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 I am 5 ft 6in and 155lbs does that make me overweight?

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I am in between the age of 9 and 15...

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 Should i become anorexic? I am 13 and overweight. I am at the point where the risks don't matter to me anymore
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 Im 5''3 (5 feet 3 inches) and 13 years old how much am i supposed to weigh??

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Jessica L
If i starve myself...?
will i lose muscle or fat first?
will cellulite go away?

dont tell me not to starve myself cos i never said i was, im just asking.

you will eventually die from malnourishmet

Super Rad Dude
from my research, you'll lose mostly muscle. basically, you'll just become skinny-fat i believe. thats why HEALTHY weight loss is the only good way to do it, or one reason @ least. i lol when i see anorexic guys that are like 120 lbs but still fat haha. worry about body composition more so than weight. though obviously dont go too low or too high in weight. and dont let your bodyfat % get too low, especially being a girl because it can mess with your menstrual cycle and stuff.

i dont know about cellulite

Scarlett J
you will lose all your musclefirst, including cardiac (heart) muscle... so don't do it!! Hear failure is the cause of death amongst most anorexic people. you will definitely not lose your cellulite and in fact you may get even more as your body stores fat when it goes into starvation mode. Many anorexic people also have a high BMI as although skinny, what they do have on them is fat not muscle and so have a high amount of fat compared to their weight. DON'T DO IT

first of all if you starve yourself you probably will lose fat but once u start eating again normally you body will want more and more since it wont be used to eating normally and u will gain back all the fat REAL FAST. and for your cellullite buy some coco butter i hear it works

The Original V
You will loose fat, & muscle.....which you may not mind...because anyone who STARVES themself must have already lost BRAIN cells. Good luck.

British canadian asian girl.
You'll hurt yourself, you cant get skinny from not eating..

bird lady 2
unfortunately ,you loose everything you don't want to loose if your a women or a girl your breast,your period gets screwed up,you loose muscle,you loose weight,your personality,because that is all you think about is that and nothing else, your body doesn't form the way an average body should.I don't know how old you are,but, at the back of your mind something may be going on,not a wise idea!

Then muscle.

Then maybe fat.

but by then you should be getting burried in the ground.

make wise choices young one :]

Try using that new cellulite cream.

Cellugone or something

Jess G
you WILL lose, but you will gain everything back reallly soon, you will lose everything, and trust me, i would know

u will lose both ..as fats are undeveloped muscle
therefore fats=muscle

most prob fats first if have lots of them followed by muscle tissue if theres no fats left...but u will suffer lack of nutricients or stomach pain since ur stomach acid will actove even though theres no food

You lose muscle first, your body goes into self-preservation mode and attempts to store as much fat as is possible. If you continue, you will also likely begin losing your HAIR. Highly not suggested.

Answer This!
muscle first, cellulite doesnt go away, but if you build muscle and tone when you have it, it will be less noticeable.

no i think u get more cellulite and both muscle and fat

I think your musle will go away first but thats only if you dont exersise at all

I Love Summer Time. <3

Cellulite doesn't just go away. That needs to be treated.

cellulite pretty much never goes away you would use the fat first and then the mussel that yuo need and then vital organs so ins ted of starving yourself just go on a walk wen you have free time or go to the malll wen you go shopping power walk in stead

you would lose nutrients first muscle next cellulite would remain but then youd slowly lose fat... i wouldnt siggest trying it tho....lol

NEVER EVER EVER starve yourself. most importantly, if you do, you'll lose your health. same here with the explaining why not to starve yourself.

You lose everything, including your life.

~~~?!lttle mrs. drama queen?!~~~

my moms best friend did that and she can have kids and more and it made holes in her stomach

i am a bigger person but to help you cut potatoes and rice also eat like carrotes in bettween meals so you will eat smaller portions also get good exersize like swimming and runner swimming is better cuz it dosn't even feel like your exersizeing but you are!!


You lose muscle tone and mass first then its only the organ fat. Remember when you lose muscle that your heart is a muscle. Thats why it does damage and people get so sick among other reasons....

Your body will use the immediate energy stores (glycogen in the muscles and liver), then do whatever it has to in order to keep functioning. That means burning fat, sacrificing muscle, etc.

you will loose muscle first and become very weak...and then you will lay around and starve and then loose weight because someone i knew (now saying so don't ask) was really sick and they didn't eat 4 like 5dayz and he/her lost all their minerals and weight and energy...its not good to starve youself...and im not saying YOU do but im just saying tht 4 the people who do...

Don't ever think about starving yourself. You are hurting yourself more then make yourself better. Starving yourself is the worst thing you could ever do... Just do some exercise and don't eat after 6pm so you can give you stomach time to digest

Take it from a past anorexic, you will only lose muscle and nothing else. Because, when you don’t eat your body goes into “starvation mode� and holds on to every single piece of energy it can get, including fat, to allow you body to function.

Your metabolism will attack your easiest thing first, and that's the free-floating nutrients such as vitamins. The next thing will be your muscle because it has protein, and you body needs that to produce energy. Your fat will be next to give you the energy to survive. If you ever start eating again, your body will start by rejecting food. You'd have to start on fluids first, chock full of vitamins and minerals. Slowly move to solids because you stomach will not be used to food.

probably fat first, but muscles go pretty fast without exercise, and cellulite would probably get worse because without muscle, yeah...
so technically, it is not a good way to "let go" off anything

When you starve yourself your body conserves even more fat by consuming muscle and tissues, because your body is planning on starving for a long time. Once you start eating again it will store that food too since your body thinks it may starve again.

You will lose everything...from vitamins and minerals...to muscle.

your body will burn off muscle first then fat. The goal is to have more caloric output than caloric intake.

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