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 Is there any kind of wrist exercises i can do to make my wrist feel better?
i was hit by a car less than 3 months ago and i was taken to the hospital for treatment on numerous things but they only said my wrist was sprained...it does feel alot better than it did the day ...

 How can I fix my swollen fingers?
My kind brother "accidentally" slammed my fingers in the car door and now they r swollen. I haved Iced them alot and taken a motrin butthey r still in a lot of pain. I dont thin they r ...

 Is it possible to bruise a muscle or soft tissue, with out seeing a bruise on the skin?
I fell snowboarding on my hip. The hip bone doesn't hurt, it is the muscle that is just above it, but there is no mark. I haven't gone to the doctor's since it costs too much, but I ...

 Could i have a pinched nerve?
I got pushed off a couch last night and I fell on my tailbone. I can walk (slowly) but when i move my left leg it hurts really bad. Could I have a pinched nerve or is it something else?...

 How to recover from bad ....?
rotater cuff injury, as well as two stress fractures, and an out of alignment shoulder all on the right arm. I play volleyball and need help!!!!...

 Did I break my finger today?
I was playing basketball today in PE and I went up for a rebound and the ball came off the rim really sharply and smashed into my finger. It hurt really bad, but I kept playing. Then is started ...

 Wearing contacts for two days straight...?
any thing i should worry about? i did take them off second day. any tips/concerns towards this would be awwwsome. They were the acuve 2 contacts....

 Will a chipped/broken knuckle grow back?
about 6 months ago i flipped out and punched a hole in my door. i know it was immature and i can now control my anger so i dont want a bunch of replys on anger crap. anyway a large chunk of my middle ...

 I had a personal injury with some froze food from walmart. I need some opinions everyone!?
OK. In June 2007 I was 8 months pregnant and fixed lunch for my little girl and I. It was Dwight Yokums chicken fries. They are supposed to be boneless. I bit into it and a bone was in it. It went ...

 Did I sprain or Break my Ankle?
Oct. 27th I rolled my ankle on a swimming noodle in my garage. At first it did not hurt, but it did take me a moment to get up becasue I could not feel my foot. I did put ice on it and continued to ...

 Do you think my eye is OK????
i was riding a snowmobile and i stoped and hit my eye on the kill swich.i could not think right!
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i will send you the pic just e-mail ...

She sent me THIS e-mail from China---

I was eating this chinese candy and i figured out that there was a piece of glass in it and now i have three holes on my tongue full of blood. It ...

 HELP, I bumped my head and now I look like Quasimoto!?
Is there anything I can do to reduced the swelling, bruising, biggness, and uglyness? Or speed up the process....

 I think I've just broken my wrist so please be quick!!?
Seriously I was just feedign my rats and I flipped my wris really quickly for some reason now unbeknown to me, and now it absolutely cains and I cannot move it properly at all. I am not calling 999, ...

 Ouch.im extremly sorE( or however you spell it) from working out..it hurts so bad!?
last night i worked out ALOT. and i havent worked out lke that in a while.and now IM EEEEEEEEEEXTREEEMLYYYY SORE..MY STOMACH..I CANT TALK WALK OR BREATHE.THATS HOW MMUCH IT HURTS.
my side hurts ...

 Have you ever broken a bone?Which one? Story?
i haven'...

 How do i know when im bleeding internally??
so me and my frioned were playing around fihging and stuff and she like kinda pulled my arm (the skin) and then now it hurts real bad....

 My 12 year old foster child has Osgood Schlatter. She had a field trip yesterday, and they walked a LOT!!! =(
i posted this in another section too, but there were only 2 answers so.... i'll try this one!
they walked at least 2 miles. about 1/4 of a mile was going up and down stairs. today her knee ...

 Do black people have a special leg muscle?

 Inject advil?
what would happen if u injected advil into your skin?
with a needle from the liguid gel tablets.
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um thanks for answering u guys are cool ...

Do you have any really great stories about a scar you have?

one time when i was younger i was being a complete idiot by standing on a brick and trying to rock back and forth on it and i slipped and skinned my shin badly! the gash was about 2 inches long and kind of thick.

I have over one hundred scars on my body due to self-mutilation, but the best one is probably when I layed my arm on the stove burner for 3 minutes without any pain medicine. It left some huge blisters.

Yes. I have a moon shaped scar on my knee from when I ran around a pool goofing around and ran into an exposed pipe on the pool filter.

Man, I bled all over the place. I didn't want to go to the hospital, but finally, my Mom had to drag me to the emergency room and get stitches. It only took three stitches though. I was nine or so, and I still have the scar.

I have a small scar on the other knee from a car wreck where the car coming the opposite direction took a left turn in front of my car.

I remember the cartooning sound of the impact and the jingling of metal pieces trailing off as they hit the pavement behind the wreck.

My only thought - "I wonder what my next car will be..."

I have a scar next to my eye that many of my students ask me about.

When I was very little (5 maybe), I was playing outside and pretending that I was blind! So, I shut my eyes and was walking around (like an idiot!) and fell onto a piece of glass.

I ran into the house yelling that my eye was coming out. My Mom almost fainted at all the blood and I don't even think she spanked me because she was so freaked out!

the moral of my story - don't walk around outside with your eyes shut!

i was cutting through brush in a forest with a hatchet, and i cut one branch so clean that the axe sliced right through the branch like butter and it followed through right down to my shin. it happened so quick it didnt even hurt, i guess i was in shock. the worst part was, it wouldnt stop bleeding, so i wrapped my leg with my shirt and walked 2 km back to the house. you could see the bone and everything. the worst part of the day was having to get stitches.

I have a couple doozies, like the scar on the bottom side of my chin from eating pavement, or the one on my forehead from the same thing, but the scar I find most interesting and almost *like* is the one on my inner thigh.

I was watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and there's a scene where a spider (i'm talking SPIDER with a bass voice, here) crawls into a sleeping woman's bra. I HATE spiders. It freaked me out SO bad I jumped about a foot off the couch and screamed.

Well, that part wasn't the bad part. The BAD part was that my cat was on my lap. See, I'd just given her a bath and she was cold, so she had curled up on me for warmth. Well, it was a warm day, so I'd been wearing shorts...

Next thing I knew I was laid wide open with two parallel lacerations running about nine inches up the inside of my thigh. Cut DEEP, too. Now I have a silvery scar there, a permanent testament to how much I hate spiders.

I have a scar on my chin. When I was 12 I bought myself a used bike from money earned delivering papers. I didn't want my brothers and sisters (older than I) to ride it, because I was so excited about it. My dad sent me to bed and let them ride it up and down in front of my window. I had my face pressed against the windlow glass watching them and the window pane broke. I had to have 8 stitches and got a permanent scar. All these years later I still think my dad was unfair. If they wanted bikes, they should have bought their own--they earned more money than I did!

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