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 Am I overweight?
I am 5'4" and I weigh 160 lbs. Is that too much?...

 My 11 year old daughter has iron deficiency.We are vegetarians.What foods do you recommend?

 Should i become anorexic? I am 13 and overweight. I am at the point where the risks don't matter to me anymore
I am done. I will not live my life overweight! I am 13 years old and i want to look the way i want to. I am tired of the one pretty--also very skinny--girl at my school getting all the attention from ...

 What's someting you eat or drink atleast once everyday?
BESIDES water :)...

 Does this sound normal or do i need to see a doctorr.?
i'm 14 and i've lost 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks unintentionally, i've also been feeling really tired all the time and idk why.
i've checked my bmi and it says i'm ...

does loosing weight help u get taller?...

 Do you really think they use rats for chinese food?
I mean i have heard for many years to be cautious of Chinese food. and many years of jokes about chinese people feeding us rats as chicken. I have even seen photos in china of them skinning the rats ...

 What r the best ways to lose weight fast?
i'm 5'3, 137, and i want to get down to 125 maybe 120.
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my family and i r health nuts. we never have junk ...

 I'm a 15 year old girl on a 680 calorie a day diet to lose 15 lbs from 132 how healthy is this and any tips?
Hi, I’m Maggie and I’m a 15 year old, 5'6" girl from Iowa. My basketball coach wants me to lose 15 more pounds down from 132 pounds. I'm in great shape and run about a 6 min mile ...

 Is driniking daily plenty of water heathy?

 Im sick of hearing about fat people!?
.i have a metabolism which prevents me from gaining weight. all these people who are over weight ,its simple stop eating ! put the chocolate bar down and get out the chair and exercise!no ...

 How can i give up smoking cigarettes?
Anyone give any sound tips?
I desperately want to give up, but it is tremendously ...

 Im 5''3 (5 feet 3 inches) and 13 years old how much am i supposed to weigh??

 Has Anyone ever tried the....?
curves 6 week solution??

myh moms making me do it with her so that i can make her stick to it.... but i was wondering if i sdont go to the place and excersise and what not, how much would ...

 Am I too fat to become a model?
I'm 5'7 and I weigh 129lbs....

 Am i overweight?
im 13, 5'3 and i weigh about 114 lbs. am i an ok weight or do i need to loose some ...

 Is it possible to lose 15lbs a month?
I want to lose 15lbs a month to eventually weigh in at 150lbs. I currently weigh 221lbs and I hope to lose 71lbs by the end of the summer which is approximatly 15lbs a month. How can I do this? I ...

 Am I overweight?
I am 116 lb. I think I am overweight, and I'd like to be 100.
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I am 170 ...

 I am a 13 year old boy who weighs 130 lbs. and I am 5 ft. Am I overweight for an average 13 year old boy?
I would like to know I'm not fat compared to the other boy in the 7th grade. I wan't to know if I am over weight....

 Why am I so fat?!?
I am 84 pounds, and 5"3, and I'm a girl, and I'm 13. Why am I so fat?!...

that girl♥
Am i fat???? please tell me the truth!!!?
i'm 14 yrs old and i'm 5'3 and i weigh 122 lbs. how much weight should i lose...i'm thinking like 10 pounds? please tell me the truth
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oh i also joined track this year to lose some more weight instead of playing softball like i did last yr.

Truth is your not fat but you have been brainwashed to beleive that the woman you see in the mag. and on tv are real. They are not. Real woman have curves and are proud of them. Again you are not fat.

Your weight is just fine. You are not fat, but average. However if you want to loose 10 lbs, that is quite reasonable for your age and height without being underweight.

dont worry about your weight its just more cusion for the pushing

weight has nothing to do with your health, muscle weighs more than fat. what you need to knowif your healthy is, how healthy ur organs are and how much fat you have,.. u need a doctor for this

No you're not fat. And staying active in sports is a good idea to keep you healthy. Don't try to lose weight, you're fine. Good luck

no.not at all.. you are at the perfect weight

Lucine H
5'3" and 122 lbs is a healthy weight!!
You don't need to lose any
On the BMI scale, you're fine =)

your 14 years old! your still growing! when i was 14 i thought i was overweight but i really wasnt dont let anyone tell you your fat and whatever you decide dont crash diet!!! maybe if you want to get healthy eat more fruits and vegtables:D
good luck with your desicion

U R NOT FAT!!! That's the normal weight for young teens like u. Even if u were fat, what's wrong with that?!

haha thats not fat.
thats the perfect weight for that height.

my friend weighs about that much and she's the same height.

You are not fat.

For your age and height you are the within the correct weight according to BMI calculators. Don't worry about it. As long as you eat healthy meals and get enough exercise you are fine.

Too many people stress about wanting to be ultra thin, it is insane. I know many people who are thin (sizes 0-3) but it doesn't make them any happier or prettier.

No. If you are an athlete maybe then your weight attributes to something and it's ok. You're still growing don't think of things like that. If you are worried just exercise! It's good for your mind to -endorphins plus!Love your body!!!

You're not fat, your at a good weight for your height!

No. You're 14. You're probably going to grow another few inches. I think you should just focus on maintaining your weight, and make sure you eat a healthy balanced diet, and stay physically active.

Besides, 122 is perfectly healthy at 5'3". And even nicer at 5'5". :) Wait a year or two before you decide you want to lose any weight, when you're closer to your adult height.

not at all

Sarah C
Honestly your weight sounds like its perfect. I've always been on the very skinny side. You don't want to be too skinny.

You can't tell just by height and weight. Some people are big bones, some small. No matter what your frame is, that is not a high weight, so you are not fat. My friend and I weighed the same and she was much fitter than me. She was very muscular, and I was more flabby.

No, I don't think your fat....your just fine...Don't worry about your weight too much, losing some and staying fit and active and in good physical shape is great and we all need to do it...however, it can turn to extremes really quick for someone your age. I'm 19 and when i was your age I was anorexic/bulimic and it lasted until about a year ago and it's still a struggle....anywayz, I have nerve damage in my legs from ''dieting'' and a lack of vitamins and minerals in my body cause terrible muscle pains quite often. So, what I'm tryin' to say is, don't worry about losing weight and if you really must just please don't take it to extremes...I wish i hadn't...But good luck with what ever you decide!!

If you are so concerned about your weight, talk to your doctor.

Also, don't be surprised if your weight doesn't change much. You will build muscle in different parts of your body than you did while you were in softball. Also you (and every other person who wants to lose weight) must remember that muscle weighs MORE than fat so, if your weight doesn't change it's not that you haven't lost inches, it's just that the fat has turned into muscle. But, honestly, your weight is fine.

Also, if you stop eating food with enough calories, you are going to tire more easily while running and you won't be able to keep up with the team. I would seriously talk to your doctor about what foods are best to keep your weight down and yet still give you enough energy to be able to run and work out with the team. Be sure to drink enough water or gatorate so you don't get dehyrated. Good luck.

no you are not fat. don't worry about it.

I think your weight is the appropriate weight for your height don't worry you are quite in proportion

Don't be ridiculous. You're perfect.


It says you're right in the middle of average. Therefore, you're perfect. Don't change a thing. :)

oh really
You sound like you are a good weight. Everyone's body is different. At your height, you should weigh between 105 - 140 and you are in that range. Just play sports and cut down on junk food.

john t
no dear you are just healthy dont worry

Hello I checked ur weigt on a BMI(Body Mass Index). U have a healthy weight. For a 14 who 5 foot 3 and is 122 pounds gosh people would die for the figure. The BMI says u r very healthy and should mantain that weight
Hope I helped

Sweetie, you sound perfectly healthy....weight wise. It's your mind I'm concerned about. You are only 14 years old & you are already stressing about weight. This is a bad sign & one you should not ignore. It's WRONG for you to join track just for the sake of losing more weight if you prefer softball. I'm guessing you are looking at the starving & anorexic skeleten looking girls on the covers of all the magazines & idolizing them. They are not healthy. If you try to get your body to look like theirs you are risking your life. Now is the time to go & be a kid. Have fun at whatever sport you choose. Hang out with your friends. You are placing WAY too much value on your weight and what others think of you. Be yourself. Be happy. Be positive. Be confident. Those are the most attractive features in anyone.

That's the truth.

no you are not fat

I wish there was law against asking this question....

Ok sweetie....according to my weight calculator, you are PERFECT! You can still be considered "perfect" with 6 more lbs on you....now...enjoy it! Even if you weighed 300 lbs and your face was covered with pimples you would still be perfect because that is how God made you. Go to your mirror every single morning and remind yourself that you are beautiful. Yes, even on the bad hair days. Your self worth is worth so much more than what people think of you. Be proud of who you are, and always remeber the 4 "be's"
1. Be proud of yourself
2. Be safe
3. Be smart
4. Be nice to people
These are the qualities that will make your inner beauty shine as much as your outer beauty. You are a good person and just need to remind yourself of that often.

My god. My are teenagers so worried about what their weight is?? No you are not fat. For your height - your weight is ideal.

Lil Gal
You're not fat, you're healthy. If you'd like, just stick with track like you mentioned and it will keep you toned, other than that your body is a great size.

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