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 What is the best way to lose 20 pounds in about 2 months?
i would like to lose weight before school starts agian. and i would like for people to see a change in me. i have lost 35 before i weighed 175 and now im 140 and i would like to finish what i have ...

 Is swimming laps a good way to loose weight?
30 mins. a day, or just about every day.
and not just swimming around. swimming laps, freestyle, breaststroke....

 Can you really bounce if you are fat enough?

 Need to lose inches but no motivation.?
I need to lose around 3 inches around my waist but I can't stick to a healthy diet without going broke and I don't have a lot of motivation to get up and exercise. Anyone have any tips on ...

 How many pounds in 1 stone?

 How much water should you drink to keep you healthy?

 On average.. how many times a day should a person go number 2?? I usually go every other day..?
Im not constipated or anything.. ive pretty much always been like this...is this normal ?.....

 How can a 15 year old male gain weight??
i am 15 years old 5'6 and about 105 pounds. i am small for my age and am looking for ways to gain weight like what i should eat. please if anyone can answer my question that would be ...

 AM I fat?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!?
okay so im 4 10. 85 lbs. and 6th grade. am i fat?!...

 If i BARELY eat from now until.........?
monday how much weight will i lose?

( i dont waant to hear: you should really eat healthy)

and barely meaning like today i ate like 15 pieces of pasta with some tomato sauce<...

 I need too lose 100 pounds by september of next year. I need advice on how to do it in a healthy way. How?

 How can I lose 18lbs Before saturday?
I weigh 118 and I want to lose the 18lbs before saturday because I have a concert and me and my friend are gonna have Our older bros help us crowd surf and the lighter you are the hugher you can be ...

 What is your name?
what is it??? mine is ...

 Should children not be allowed to eat too much candy?
Is it really bad or just another misconception? I have a friend that does not allow her toddler any candy, she talks about how it would damage the kid's ability to taste other flavors (salty, ...

 What is your favorite part of the human body?
Mine gotta be the thigh and the butt girls have great thighs and butts lol ^_^


 I am 19...105 punds..and i wanna be 120...what can i do?

Additional Details
I dont want o gain muscle! lol i want my butt back...i want fat mass...... My name is Kawana and II am a white ...

 How do I get skinny?
I need to get skin but I dont know how to start since i live in apartments where they dont allow ridin things SO HOW CAN I LOSE 10 POUNDS IN A MONTH...

 Help a fat girl?
im in desperate need of help im 27 15 stone and scared i wnt see my son grow up i need to do something but dnt know how. Pls no fat jokes or mickey taking im desperate pls help diet and ...

 Does anybody else srtuggle to drink the 2 litres of water you need a day?
not including water in tea,coffee............

Would you rather be bulimic or anorexic?...

What will happen if i don't eat anything for a long time?
i just started to not eating anything today but im going to do this for another month to see if i loose weight what will happen

ull dye ..or u will be come anorexic and then u wish u would be dead !

You will die.

Or you will train your body to store fat and turn into a yo yo (weight wise)

after 14 days your body moves onto using VITAL organ tissue, a month theyll be nothing left. You'll faint and probably go into a coma. Don't do it.

haaha actually, you'll die.
and good for ya.

Probably die, your body needs certain vitamins. Just try eating less than you normally do and exercise. This should help.

please consult help asap! first of all, you may develop a very serious eating disorder, you'll be very weak, oh...yeah, and then you die! What good is it to lose weight if you'll be either super unhealthy or dead? Your body can only go a few days w/out food. Please tell me that this is a joke question. If you want to lose weight, then log of the computer put some sneakers on and get your butt moving! and please don't forget to eat healthy!!!!

If You are healthy meaning you don't have diabetes, low or high blood pressure, or any serious disease that requires you to eat something you won't die but you will feel miserably health wise. You can and probably will develop serious health risks due to starvation, It is seriously not recommended you do this form of dieting as getting fatal results can be possible. I would recommend altering what, how much and when to eat as an alternative to loosing weight. Good Luck, Peace.

You can live about 2 weeks without food, probably less. What you're doing will probably make you loose weight, but it will also harm your health; your body will start breaking down other parts of your body to make up for the lack of food. Your muscles, liver, and other internal organs will take a huge hit. You'll be weak and people will notice as you start to shrink into a skeleton and loose your muscle mass. Please, this is the most unsafe thing you can do to loose weight. Don't do it.

Bad idea. Of course you'll lose weight, but you'll also lose your health.

Little bear
first all your body fat will decrease dramatically, then once that's over your muscles will start decreasing. just to let you know, that's not a very good idea to test your body like that. some big mental effects might take place. you'll sleep less only think of food, not think clearly and maybe worse. just DON'T DO IT!!! :)

Steve L
I once heard about something called the law of 3s...a typical human can live:

3 minutes without air

3 days without water

3 weeks without food


yeah, you don't want to get that male nutrition like the guy above me is talking about...lol

depending on the length of time....starvation.

You'll die. Don't do this, this is a crash diet, eating nothing. Eat healthy, not nothing at all. It's bad for you and you'll get really skinny, but once you start eating again, you'll gain weight fast. Bad idea.

Your stomach will soon start eating itself and your body wont beable to function right. Then when you start eating food again, your body will turn it into fat because it is not sure if it is going to get food again.

once i did the same thing and nothing happened

i give you up to 3 weeks to live. You will die because although you can have nutrients stored your body needs to go through the processes of digestion so they can metabolize the stored nutrients.

I have done this before, it makes you feel awfull after the second or third day.
your stomach will start to shut down, you may loose a little weight but not healthily, then when you do eat your body will store this food as fat because it will get scared that you are going to starve it again. Please trust me and don't do this to your self! I lost myself when this happend to me.... I was tierd constant;y and had no motivation, i even lost some of my friends because I would get stressed easily. This type of habbit can also lead to bulimiea. I know every one says it but believe me you want to eat healthily, don't crash diet or snack & do 30mins of exercise for 5 days a week & you'll notice a difference!!! & you will be happier with yourself too! and yes, this crash dieting could result in death. PLEASE SON'T DO IT! good luck if you want to loose some weight, i know its hard to stop habbits exc x x x

Hallucinations, stomach cramps, acid indigestion, dry mouth, spots, weakness, blurred vision...oh, and eventually, before the end of the month, certainly...death. Depends if you drink water or not...you will die within 7 to 12 days without water, food, you may go for a month, maybe not...have fun...

You really shouldn't do it for more than 10 days! Fasting is ok if done properly. It's the fastest way to lose wieght and it's been around for centuries. There's nothing wrong with fasting as long as you do it without seriouly harming yourself. Just be careful. I usually go on juice fasts where I drink fruit juice anywhere from 1 to 4 days max and then I eat. I go back and forth depending on whether I need to lose wieght or not. Works for me.

you will be skinny and dead that will not make you any prettier.

you idiot! dont starve yourself! just do one of them weight watchers or what ever and get a little bit of excersise in too.

thats such a silly thing to do. the worst way to lose weight is to not eat anything at all. you simply need to take in less calories than you use up. Try doing more cardiovascualr exercise and eating a more varied, balanced diet. The most effective diet is one which takes time. It must be done gradually to prevent damage to your body. By not eating your body prepares itself for no food and so will store recently ingested food as fat as it doesn't think you will eat for a while

Your body will go into starvation mode and store fat much more easily

If you just don't eat anything your stomach will expand and your body will start living off your existing fat and then muscle, causing your body great harm

The first thing that will happen is your eyes will shrivel up and fall out. Actually every one elses will when they see you in a couple of weeks.

You will die

then once you start eating again, your body is in starvation mode and will hold on to every piece of food devoured, making you fat again

well i kno ur stomach will hurt constently
if i do that for a day my stomach hurts SO BAD

you will lose weight

Amber Lee
You will starve.
You will become weak, and sickly looking.
Sure, you will weigh less on the scale.
But your skin, hair, and nails will look gross.
And when you finally eat again, you will gain it all back.
But you will still look disgusting.
Anorexia is a disease, not a diet.
Get some help.

Flora D
are you stupid?

first of all you will starve the you might get somthing called male nutrtion and you stomach and cheeks look swollen eventually you will die

if you want to loose weight you should just eat healthy and excersice heathy ( DO NOT OVER EXCERSICE) AND HOUR OF physical activity is all you need

you might not even need to loose weight talk to you parents or doctor something is wrong with you !

you will die in a couple of day then ..

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