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 Throbbing toothache!!?
i have really bad toothache and can't get an appointment at the dentist until next week. what can i do to relieve the pain? it keeps me awake most of the night and is driving me mad.please help....

 Is going to the dentist really that bad and scary???

 How do i get my enamel back in my teeth?
I've used so many whitestrips already that my teeth look transparente! Is there any toothpaste, mouthwash, or treatment I can use?...

 My dad said i might need a brace, what do you think? (pic included)?
They look fine to ...

 What happens if I use a whole box of crest white strips at one time?

Additional Details
I meant if i kept putting the strips on one after another not all of them on my teeth at one time....

 Do listerine whitening strips really work?
They are pretty expensive so I only want to pay money for them if they really do whiten. DO THEY REALLY NOTICEABLY WHITEN YOUR TEETH IN 2 WEEKS AS THE BOX STATES? thanks in advance!...

 When getting your wisdom teeth removed, do you have to go under Anesthesia or can they give you somthing else?
I'm a smoker and I'm afraid of what might happen.
I don't want to tell them im smoker because then my parents might find ...

 What can i do for a toothache painkillers aint workin!!!!?

 I cant afford to go to the dentist how do i get rid of a tooth pain?

 What will my dentist do if I have impacted wisdom teeth and no dental coverage till next year?
I am in a lot of pain. One of my impacted wisdom teeth is trying to erupt. My dental insurance will not cover anything until May of next year.

I am having a sharp, shooting pain in my head ...

 Are firm brissles on your toothbrush good for your gums?

 Anyone had 4 wisdom teeth pulled at once?
my dentist wants to pull all 4 at the same time while me being asleep... and alot of people are telling me not to have all 4 done at once...im so tired of them b.c they are messing with my tmj and ...

 Do you find hot dentists attractive ??
ok , i have like the cutest dentist ever. i do not know if he has a wedding ring , but i figure if i like him a lot. he will not think that.
i have always been scared to talk to him and ask ...

 What's the right sequence for flossing, brushing and mouthwash?
I'm wondering if there's a right or proper sequence for using dental floss, toothbrushing and using the mouthwash to get the most of them? Thanks!...

 An awful taste at the back of my throat and in my mouth?? how can i ge trid of this?
after a few beers on a saturday and sunday for the next 3-4 days i have a horrible taste in my mouth, what causes this and how do you get rid of this??...

 How do i sharpen my canine teeth?
i want them to be more ...

 What's wrong with my mouth?
My lips and the area around my mouth has been drying up for the past three days. It seems chafed and cracked and my entire mouth hurts and is almost numb with pain - i've tried lip balm, canola ...

 Braces-do u have to pull your teeth out??/?
my dentist said that i have go to the orthodontist and get braces.
i m only 12 and my teeth are really crooked. my sister even calls me a vampire. i asked my friends (who has braces..) and they ...

 Is the dentist reccommending unnecessary treatments?
I haven't been to the dentist in about 9 years (out of fear from the last visit). I reccently went and am being recommended to receive a debridement. When he showed me the x-rays, however, I ...

 What do you do to keep your teeth healthy?

My braces are cuting my inner cheeks what should i do??

go back to the doctor cause it well get brused and infected cause mine almost did.Some time they screw-up on your teeth.

Go to the orthodonist

When you first get them, your mouth is bound to go through some damage. Wax can help, but only for so long, so mostly you just have to suffer though it. Eventually the skin will get used to the braces. Oh... and try not to sleep on your face.

First, did you get wax from your orthodontist? if you didn't, phone them up and see if you can.

Second, if there not really CUTTING your mouth but just irritating it, your mouth will toughen up pretty quick and you won't notice it any more.

brown eyed girl
the orthodontist should have given you some wax in the little care package if they are a good a good orthodontist.

Gabriel D
oh that hella happened to me it cut real deep ya i know hurts when u lick it or eat stuff its probably because your wire is to long just tell ur dentist to cut it shorter if thats not if just let it be it will get better i know suxx sorry bout dat it will go sooN but may leave a big flab of the inner check that was cut kinda flapping nasty but i have it i doubt it will go

Edward L
Wax. They make some specially to be applied to braces. You can buy it at any drug store. I used it when I had braces and the wax was a lifesaver!

U can get dental wax to cover the brackets to prevent that from happening

Get some wax from your dentist.

Go back to your dentist or orthodontist & ask them for some wax. They have little packages of dentist wax you can put over the part that's rubbing against your cheek (ouch!). Your wires might be too long, too, they can cut those for you.

When I had braces they gave me this little container of wax to put on the braces if they were cutting my mouth. You should ask your orthodontist about this problem and see what he/she suggests. That problem went away after a couple months after my mouth got used to them being in there.

the ortho should have given you a wax to cover the sharp edges of the braces to avoid this.

Use wax, your dentist should have given you some.

Orthodontic wax. If you don't have any from your orthodontist, they sell it in drug stores.

go see your dentist.......... duh

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