K
its a coincidence

otherwise, hire an exorcist =)

Fear is not the absence of intelligence.
But I think you can always lean on someone when you needed help.
Don't forget that...I think you have good parents.

umm... ur reallu superstitious.. its no big deal.. just insomnia

yoh that' s weird that I have suffered from same thing..I wake up exactly 3am, then 4am, then 5 am....then 6am...then it stops when i wake up...i thought i was dreaming...it seemed real

If the clock had said 6:66 then I would be worried.

Probably coincidence, you got nothing to worry about.... You called your mom and you're 20 years old? Hm

Wait, ur 20 yrs old and your mom put you to sleep?
Now thats what you should be scarred of

Jeff H
Sorry to read about the serious problem you are having. It does sound frightening. I think the best advice would be to try and relax, try counting your breathes slowly. Close your eyes and imagine yourself somewhere that makes you happy, maybe the beach and feel the wind in your mind and the smell of the sea. Breathe in and think "Re" and breathe out and think "Lax". Focus on that word "Relax", or another word that is soothing to you.

If you can't sleep, get out of bed and try reading a book or doing something. Insonmia happens to everyone sometimes, but if it's happening a lot and giving you anxiety it might be worth seeing a doctor who could prescribe something to help. There's also over the counter sleep aids which could be used with proper supervision to help you better regulate your sleep. If you slept a lot during the day then it is understandable you are awake during the night. (Just a hypotethical example, not knowing more about what might have causes your current insomia). Also to help sleeping try exercising during the day to wear yourself out. Don't drink or eat anything with caffene or sugar in it several hours before bed.

I doubt you did anything wrong or that it is an omen. Maybe there is part of you that doesn't want to sleep, or is anxious about some recent event. The best thing you can do is not blame yourself. Everyone has insomina, and many have anxiety conditions or make mistakes that keep them up some nights. Hopefully you can get some rest and be able to try to solve any problems the next day.

Another suggestion is just think of your bed as for sleeping. You need to train your body to equate lying in bed with sleeping. I know personally I've used a laptop in bed, read, etc. and it does prevent going to sleep properly. So the ideal situation is train your body that bed=sleep and if you try to sleep and it doesn't happen after 20 minutes or so, get up and do something else. Try to get up and go to bed at the same time every day. Your body has an internal clock and sometimes needs to re-learn the sleep cycle.

Also the human mind is wired to look for patterns. We see it in clouds and numbers. So that is probably why you are remembering specific times, they just stand out to all of us. I also notice 12:34 ;)

I hope something I wrote above is helpful to you. Good luck and I really hope you get some restful sleep soon.

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