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 How would i know if i had punctured my lung?
last night i was running, i came back, and going in hte house, i sometimes press into my belly ( like 2 inches below the breasts ) , and it was pretty hard pressing, so that it hurt. i mena not a ...

 I sprained my ankle and fracture my fibula bone but just a hairline fracture.?
I was wondering I have been told by my job and other people that the docter should have either put a boot or a cast on me because of the fracture because I could injure it more. My docter sent me ...

 What Can I Do To Break/Fracture/Sprain My Wrist That Won’t Hurt A Lot When I Do Hurt It?
Thanks!!! I'm an almost 16 year old girl if that matters.
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i know it would hurt a lot, i don't really care! and i'm not stupid. i have reasons i'm ...

 Are you clumsy?
i am, i fall sometimes, i always walk into things, what is it you do that makes you clumsy....

 I got Burned on my arm?
I gor Burned on my arm at this mexican place and the plate was hot i was grabing my drink and my arm touch it so how can i treat the burned?
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I use ...

 I've got 24 bruises on my legs but don't no how I got them! They don't hurt........?? :S?

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No smudge, I wasn't drunk, i'm only 13! :P...

 I hurt my leg 6 months ago and and it still hurts. There's a GAP in my leg where muscle used to be.?
I give up. I tried everything. I went to a doctor and she told me to take 4 asprins a day for a week...nothing. I then went to physical therapy...nothing. But then I started walking on my own about 4 ...

 Can I claim personal injury compensation in case of broken leg while doing Motocross experience race?
I've broken my leg on 21st Aug while falling off the motocross bike on a muddy and slippery track. Nobody's fault, purely loosing control when landing after the jump. as far as I'm ...

 My boyfriend just came in my eye WHAT DO I DO???
Help it hurts and it is all red and i look like Quazimoto. not kidding. What do I do?...

 Have you ever had a very serious injury?
have you ver had a really serius injury? please tell me? please tell full story of wat happened? what bone did you break? did you even break a bone? did you go too the hospital?

just ...

 How long will it take for my toenail to grow back?
Okay, so heres the thing... I was playing soccer and some obese girl stomped on my foot. It hurt really bad, when I got home I took off all my stuff and my toe really hurt. In the next few days my ...

 Have you ever rode in a ambulance? If so for what?
I have a couple of times one last year when I flipped backwards over my pool trying to catch a ball and wacked my head on a rock and fence. It was a 4 foot fall. I remeber when I was in the ambulance ...

 Who cuts rings off your finger when they become too tight?

 I tore my ankle ligiments 6 months ago and im still in pain what should i do?

 Is my ankle broken?
it is swoolen and is very painful to the touch!!! help ...

 Colar Bone Break??
how long does it take for a Colar Bone to heal after being broken?...

 After sustaining a herniated disc in the lower back, how long does it take for pain to radiate down the leg?
I have 2 herniated discs in my back (L5/S1, L4). I've been injured w/o specific treatment for the discs for a year. It took 3 1/2 months for pain to go from my back to my leg (w/glute and hip ...

 How do you know?
How do you know when a puncture wound is getting infected? Be specific......

 Is there a difference between a "fractured bone" and a "broken bone"? Or can they be used synonymously?
Please list reference... Thanks a bunch....

 Has anyone ever been to a&e; and then felt better?
i did it earlier after smashing into a tree on a swing!..i was sure i'd smashed my pelvis and had done internal damage but apparently i've just bruised it!!i feel like i wasted everyones ...

Broken toe??
Do i have a broken toe??
it's swolen
i loose my balance after a minute
it's numb
i cant move it
its bruised after 3 minutes
so is it broken or sprained or jammed???? i need to know!!! oh yea its hard to walk. im putting ice on it but it hurts really bad i cant stand it. ok well yea thts it plz tell me!!!! well i can move it a little but it feels really weird and it doesnt bend like my other toe does its weird oh yea i did it trying to make a dance 4 youtube so plz help thx!!!

It is better to see the doctor and they might tell u about it.

Omg...lets see the Youtube clip...i can tell you if i see it in instant replay.

Sounds broke. I've broken toes many times.
There is nothing a Dr. can do for you, so don't waste your time or money going. Tape the broken toe to the toe or toes around it to keep it from moving. Keep it elevated and stay off of it as mush as possible for the next week. Use crutches if you have to. Take ibuprofen for pain and swelling. You should be able to walk on it in about a week and feel close to normal in about 2 weeks.

There is little that you can do about a broken toe except ice it, tape it to another toe much like a splint, and try and stay off of it.

So, regardless of your injury, you really just have to deal with how bad it feels.

If you go to the doctor, they will probably say the same thing, but it's always worth it to make sure you didn't fracture your foot as well and you can get some medication to help with the pain.

kellie r
its broke tape it to the next toe to keep it straight

Ive been a dancer for more than 10 years. Im15, and i can tell you i know about broken toes. =) You probably jammed it, fractured or it even broke it. Its hard to say, but all you can do it give it time. Ive gone to the doctor and hell tell you to stay off of it, for about 3 weeks. No high heel shoes, Flats work as well. If you are a stubborn dancer though like me, you tape it to the toe to the left or right of it to keep it straight while moving so it doesnt bend. Sorry about your toe. I Have one right now and i have to go dance on it. I hope i helped and i totally feel for you. =)

sounds like its broke tape it to the toe next to it to keep it from moving stay off of it for a few days and take ibuprophen for swelling

miss schocking le schlonk
I think I may have broken or fractured some bone somewhere under my little left toe or the toe next to it. I've been told by a friend who once broke their toe that there is nothing you can do except strap it to the next toe and wait for it to heal. I have cut a foam pedicure toe separator (see the pic in the link below) to support my two toes while I wear shoes and sandals. It's worked very well. I can now walk around without it hurting and the toes are being kept in place without pressure being put on them. So now it is getting a chance to heal.

Unless the doctor says your toe needs special treatment give this a try!


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