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 Do i have mental problems?
i get angry for stupid things alot, and i always think that if i get a cut it will get infected and i will die, do i need counciling or can i get over this problem myself?...

 What was your weirdest dream?
My dreams are the mix of everything I did or thought of during the day. In my dream, I came out of Costco with my family with a 50 pack of magical sausages for 1.99. If you threw one magical sausage ...

 Whats wrong with me?
I am 17 and have suffered from depression for years now. when i'm depressed and empty feeling i usually find myself eating without needing the food. I'm 5'8" and 150 lbs. idk if ...

 Anorexia or bulimia?
if you are going to say neither... dont bother to reply
this is serious and i just wanted to know what people thin is worse.. bulimia or anorexia. thankyou

also anyone know anyone in ...

 I really hate school!!!!!!!!! HELP?
Every morning I wake up with a stomachache ( really bad) and so I skip breakfast and I get to school and I feel like crap but I really have to go because if I don't I'll be really behind. M...

Has anyone overcome depression and how did you do it?...

 How can I stop myself spending money?
I just can't help myself - it's like I am addicted - to spending money and to owning things. Any ideas?...

 Why should'nt i do suicide ?
I really don't see any other option because i have a miserable life. Anyone who look at me wont find any reason why should i do that but i hv lot of reasons:
1.My father died 11 yrs. ago ...

 How do I stop myself from commiting suicide?

Im 16,I have depression,I self harm and Im suicidal.
I told my mom about the depression(not the self harm or being suicidal) a few weeks ago and she brought me to the doctor who ...

 Is it pathetic i still live at home at 27?
IM 27 and everyone i know is getting on and engaged has a life, good friends etc No im not saying their lives are perfect but yhey are content. I I have always cared about what people thought of me ...

 Stupid stupid Anger!?
earlier i threw my ipod because i just got angry for no reason i want to kno why i'm fine and then suddenly become realli angry for no reason at all
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 Is it normal to count things?
when i am ina public place i will count how many letters in words, how many seats on the bus, how many women/men on a bus and more... I just have to do it....

 I Don't Know What's Wrong With me. Read This and Give Me an Opinion on What I should do?
I don't know if I would necessarily call it depression or laziness. I get in these "spurts" where I just don't care about myself or my home or belongings. I'll go for days ...

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something natural ?...

 Has anybody else gone through what I'm going through?
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 Can useing drugs can kill you if you don't over does and its your first time?
please help i think my friend is using drugs and i don't if it can kill i worry i really care about him help me to help him =....(...

 I want help but I'm scared?
I cut myself. I'm depressed, but I want to change. I'm sick of trying to hide it all the time.

I really want to talk to someone in person about it, but someone professional. N...

 I absolutely cannot take it!?
i take xanax, lithium, and now back again on effexor. my mind is racing. i have feelings of terror inside. if i am by myself i have the worst panic attack and basically black out with out passing out....

 I really, really want to die?
nothing is right in my life. i have no family or friends. i have no money. i have been depressed for years. i was molested for almost a year when i was younger. how ironic is it that i have a degree ...

 How do you face depression?

Scott T
I hate my job but it's too good to quit?
I *really* hate my job. The problem is, it's so easy and pays very well. By easy I mean I have 30-45 minutes of work a day, and then can do whatever I want with the rest of the time (such as sit there answering yahoo questions!). I feel I'm just wasting my time and talents, but anywhere else I went would be about a 20% pay cut and more work. I've asked my boss for more assignments, but he just says "just find some way to keep yourself busy".

How do I work up the nerve to quit something like this?

thatsss legit
seems like a pretty good job if you have less than an hour of work to do! finish your work, relax, and try to get some things done at the office. hopefully it will get better.

i think that you should keep your job since it's good paying but i think that you should just hang with friends or get another job.

I think you should stay there. After all, it's cake and you're getting paid! Since you feel like you're wasting brain power maybe you could take an online course in something that interests you. You could study and do your schooling at work. Bonus! You just need to find something constructive to do with 7.5 hours of your workday!

Take a second job to do while you're at your first. For instance, find work you can do "at home", like transcription, accounting work, typing manuscripts, etc... (there are many possibilities). Take a laptop to work (don't use the office computer because it belongs to the company and they have legal ownership of anything on it). Work from the laptop and your cell phone.

Now, you've got two pay checks comming in.

Or, take some college courses online while at work or go to college and do your assignments and studying while at work.

I agree....it would be very difficult to leave a well-paying, low-demand job which would be a "dream job" to many. Maybe you could use this situation to your advantage.

Miss Vassy
How I would love to be in your position. I don't hate my job, but I have a lot of work and usually don't have enough time in one day to finish everything.

I would suggest doing some creative writing or perhaps keep yourself occupied reading novels of of www.gutenberg.org. It is the website set up to place all public domain novels into a digital archive. All the classics are there and I am sure you can find something that peaks your interest. Plus, many companies frown on actually reading a book when you work at a front desk because it makes you look lazy. This way, you can still read, but it makes you look like you are doing computer work instead.

But word to the wise, don't stay in a job you hate. Even with a pay cut, you could find something with some advancement possibilities and maybe end up at a place you love, doing more AND getting paid more. It just may take some time. It sounds like the position you are in is not one that will lead to any promotion and that is never good.

Good Luck!

i lve valleyball
i have the same problem... but get paid more but my job is almost over to more days i can do

Matthew H
you are an idiot. dont quit. i would quite possibly kill someone for a job like that. Bring like a book or something or watch movies online or get something you can do while you do no work. Seriously like where do you work? I wanna work at a place like that. Trust me, if you quit, get another job where you are doing more work, after about 2 weeks at the most, you are going to be kicking yourself for ever quitting that job. So dont do it, man.

Joe W
Have you tried finding more things to do? Are there any frustrations or problems that you or other staff have that you think you could fix or improve?

I think it would be silly to just up and quit. If you really can't stand it, start looking for a new job, sure, and quit only when you have something else to go to. But from what you wrote, you don't actually want to quit, you want your job to be more interesting and challenging.

Well, there's your first challenge! 8-) Find a project you can finish in a couple of weeks or less as a starting place. Once you've proved you can do a lot more you'll find things have a way of magically having your name on them at work...

I REALLY want to know what job u have and dont quit if its that good. Buy a laptop and do stuff on it like play games try making batch files or anything your skills fall under.


Bandaloop Doctor
If you don't feel like your job is fulfilling enough, I would say to quit it. You don't want to waste half of your life doing something that you DON"T LOVE. Find something that you will enjoy doing and won't regret spending your time on.

It narrows down to what's more important: enjoying your job or receiving more money.

More money= more things you can buy outside of work and a better quality life style.

More enjoyable work= Enjoying each day as a new experience.

I know exactly what you mean...cushy, well-paid, easy jobs are hard to leave. But remember one thing...money doesn't buy you happiness. If you're unhappy with your job, save up some money and go persue something as a career that you'll be glad to get up in the morning to do and that'll you'll be passionate about.

simple, find another and give your notice.

Sadie G's Crazy See
You have to figure out what's more important to you... the money or feeling like you are using your talents. It sounds pretty sweet to me. Just give it a little thought, figure out what's important to you and it'll be easy to figure out. I was in a similar situation recently too. I had an easy job, great pay, but I just hated it; so I quit, and I feel great about it. Good Luck!


Find a job that you really like and passionate about.

urC1TYC8Czs F
just have a few drinks before u clock in

miszy bykln girl
lol. just keep ur self busy. i no how it feels. at school sometimes im done with everything even my hw. im like omg. madd bored. god help mee

Why would you quit? That seems like a great job. Good pay with, low stress, easy job. No wonder you put this on the mental health post

LOL. My job is the same way. I am at work right now and by the end of the day i usually run out of stuff to do on the Internet. I need to quit too but how do you give up somthing so easy and pays great.

xP l a s t i c C u p c a k e sx
Why do something you hate even if it pays well.

Id rather do something I love and get payed ****, then waste away my life doing crap so i can get money.

Cause in the end money doesnt matter, its what you did with your life that matters.

crazy. find a hobbie

Nick Z
Just because your boss doesn't give you any more work doesn't mean that you have to waste your time.

Bring a book and do some continuing education in your profession. Or learn something new.

Nobody knows everything. And there is always something useful you can learn.

Billy Shat
I'd say milk this job until the perfect situation comes up. You can also go to school and use work time to study if you're motivated in improving yourself.

Erick A
would you be kind as to say what your job is

NO!!! its better to have nothing to do at work then a ton of stuff. if u are making good money from it stay with your job...get a book or somthing

What job is that?

start a side buisness or hobby to occupy your time. The economy is too risky to let go of a good thing nowadays!

How long are you there for in the day? I think lifes to short to be doing something your not happy with. So what if you do more hours in a day- as long as you are happy it will be fine...

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