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 Can you have anxiety while working out?
I often have trouble breathing. I have/had sleep apnea but had surgery for it. I'm 5'4 and about 120 - 125 lbs, so I'm not overweght. I've taken tests for asthma several times (...

 Husband diagnosed with COPD...?
He is 37, had never smoked a day in his life and was diagnosed with it in March of this year after a biopsy. The drs have told us that he has had it for at least the last 5 years. They are giving ...

 Help my asthma is really bad, do you know why???
About a month ago my asthma got really bad, I mean bad. When it happened I was at a relatives house in the boonies, so I had to suffer for a while before getting to a doctor. I don't know why, ...

 How does Vicks vaporub work?
what action do the vapors do?...

 What is the best way to relieve fatigue?

 I have a cold and i want to get better! Please help?
I have the common cold (mucus, cough here and there) and I'm leaving on Friday to NYC for New Year's and I need to get better!!!!! It started a week ago and it wasn't as bad, I was ...

 Coughing after working out?
I'm training for the Navy; I leave in August.

I have never had any breathing problems; I've always been really athletic... but now I notice when I push myself very hard ...

 How do I stop snoring?
I'm 24 and as soon as I fall asleep people tell me that I snore. How can I stop snoring?...

 I have COPD how does cortison help?
currently I am using Spiriva and Foradil Spray....

 Strange sensation in my windpipe?
I have been having a common cold and have been coughing slightly. Now the past 4 days I have this strange sensation in my trachea which is like... when I breathe out a sore sensation goes down my ...

 |s breathing the toxic polluted air of the major cities more or less dangerous than smoking tobacco?

 At least 10 examples of emergency drugs used in the emergency room.?

 How do you turn the pressure down on a Sleep Apnea Machine?
I have Sleep Apnea and need to adjust the air pressure on the machine. I have lost my insurance and can not afford to have it professionally adjusted. If you know how please answer this question. T...

 Granny has cancer and water between lungs?
My granny is 88 and has breast cancer, one breast was removed when she was 65. She still takes a lot of cancer and other medications. She has one kidney, heart and breathing problems. She needs a ...

 My nose is so stuffed up! what can I do?

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dammit. I just used my last tissue....

 Can i get asthma from working in metal bonding?

 What is the outlook for someone diagnosed with COPD?

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the patient is 57, she has recently successfully used smoking cessation treatment, but has asthma and high body mass index....

 Any suggestions for quitting smoking?

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I am 24 yrs. old and have been smoking since I was 14 yrs. young unfortunately. I have tried quitting with good intentions probably 4 times. I take an anti-depressant/...

 Is there any type of tea I could drink that would help my breathing?
I have smoked a pack a day for 40 years and quit yesterday. I was having a real problem breathing but it's alittle better today but thought maybe I could drink some kind of tea that would help ...

 I have recently been diagnosed as having Pulmonary Fibrosis can anyone supply me with info on this disease.?

Besides quitting, what can you do to overcome coffee bean allergy?
Is there anything that might overcome or neutralize the reactions?

misht i ask you what that is and you be kind enough to give an answer

Simple advice == If it is allergic to you then you should not take it any more.

Corsham B
drink tea

drink chocolate instead. cheers!

See an allergist.

1st of all, I don't think quilting is an option. It is a past time, quilting is.
2nd, maybe you can mask the bean, with say lemon or coat your stomach with milk. It sounds like coffee is a poison, maybe you should take up quilting in your sleep (you won't need the caffeine boost then).

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