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does loosing weight help u get taller?...

 Do you really think they use rats for chinese food?
I mean i have heard for many years to be cautious of Chinese food. and many years of jokes about chinese people feeding us rats as chicken. I have even seen photos in china of them skinning the rats ...

 What r the best ways to lose weight fast?
i'm 5'3, 137, and i want to get down to 125 maybe 120.
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my family and i r health nuts. we never have junk ...

 I'm a 15 year old girl on a 680 calorie a day diet to lose 15 lbs from 132 how healthy is this and any tips?
Hi, I’m Maggie and I’m a 15 year old, 5'6" girl from Iowa. My basketball coach wants me to lose 15 more pounds down from 132 pounds. I'm in great shape and run about a 6 min mile ...

 Is driniking daily plenty of water heathy?

 Im sick of hearing about fat people!?
.i have a metabolism which prevents me from gaining weight. all these people who are over weight ,its simple stop eating ! put the chocolate bar down and get out the chair and exercise!no ...

 How can i give up smoking cigarettes?
Anyone give any sound tips?
I desperately want to give up, but it is tremendously ...

 Im 5''3 (5 feet 3 inches) and 13 years old how much am i supposed to weigh??

 Has Anyone ever tried the....?
curves 6 week solution??

myh moms making me do it with her so that i can make her stick to it.... but i was wondering if i sdont go to the place and excersise and what not, how much would ...

 Am I too fat to become a model?
I'm 5'7 and I weigh 129lbs....

 Am i overweight?
im 13, 5'3 and i weigh about 114 lbs. am i an ok weight or do i need to loose some ...

 Is it possible to lose 15lbs a month?
I want to lose 15lbs a month to eventually weigh in at 150lbs. I currently weigh 221lbs and I hope to lose 71lbs by the end of the summer which is approximatly 15lbs a month. How can I do this? I ...

 Am I overweight?
I am 116 lb. I think I am overweight, and I'd like to be 100.
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I am 170 ...

 I am a 13 year old boy who weighs 130 lbs. and I am 5 ft. Am I overweight for an average 13 year old boy?
I would like to know I'm not fat compared to the other boy in the 7th grade. I wan't to know if I am over weight....

 Why am I so fat?!?
I am 84 pounds, and 5"3, and I'm a girl, and I'm 13. Why am I so fat?!...

 What's a little snack I can eat before I go to sleep, Something healthy?
should I eat 2 peices of bread and butter or thats bad
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I'm on a high protein low carb diet to lose ...

 How can i loose 20-30 pounds over the summer?
how can i loose 20-30 pounds over the summer instead of joining a ...

 Am i overweight?
i'm 5 foot 4 and i weight 82 pounds. is that too much?...

 Is this girl fat??
shes 5'7 or 5'8 and about 170

is she fat??

shes my sister....

 Help i want to be thin i weigh 126lb and am 5ft 6 and 18. Any tips please???

How do I lose weight around the house?
It's hard for me to get out of the house, mostly because I'm not supposed to leave when my mom i snot home, which is a lot of the time. So I never have the chance to go outside and play sports or walk my dog, so I'm slowly gaining weight. What are some things I can do around the house to help me lose about 20 pounds? (Preferably things that don't include having to buy some expensive equipment or something)

run in place, jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, stretching, whatever works.

alright. heres what i do. try doing some push ups i try to do like 20, 2 times a day also some crunhes. Something else that helps is jogging up and down your stairs if yo do it for a little bit, it get really tiring. But it helps. Jumping jacks, all these will help you.

Try running in place, dancing to your favorite music on TV or the radio.
People say crunches dont burn fat, but I guess your could try them.

If you want to lose weight eat around 2000 calories daily and lay off the soda and drink water instead.

take walks do power movements like lunges and pushups.

do yoga

that is probably the best. and eat right. High protein high fiber and good fat. meaning 0% trans fat.

If your house has stairs go up&down very fast try to go up to 50 ! After that do push- ups and sit ups so you sweat more also dont ferget about eating healthy limit you junk foods to 2 times a week and while your exercising eat bananas and always drink water !

do sit ups? or push ups? if you have the game DDR you should play that too

Dance to techno music! Get crazy run around do jumping jacks or something...

Well, you could try walking up and down the stairs alot. Or do some sit ups, push ups, or jump ropng at home. Also try hula hooping. hope i helped

Put on your favoriate tunes and go wild cleaning the house. There are many household chores that will burn calories. Not in the mood to clean you can always dance or yardwork. Anything you decide to do as long as its active will help.

i forgot what website it is,
but look on google for exercises you can do in the house.
it will lead you to some good ones.
using a phone book and a chair.
they sound pretty weird,
but they work and make it interesting.

Nikki S
when its too hot to go outside to excersize i like to put in a good cd and dance around my room...break a sweat..its cardio...situps and jumping jacks..if u have a long halway u can do sprints..be creative..

See if your parents have any workout videos, watch what you eat, play with your dog inside, etc. There's a ton you can do without leaving the house, just be creative!

make an exercise routine do 5 pushups followed my 10 right leg lifts while lying on your left side followed by 8 situps followed by 5 pushups followed by 10 left leg lifts while lying on yoiur right side followed by 5 situps followed by 15 right leg lifts while lying on your stomach followed by 15 left leg lifts while lying on your stomach followed by 3 pushups followed by 12 right leg lifts while lying on your back followed by 3 situps followed by 12 right leg lifts while lying on your back followed by 15 right knee lifts while standing up followed by 15 left knee lifts while standing up. Do the exercises slowly and deliberately for best results and as the the time it takes - don't worry - you can cut out 1/2 hour of sleep for the 1/2 hour of exercise and you will feel just as rested as if you did not exercise and slept 1/2 hour longer.

Double Diamonds
You can initially do step ups on the stairs. First starting the steps with one leg for 25 times then the other. After a couple of days, you could increase this by 10 steps per leg.
Sit ups are fine. If you like you can start by laying on the floor and put your toes under the settee or an item of furniture with your knees bent. You start off with 10 or 15 sit ups at a time. If you do 10, then you must have a minute or two break then try another 10. This can increase according to your ability, size and fitness.
Every time you need to take something up stairs, make two journeys out of it. if you can go out in the yard, skipping is a good exercise. When music is on, move to it whilst doing the chores. That is just a few ideas, you can build on it.
If you want to build arms or tone (dinner lady arms) having a can of beans or tomatoes in each hand, elbows at you side and just move the lower arms up and down with your hands holding the tins in a palms up position. 15 times a go with 1 minute break repeated for 5 times.

You can always buy an exercise video and handheld weights. I like the Biggest Loser 1 video the best. Gives a great workout in about 30 minutes, and I saw results really quickly. You do need to do it 6 out of 7 days though.

Cleaning the house! That burns a lot! You can also get an exercise ball, (not very expensive..try ross, tj maxx, or ebay or something) and most of them come with dvd's. You just watch, and copy, then wallah!

Miss J Hirst
Run up and down the stairs
Do some hoovering ( vigorously )
Sit ups
Press ups
Star jumps
Get a excerices DVD

Perry S

I've tried so many different diets in the last 10 years that I can say now, they don't work!
A few months ago, I came across a great product for weight loss (it's actually a colon cleanse) and like many others I was skeptical about it. But I really wanted to lose weight and I tried it (it's 100% natural). The results were excellent. I lost about 20 pounds in 2 months with this detox. That's why I recommend you check this product at http://www.thin-quick.us where they have a free trial and you only pay $4.95 shipping and handling.
Good luck!

☼ Varsity Queen ☼
-treadmill for 30 min.
-drink plenty of water
-be active(walk around and don't sit in one place for a long time, unless you're asleep)
-clean up the house
-maybe walk your dog if you have a dog

Steffanie D
I know this can sound silly, but there are breathing exercises that can help you loose weight. Just youtube what your looking for. Also just the genuine sit ups, crunches, push ups, squats, i'll show you a 15 min. vid that i used to use during winter when i didn't get out alot. It works so well you'll notice it immediately.

good luck!


Just be spontaneous. When you find yourself just on the couch doing nothing, get up and do jumping jacks for two minutes straight. After you catch your breath, do push ups, and set ups.

clean up the house. this will shred you some pounds off!=)

Hilary D
You loose about 200 calories an hour for vacuuming.

Chloe R
Help you mum out by cleaning the house it burns calories so not only are you helping your mum you are helping yourself by loosing weight !!

hope this helped !!

Clean the house. It's good to keep the place neat, gain favor from ur parents and it helps u too!
I excercise 30 mins 3 days a week IN my house and had great results(10 min is good too, just excercise!).

Dark Star
try jogging around the house, or doing more chores than what you usually do.

Edith M
I think you should try herbalife. YOU CAN LOSE, GAIN AND MAINTAIN. Before Herbalife, I weighed 210 lbs, my blood pressure ranged between 150 & 180 over 95 my cholesterol was over 300. I had shortness of breath could not walk 3 blocks without stopping to breath. I also had arthritis, felt tired all the time and had no energy. Since I have been on Herbalife Products I have lost 22 lb and 29 inches. I now walk 2.6 miles 3 times a week. I only take my blood pressure medication. I have lots of energy and feel wonderful. ADULTS CAN ORDER ONLY

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