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 Should i become anorexic? I am 13 and overweight. I am at the point where the risks don't matter to me anymore
I am done. I will not live my life overweight! I am 13 years old and i want to look the way i want to. I am tired of the one pretty--also very skinny--girl at my school getting all the attention from ...

 What's someting you eat or drink atleast once everyday?
BESIDES water :)...

 Does this sound normal or do i need to see a doctorr.?
i'm 14 and i've lost 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks unintentionally, i've also been feeling really tired all the time and idk why.
i've checked my bmi and it says i'm ...

does loosing weight help u get taller?...

 Do you really think they use rats for chinese food?
I mean i have heard for many years to be cautious of Chinese food. and many years of jokes about chinese people feeding us rats as chicken. I have even seen photos in china of them skinning the rats ...

 What r the best ways to lose weight fast?
i'm 5'3, 137, and i want to get down to 125 maybe 120.
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my family and i r health nuts. we never have junk ...

 I'm a 15 year old girl on a 680 calorie a day diet to lose 15 lbs from 132 how healthy is this and any tips?
Hi, I’m Maggie and I’m a 15 year old, 5'6" girl from Iowa. My basketball coach wants me to lose 15 more pounds down from 132 pounds. I'm in great shape and run about a 6 min mile ...

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 Im sick of hearing about fat people!?
.i have a metabolism which prevents me from gaining weight. all these people who are over weight ,its simple stop eating ! put the chocolate bar down and get out the chair and exercise!no ...

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 Im 5''3 (5 feet 3 inches) and 13 years old how much am i supposed to weigh??

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myh moms making me do it with her so that i can make her stick to it.... but i was wondering if i sdont go to the place and excersise and what not, how much would ...

 Am I too fat to become a model?
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 Am i overweight?
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 Is it possible to lose 15lbs a month?
I want to lose 15lbs a month to eventually weigh in at 150lbs. I currently weigh 221lbs and I hope to lose 71lbs by the end of the summer which is approximatly 15lbs a month. How can I do this? I ...

 Am I overweight?
I am 116 lb. I think I am overweight, and I'd like to be 100.
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I am 170 ...

 I am a 13 year old boy who weighs 130 lbs. and I am 5 ft. Am I overweight for an average 13 year old boy?
I would like to know I'm not fat compared to the other boy in the 7th grade. I wan't to know if I am over weight....

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 What's a little snack I can eat before I go to sleep, Something healthy?
should I eat 2 peices of bread and butter or thats bad
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I'm on a high protein low carb diet to lose ...

 How can i loose 20-30 pounds over the summer?
how can i loose 20-30 pounds over the summer instead of joining a ...

Candi Apples
Any dieting tips,or foods that will help me lose weight?
Any suggestions and tips are welcome.

Discipline is the key. Avoid salty foods coz they retain water which adds up to your weight and makes you feel bloated. Nibble on carrot sticks, turnips or celery instead of junk food or snacks. Chew your food well...count 4 to 5 before swallowing them. Take your time eating. Eating fast will make you eat more because it will take time for your system to send the message to your brain that you are already full. Eat more of vegies and fruits instead of meat.

Queenie knows it all.

control urself when exposed to tasty food.........

Junkmail S
eat less...eat healthy...eat right...blah blah
(thats what your hearing right...but listen)

if you eat right, burn more(excercise)...you will weigh less.

simple as that

but i know its not..that easy.

you have to watch what you eat...really you dont realize how much your putting in your body til you keep track of it.

so....do it...........try this


try it i love it...its helping keep me in check


fdgdgf d
detox diet is the best diet to loose weight at home without exercising.....it helps u to lose 5 lbs appox in 2 weeks time by just changing ur eating habbits..
the best place to find detox diet recipes and tips to loose weight

you should start out by using a meal plan - it allows you to focus on the eating healthy and the resisting junk food without adding to the mix having to count your calories and research which foods are healthy etc.

As you're teaching your body to live off of healthy food and building that habit, you can research healthy recipes and other healthy convenience foods and such, and sort of slowly start to work those into the diet until eventually you are eating your own food and no longer referring to the diet. I started at www.kraftfoods.com... they have a free meal plan that worked for me to lose my first 35 pounds.

Also, go to the gym 6 days a week (or wherever you workout) and do at least 35 minutes of activity to get your heart rate up. You don't have to worry about intensity right away, just get there and build the routine.

After 3 weeks, you have built the routine, it will be easier to start worrying about making your workouts robust. You want to include resistance training and cardio, and you want to change machines often to avoid plateaus.

Eat a lot of fiber - it helps you stop eating in between snacks... and if at all you crave for an snack substitute it with some veg stuff or low cal food.
Drink lots of water.
Sleep well - this is important for people who want to loose weight.
And the most important of all - SWEAT IT OUT.

whatever you choose please exercise also!!!

Make sure you maintain an active life style, walking dancing etc. don't just sit in front of TV or your computer all day. Eating should be done sensibly. Eat only complex carbohydrates, and eat plenty of fresh vegetables, especially the red and green ones. The yellow and white vegetables seem to be more fattening as they are usually starchy "like corn" which is not good. Limit sweets. Don't drink soda pop and drinks such as SNAPPLE ETC. AS THEY ARE LOADED WITH SUGAR AND CORN SYRUP!

dibzz d
Simplest answer, Eat less, exercise more. The only way to lose weight (not just water, but actual fat) is to burn more calories than you take in. That's it! There are no magic formulas, no special food, no pills that will in the long run make you lose weight and keep it off. Eat healthy, fiber, water, exercise however and whenever you can.

Lots of green veggies! Fruit! No soda, cake, cookies, burgers, fries, junk. Exercise. Walk. Put leg weights on your legs when you get up in the morning and leave them on all day.(if u will b home all day of course!) You'll be giving your leg muscles a workout all day and u won't even know it. Everything in moderation. It will come off.

angel eyes
exercise. do aerokabo. this is a combination of aerobics, karate and boxing. there are CDs which you can buy.

eat citrus fruits.lower your carbohydrates consumption. drink lots of water.

albus severus-siriusjames potter

I have studied exercising and weight-loss for fifteen years and the number one misconception is that you weight too much. Dont stop reading if you want a hot body. You are not trying to loose weight you are trying to loose fat . There is a big difference, I no girls that are 5ft weight 110 and have hot bodies. This is because they have muscle. So if you want to look better gain muscle and burn fat.

OK now ill explain how:

Now one day eat normally as you would and count the calories you ate. If you do not no the amount of calories of a cartain food look it up.

Lets say you ate 2,000 calories
the next day 1950
then 1900
then 1850

cut it down slowly or else youll not loose weight and even if you do youll gain the weight back.

But cutting down on calories dont cut it take sugary and fatty substances out of your diet.

no chips
no soda
no cake .....

Also increase the protein intake. Eat proteins with low fat like chicken, fish, egg whites, whey protein shakes are good. Most of all eat your fruits and vegetables . Do not eat to late because it is a fact that you do not burn many calories sleeping so you gain weight by eating before you sleep. Eat small frequent meals. Meaning eat 5 times a day of small meals example:

when you wake up have a fruit (maby apple) and oatmeal
then 2-3 hours later
another samll meal and so on the best meal items,

protein shake,
gereen vegetables (salads) remember lots of dieters eat salad but ruin it by putting dressing. No dressing its not healthy.
orange juice (healthy but no more than 1 glass daily)
if you drink milk do not drink whole milk. fat reduced milk
brown rice- no white rice

high protein low carb's. But do not be afriad of all carbs you need carbs like oatmeal, brown rice, pasta... just dont overload

Also remember to walk 10 minutes after breakfast!!!

You still have not done enought to loose weight

You must EXERCISE!!!!

ok i reccomend 10 minutes of walking every day after breakfast.

and do extra exercises 5 days a week. This includes cardio. Most people think they can loose weight with just dieting. Nope you must do 30+ min cardio 5 days weekly

Its is important to vary what you do and not let your body get too used to the exercises,

Things to do for cardio:

walk (fast)
running stairs
jumpring jacks
jump ropes
play sports (maby join a track team)

I no a lot of girls think theyll become manly by working out but it shapes the body and maked you look better.

So i reccomend working out 3- 4 days a week. This will tighten your buttox and chest. help create a flat stomach and get rid of flab on the arms and legs.

Please workout--
I reccomend working out no longer than 50 min 4 days a week. The reason 50 min is because when you lift weights after 50 minutes your body breaks down muscle for energy instead of fat so i usually go 45 min
my schedule:

thursday- chest and back
friday- abs
saturday- legs
sunday- arms

Follow every thing i said and youll loose weight. It is a slow process and unlike dieting these effects will be life- term without having to starve your self all you have to do is eat healthy.

Stay motivated and even when you feel you cant loose weight and get muscle you can its a slow process.

So it may take over a few months maby even a year.



We think there is some trick to losing weight but it's simple really, unless you have a medical condition. Eat less and exercise more. Drink water when you get cravings and wait 20 min to see if you are still hungry. Sometimes we think we are hungry when we actually just need something to drink. Try altering small things like taking the stairs instead of elevators, park further away from stores so you have to walk a bit to get inside. All the little things add up. Your weight loss will most likely be gradual but consistent if you keep to a routine. Every pound adds up and before you know it you have reached your goal.

Here is an article I wrote a while back. Feel free to read through it. May be something useful in there.


Good luck!

A combination of stress reduction, supplementation & exercise will do the trick. I major in weight management so email me if you are serious about losing weight. One other thing, diets don't work...you have to change your entire lifestlye.

Will Smith
No Soda! I lost 15 pounds just not drinking soda. (I drank it like 2 times a week not everday)

Eat less than you normally do, and better foods (low fat). Also exercise! Exercise will not only help you lose fat on your body, it will also tone your muscles and make you look more fit. If you exercise a lot you may seem to gain weight at first, but it's because you're converting the fat into muscles, so it's a good thing.

Liquid Vampire
lots and lots of water

It depends on the kind of foods you are looking for. If you want foods that require no refrigeration or cooking, that can be eaten right out of the bag that make you feel good instead of weighed down, with no chemicals and pesticides, you may want to visit this link. I absolutely love these, they worked great for me.

Low sugar, low fat and unprocessed foods are the best.

Wally Y
Stop eating as much red meats and pork as possible. Stop eating all junk foods that contain extra salts or sugars(like chips or cookies), stop drinking any sodas which are the major cause of osteoporosis in women and men. Start eating more fresh vegetables raw in salads, stir-fried with tofu in extra virgin olive oil or steamed to bring out their natural flavors. Start eating fresh fruits for snacks and deserts and drinking organic fruit juices. Drink in addition 6 to 8 bottles of pure water every day. Walk. Walk at least two miles every day after school or work. At the end of thirty days your weight reduction will be more than noticeable and your muscles will start to tone up. You will find that you have more energy, more stamina, more natural vitality and more mental acuity than almost everyone around you. Do this forever. When you are well past middle age all of your friends will be begging you to tell them your anti-aging secrets. This works and it gets easier every day because you develop this regimen into a good habit.

Drink lots of water and incorporate some type of physical activity in your daily routine. Avoid fast food and eat mostly protein, fruits and vegetables.

eat better, exercise more.


don't eat anything atleast 3 hours before you go to bed. it helps you loose weight because the food you eat before bed will just go to your butt

I've lost 18 pounds this year doing the following (still trying to lose another 6).

1) I haven't changed what I eat at all. I simply have changed how much I eat.
2) I take the same portion I took previously and then cut out 1/3 to 1/4 of it and only eat the remaining amount.
3) I keep a bag of raw almonds at my desk and when I get hungry I snack on 4-6 of them.
4) I drink a lot of water
5) Used smaller plates when eating.
6) No soda. Water only. (This wasn't a change for me but it just seems like a waste to me to take calories in when drinking something)

live for today
below i posted a list of "negative" calorie foods...
the foods dont have negative calories ;) I wish lol.

What it means is that when you eat these foods raw (or in some cases slightly cooked) with nothing on them,
your body burns more calories digesting and processing them than what is in the actual food itself. For a healthy weight loss and a little boost add some of these foods to your diet each day. Most are full of nutrients and won't weigh you down.




cabbage (green)
Chile peppers (hot)
garden cress
green beans

exercise is the best way 2 go...when u diet u tend 2 gain more weight when u go back 2 eating reg food

water instead of sodas, juices

healthy snacks ie carrots, sunflower seeds instead of high calorie snacks when watching tv

park further away from everywhere you go and take the stairs

everything in moderation my dear, plenty of water and fiber---get some exercise(walking, nothing too taxing)---life is good

Well I suggest doing the healthy and realistic way. Diets don't work because they are short term and you go back to eating anything after you lose the weight. You have to reeducate yourself about food. Foods that are right for your body type, age, metabolism rate ..etc.
I recommend checking out this book that helped me SO much. Its called "Making the Cut" by Jillian Michael's. Now don't worry about the workouts so much unless you want to, but the way she is about food and everything she tells you makes sense. There is a test you take and you find out what works best for your type..Let me tell you I lost a lot in inches and weight and went down 2 dress sizes this summer alone. Just by eating the right stuff. And its real food, just the right food for you and your metabolism. I was eating fish, chicken, fruits and veggies and learning how to snack wisely. I have turned on a lot of peeps to this book. Its not a diet, its a way of life and I can do this for ever. I am also a lot healthier, the one reason I did it, I suffer from headaches and anemia and this is great for me. I know you can get it at the library because one of my friends got it there..i highly recommend it..it works.. no lie!!!

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