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 What do u think about smoking weed?
whether it be everyday or every week, its not exaclty tha worst thing in tha world is it...what are your thoughts......

 I am feeling very cold. but my wife refuses to give me shawl to wear?
she tells other relative keeps fan on. she herself feels much cold but decline to accept it.
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 Do i have mental problems?
i get angry for stupid things alot, and i always think that if i get a cut it will get infected and i will die, do i need counciling or can i get over this problem myself?...

 What was your weirdest dream?
My dreams are the mix of everything I did or thought of during the day. In my dream, I came out of Costco with my family with a 50 pack of magical sausages for 1.99. If you threw one magical sausage ...

 Whats wrong with me?
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 Anorexia or bulimia?
if you are going to say neither... dont bother to reply
this is serious and i just wanted to know what people thin is worse.. bulimia or anorexia. thankyou

also anyone know anyone in ...

 I really hate school!!!!!!!!! HELP?
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Has anyone overcome depression and how did you do it?...

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1.My father died 11 yrs. ago ...

 How do I stop myself from commiting suicide?

Im 16,I have depression,I self harm and Im suicidal.
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 Is it pathetic i still live at home at 27?
IM 27 and everyone i know is getting on and engaged has a life, good friends etc No im not saying their lives are perfect but yhey are content. I I have always cared about what people thought of me ...

 Stupid stupid Anger!?
earlier i threw my ipod because i just got angry for no reason i want to kno why i'm fine and then suddenly become realli angry for no reason at all
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 Is it normal to count things?
when i am ina public place i will count how many letters in words, how many seats on the bus, how many women/men on a bus and more... I just have to do it....

 I Don't Know What's Wrong With me. Read This and Give Me an Opinion on What I should do?
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 Can useing drugs can kill you if you don't over does and its your first time?
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 I want help but I'm scared?
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I really want to talk to someone in person about it, but someone professional. N...

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i take xanax, lithium, and now back again on effexor. my mind is racing. i have feelings of terror inside. if i am by myself i have the worst panic attack and basically black out with out passing out....

Is Depression merely anger without enthusiasm?


What a GREAT description.... I think you hit the nail on the head...

In the end its just a state of mind which you choose to have or not to have.

balloon knot

Depression is definitely all about anger, but it's inward looking anger and loathing. I think some people are better at expressing their anger outwardly - ie. being forceful or worse, being violent - and some people just turn this on themselves. If you feel a sense of hatred for yourself, that is essentially just anger isn't it?

No, not anger. More like enthusiastic despair.


Yes. I used to just be angry..but after I had my kids I was really tired and just didn't have the energy to put into being angry anymore..so then I got depressed instead..so the doc put me on anti depresants to turn me ambivalent. I am really excited to see what sort of dysfunctional emotional state I will experience next! :-)

Rage is anger turned outward. Depression is anger turned inward.

sounds like it!

I can see this as being so, to a degree. I struggle with depression daily. Some of it is a shame of my failed marriage. Some of it is anger over things that happened to bring about that failure. Some of it is because of things that happened to me in the past. Some of it is fear, because for the first time in my life, I am on my own and everything depends on how well I do.

Yes it is. It is anger turned inward.

No its a psychological disorder that makes people feel sad although they also feel anger as well.

depression isn't anger..

yeah , maybe desperation

that is an exact quote form my spacial Doctor I see every once in a while..
man your good..
to quote him exactly like that...

thank you for reminding me by your words..I will call him now..thankx..

I think you could argue it was apathetic rage. You could get a PHD with this theory. Look at Freud. He had a crush on his mom and now we still talk about how smart he was.

Depression and Happiness is a tightrope and I dont have a balance pole.

I disagree. Depression has nothing to do with anger. It's feeling bad about yourself, or a lack of hope.

You don't have to be angry to not feel good about yourself and the future.

You leave no room for hopelessness and sadness. Silent sadness.. agony that has no reason.

Another description is "anger without breathe".

It could be described that way but possibly more that it is unfocused. Depression can be very strong but often is in search of an explanation or target.

beautiful mind
NO it is NOT..

depression is loosing the motivation to add any kind of value to anything as you know you will loose it some day..

you don't want to get married cuz of fair being divorced again

you don't want to do your exams for the fear of failing it again

and so on..

Depression is using your imagination to feel GUILT for the PAST and FEAR for the FUTURE...

and money

I've been told that depression is anger turned inward and for my chronically depressed husband, I would say that this is true. He's usually either angry at the world around him (our family and me) or himself. When he's angry with himself, those are the sad, flat days of depression.

☼♥Sweet Qt ♥☼
Wow, you went to the bottom of the ocean on this one.
Never thought of it that way and I like this description.

No its a hangover without an asprin, A tv without a remote,
its a $15000 repair bill on a $14000 car.

Star Spirit
Wow, I think you're on to something here. I've been depressed since Katrina and trying to find a way out of it, but you just explained it to me. I'm angry, but have no outlet for it. No enthusiasm.... that's it. Thank you.

Proud Mommy
I never thought of it that way, but it makes sense.

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